Divorce and Weight Loss or Gain



  • lcfrog1
    I initially lost weight in the first year, but then in the 7 years since my weight slowly snuck upwards 20 pounds...over the 20 I was carrying back then...I want to lose 30-40 and have lost 5 so far.

    Now I have freedom from being a crazy busy single mom who was always in the car driving kids to activities - so i am making changes to focus on me for once. Taking myself to the gym and some photography classes have me feeling great and happy. I am changing habits slowly but they are sticking...yesterday I was totally stressed and had a salad instead of the burger I was craving, then instead of curling up on the couch and turning to TV - I went to a hard work-out class at the gym and found it helped me mentally - more than sitting on the couch. So I keep going one day at a time and when I feel like quitting I find a different reason to keep going...
    The devastation of divorce will never leave me, the betrayal of a cheating husband will also never leave, but I don't have to ever live with that again :)
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    I just got served papers in January ("irreconcilable differences"). I gained 15-20 pounds from comfort eating. Got back on MFP in June and got back down to my goal weight.

    Divorce sucks, and it's a tough time emotionally. Weight loss/gain was the last thing on my mind for months. I don't blame anyone for gaining/losing while they deal with that.