Calories, Calories, Calories

I was wondering, when it comes to calories in does anyone have just really off days? Not off days where you eat a lot but off days where nothing seems good, or you just aren't hungry? It seems like once a week I struggle to get towards my goal (I have a large goal of 2210 because I have a bit of weight to lose and so I know I might not eat THAT everyday so I try to atleast eat between 1600-1800 a day even when not super hungry) I just don't understand why this is.

I do know that I didn't gain weight from eating little amounts of food, I gained weight from eating junk (which I still eat but consciously) and from eating a lot of the times when I wasn't hungry. But it seems now if I listen to hunger signals that sometimes they are just way off.

Thanks for reading and posting, just wondering if its a normal thing to have occur! Plus there are the other days where I am famished and it never seems like enough food!!


  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    This can sometimes happen when someone who is not a huge overeater .. but eats junk transitions to healthy food which is often less calorie dense. And more nutritious. People who eat for the joy of it like me tend never to be full. Just be careful. As sometimes you can just be too busy to feel hungry and you will just get ravenous later and eat 10 burgers and the cardboard they came in.

    There really is no huge reason to eat if you just aren't hungry though.
  • ElizIvory
    ElizIvory Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks :) It throws me because I love food! I married a chef for heavens sake! LOL But just there are some days where I go " just sounds so...bleh" :P or where I feel full all day, but it is nice to know it does happen!!
  • madiao
    madiao Posts: 119 Member
    I get this too!! Often when there is nothing specific to make for dinner, my partner and I end up just wandering around the supermarket being the most indecisive people! Nothing seems apetising even though it will have been nearly 8 hours since last eating.. So usually I would be hungry but I just don't feel like eating anything. Good to know other people feel like it too some times :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If you've been eating at a calorie deficit for a long time (which I guess you have based on a 57 lb loss), hunger signals can become skewed. Just because you don't feel hungry it does not mean your body does not need food so try to get those calories in.

    Aim for more calorie dense foods if you're not hungry, such as avocado, nuts and oils to help get those calories in.