Ran 5 minutes without stopping!!!!

OMG, I can’t believe it!
I decided to become a runner last week. So, last Saturday, I went to the gym, I was using Couch to 2k. I don’t know how, but I knew it was too much for me. I knew if I kept doing that I would stop, because it was too hard.

The next day, I also found out through Google and YouTube about Shin Splints because on day two I had to stop because of this pain in my front leg that I knew could not be normal. The people at planet fitness suggested I go buy a new pair of running shoes. I got my first pair of Ascis running shoes on Sunday.

On Monday, I didn’t get any Shin Splints and I got further than I ever had. I also realize I need a sports bra because my girls were everywhere. Didn’t reach my goal of one mile that day either.

On Tuesday, I was able to get even further with my running shoes and my new sports bra, but I still did not reach my one mile goal, it was just too hard. And also I decided that I wanted to run in the mornings because less people and I wouldn’t look so crazy coming in the gym and then leaving 10 mins later. Lol.

On Wednsday, at 4:20am on my way to the gym, I decided that I may need to decrease my goal and just try to do 0.5 of a mile because I notice that after that I’m pretty much done. So start there and increase it. My goal for that day was to run as long as I could and stop at 0.5. I was able to run for 3 mins and I completed my 0.5 at 10:02. I also realize my breathing is a problem for me so I went home after work, got on youtube and found away to breathe that would help me and I thought was pretty good.

On Thursday, I ran my 0.5 but it was horrible. The breathing exercise was awesome and worked like a charm but my time increased and I realized it was my fault because I was too concerned about my stupid Iphone and the music. I can’t even tell yall how long it took, lol, its was just that bad.

On Friday or today, I was like, “Forget my Iphone!” All I had to focus on was my breathing and my legs hurting of course. I was able to run 5 mins without stopping with the breathing technique I found. I do believe I could have kept going but I was so excited, I nearly jumped off the treadmill. I stopped, did a little victory dance, got back on and completed the 0.5. I stopped running for 90 seconds and finish the rest out in a little under 8 mins. I know I will be able to do 0.5, it was almost easy today. I was just so excited I wanted to call my mom and tell her. She about cursed me out when I called her at 5am. I didn’t realize the time honestly, just really wanted to tell somebody at that moment. I’m so excited you guys!!! Going to start a video blog!

Question: I have ran 7 days straight but as you can tell it hasn’t been much, is it ok if I continue to run because I’m so excited I want to keep this going, or should I stop? Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be my resting days. If its best for me to stop, is it ok to rest for one day instead of resting for two days? Please advise because I just wanna run. New goal complete 0.5 without stopping and then go up to 0.75!


  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member

    I'm a graduate of C25K myself--it really does work if you follow the program. 3 Days a week, doing the intervals suggested.
  • SalQOG
    SalQOG Posts: 18 Member
    Congratulations , I hope I can achieve that some day
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    That's awesome!!!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    that is huge. It's not easy. Jogging/Running for one minute is big, let alone 5 minutes.

  • alyssareyans
    alyssareyans Posts: 88 Member
    Congratulations! I started running a few months ago using C25K. I don't run fast but I run :)

    I don't know if you were a runner or if you were doing an exercise program or not but I would suggest a slower pace just to avoid injury. Especially if you were not running or exercising before you started. The usual increase is only 10% from the previous week. If you do the run/walk you'll be able to get farther and build your endurance and not get injured. I'm definitely NOT an expert but I know I have to follow a very strict training plan just to avoid injury. Also including rest days to help yourself recover.
  • Thanks guys and I guess I should clarify, mine was more of a jog, not running by a long shot, at least not yet anyways! It's crazy how something this small makes me feels so accomplished and so confident. I been walking around at work like I'm the ish, lol, this feels so amazing I can't wait to knock goals out the park! No such thing as quitting, so all I can do is BETTER! Week 2 here I come!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    First: Congratulations!!! You're a STUD!!!

