New to my fitness pal

Hi everyone!

I'm Rachelle, I'm a mother to my beautiful 13 month old boy - Tyson. I have a horrible time sticking to diets/workout plans. I stay motivated for a week or so and then seem to give up. I hope that this site will help me keep my motivation and will to do better.

I constantly feel sluggish and have low energy. I feel bad for my son because some days I don't even feel like going out to the park. I want that all to change!

Can't wait to hear from some other people who have gone through this and have made the positive change!


  • wennysan
    I am constantly fighting with my weight and food... I am trying my hardest to get in shape and I wish everyone else good luck... it's so hard but with friends and a support network it can happen!

    I added you as a friend :)
  • Pullwench
    Welcome to the group and if you are looking for motiviation you have come to the right place!! If you ever feel yourself starting to slip, take a look at the success stories in the forums. It always gives me a refill of motivation.

    My fiance' and I are looking to have children shortly after we marry later this year, which is a large reason why we are trying to live a more healthier lifestyle. We want to grow old with each other and be able to keep up with out little rugrats. If they are anything like my little niece (18 months), we have our work cut out for us!

    Feel free to add me.
  • fitmamaoftwins
    welcome, im told that im great motivation.... so feel free to add me if you need any help. I love helping others achieve their weight loss goal!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    of topic but wlksanford I love your eyes they just jumped right out of the picture at me,very beautiful!

    Back on topic Im also a mom to a very active 3 yr old just try to keep pushing through working out and eating healthy and you will have way more energy.I know ive been there
  • Finoner
    Today is just the beginning but I Calculated my own recipes for which I will use for dinner, So I am actually getting an accurate Total of daily intake!!! I really like this option!!!
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    Welcome to MFP, and I think you will find this site very helpful. I have been through a lot of the same things you are going through. I lost count on how many times I have been on a diet and exercise program only to give in after a week or two. The one thing I have found that has helped me tremendously, and trust me I still have a long road ahead, is a person can almost certainly fail when they think of what they are doing as a diet, think of it more as a life style change to a better you. I think you will find it gets you further than thinking of it as a diet. The next thing don't completely deprive yourself of a treat every once in a while. When I do this I tend to fall off the wagon, so to speak, a whole lot quicker. I have found I am more apt to stick to it if I am treating myself every now and then, but don't over due it. MFP definitely gives you all the tools and support you need to succeed. Good luck to you, I wish you the best on your journey!
  • rachellec90
    Thanks everyone!
  • Christa61183
    Hey! I just joined fitness pal and I already love it! Someone referred me to it today! I have been dieting now for almost a month and I have already lost 16 pounds!!!!! I have a lot to go but glad I have this support group to help! :)
  • cyndi101
    Read, Read, Read...invest in some magazines like Weight Watchers and Prevention. They are full of fitness and nutritional info, tips, success stories and recipes. You will be surprised at how much just reading those things can get you motivated and moving in the right direction...least it worked for me. Plus, stay in here with us. I have found the people in here to be Gr8 motivators, too. You can add me as a friend b/c I know I need all the motivation I can get, too.