Dieting sucks!

I decided to journal my thoughts via blog. I just need to express myself without feeling like I'm being watched. In the past, I have told family/friends (for support, haha) and then get comments like: "is that on your diet?" "how much weight have you lost?" . . .you know what I'm sayin. So if you're interested, copy and paste.


  • WEN575
    WEN575 Posts: 34
    I haven't told my family and friends (except my husband) I am losing weight, they will know when I am thinner! I find it more motivational that I will surprise everyone by losing the weight. Good luck to you. Keep at it!
  • Capucine72
    Same for me. Haven't told anyone except for my kids and husband.:tongue:
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    They actually say not telling your family and closest friends is the best way to go. Because then you feel like you have "food police" everywhere and you tend to hide food and binge more often. Where as if you just go with the flow, people aren't hounding you all the time.

    I added you to my blog, feel free to follow me as well.
  • Samana06
    Samana06 Posts: 107
    The only people I've told is my mom, my boyfriend and my closest friends (we're in it together!)
  • chunk3y_m0nk3y
    Im always told I dont need to lose weight but when ur over weight and u feel disgusted with urself ur going to want to lose weight. I dont tell any 1 im losing weight except for my husband and my children. My husband supports me even tho he doesnt believe I need to lose weight. He says I had kids and its understandable to have some extra weight cuz of that but to me its not ok. No 1 understands where u r coming from unless they have been there so I dont tell any 1. I look at it like this. Its not a diet. Its a life style change that will be with us for life. We CAN do this!!
  • ZekeandKyliesMom
    ZekeandKyliesMom Posts: 71 Member
    I didn't tell my family either and my DH has specific instructions to not say a word to me or my family about it. I have my accountability partner and myfitnesspal to help keep me in line.

    I wish I could say that I wanted to suprise my family I don't, I just don't want the negative feedback from them and trust me there would be plenty starting with OMG you weigh how much?!? Not something I need.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I really know the feeling. I started 1 year ago on MFP and lost 34 pounds. Then I gained a lot of it back over the holidays. I got back on track january 1st and plan to stick with it. I just started buying healthier foods at the store and really only told 1 friend and my Husband that i am back to eating right and trying to lose this weight because they are supportive and dont nitpick or say anything if I mess up here or there. I felt so much pressure from everyone the last time that i am keeping it low key this time. It was like everyone thinks they are helping when they point out that something isnt on your diet but in the end it is more of a hinderance than a help.

    I am right there with you!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I told people day 1 when I made the decision to start and exercise program (P90X). I figured I didn't want to fail, and the more people that knew, the more people that I would be embarassed to tell that I gave up.

    In otherwords, telling people is great for accountability. It worked for me, on Round 4 of P90X now. Unsupportive people? I don't have time for them.
  • tatwood106
    I told people, but this is MY decision, MY journey, for MY reasons, so ultimately I don't give a damn what they think or say, I'm not doing it for them, I'm doing it for me!!

    That probably sounds angry, its not really, just determined. I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago, I didn't do it so I could become a fat slob. I did it so I could be healthy; and that is why I'm doing this, for me.

    Good Luck to you!!!!
  • cyndi101
    I've been keeping my 'dieting journal' in facebook...using the lockout option. I am the only one who can see it. But it really helps me vent and keep up with my feelings or whatever. I love the lock out option on facebook and it Does work. I have told a few people around town about my weight loss goals but alot of them are on the same page with me, because alot of us have joined a Biggest Loser Contest at a local health club. Still, I do Not feel comfortable posting everything about this 'journey' on facebook for the world to see...which is why I am so glad I found this site:smile: ...I can brag in here or whatever I need to do and you guys are supportive...which I appreciate
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    you know what, it has undermined my efforts for a long time. finally, people listened when I told them that I needed their support and if I wanted their opinion I would ask for it; otherwise it just undermines you. They literally had to see me fail several times before they connected the dots. I know it's blamey and all but it's true, people will undermine your success with their uneducated attempts to help. They will learn and hopefully you will not suffer too much in the process. stay strong as possible and remember your reasons for changing your body, and hopefully that wil see you through as it has me this time. of course, my friends and family learned, so that has helped enormously.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I've told everyone.
    even the kids I teach.
    I'm accountable then.
    And it's working.
    People are being very supportive. I suppose I'm lucky.
    Good luck all.