    Second: 2 rest days are great, but I'm not sure I'd do 2 rest days in a row. Try making one of your rest days something like a Wednesday.

    Third: I think it's killer that you're so excited you want to keep running. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you're doing just fine, and if you want to keep going this weekend, by all means. Keep going for it. Just remember to gauge your body, and how it feels. If it starts hurting, then a rest day may be in order. You may want to pay close attention to your knees.

    Fourth: I wish you well as you discover the joys of running. It really is so very much fun! I hope as you improve, you're able to get outdoors and run, too. There's nothing like running in this great big world of ours. It helps shake off the boredom that comes with always running on a treadmill.

    Fifth: Getting new shoes is a brilliant idea. BRILLIANT!!! As you go farther with your running adventures, you may want to check into other running gear, like wicking clothes, or even a garmin watch. Hey - you're a runner now. You may as well look the part.

    Enjoy yourself, and your running adventures. I wish you great luck, happiness, and health.
  • Congratulations on becoming a runner! How exciting :smile:

    If you want to run and feel like running on your days off, go for it. Just be careful not to do too much, too quickly. That's how injuries and demotivation can happen.
  • Where is the like button I want to like the things you all are saying in can't thanks for the comments!

  • Fourth: I wish you well as you discover the joys of running. It really is so very much fun! I hope as you improve, you're able to get outdoors and run, too. There's nothing like running in this great big world of ours. It helps shake off the boredom that comes with always running on a treadmill.

    Fifth: Getting new shoes is a brilliant idea. BRILLIANT!!! As you go farther with your running adventures, you may want to check into other running gear, like wicking clothes, or even a garmin watch. Hey - you're a runner now. You may as well look the part.

    Enjoy yourself, and your running adventures. I wish you great luck, happiness, and health.

    Thanks for the comment I appreciate it! Definitely motivation!
  • zenabby
    zenabby Posts: 24 Member
    Gosh, that is so exciting. I am trying to do this myself, but with most of the days in a regular gym doing regular group exercises, I'm not sure how to make progress. Congratulations to you - this post has made me want to try again.

    What was the breathing video you tried?

  • What was the breathing video you tried?

    I'm at work now, but promise to post it when I get home on this Thread. @Zenabby, can you check back after 5PM EST and it will be here.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    Congratulations! I know what an achievement it is. Well done!!

    I was never a runner, until a couple of years ago. I injured my knee, and had to start walking again. I went from walking to running on my Kangoo Jumps, and now run around 3-6 miles a day.

    A friend introduced me to Zombies, Run! app, which I find really motivating.

  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Way to go! I'm on Week 6 Day 1 today of C25K. I hope week can be buddies. Best wishes.:happy:
  • Way to go! I'm on Week 6 Day 1 today of C25K. I hope week can be buddies. Best wishes.:happy:

    Yes add me here and we will go from there, I need all the friends and motivation in this arena that I can get!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Congrats on 5 minutes. that is a big accomplishment!!! I finished the C25k program. I really liked that program. It helps build up your running base slowly and helped me avoid injury. Rest days are important. Running is stressful on your body and it needs rest to build up and become stronger.

    Good running shoes make all the difference. So do good running socks that wick away moistures so your feet don't blister.
    Happy Running
  • JupeJones
    JupeJones Posts: 107 Member
    Awesome! Congrats!

    Yes, you should have some rest days where you either don't run at all, or just walk (at this point). The resting is when your body starts rebuilding/strengthening itself, so those days off are important!

    I also think you might be running too fast, given your description. Do you know about the "talk test"? Read this: http://www.runnersworld.com/running-tips/speak-easy

    Anyhoo... good luck and keep up the great work!!!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I started running a few months ago. I remember the first time I did that .5 without stopping! I was SO excited too!! I did follow the c25k for the first few weeks. Now I have run 2 5k's and regularly run 2.5-3.5 miles 3 times a week. THE BEST piece of advice I got during this process is to SLOW DOWN your pace as you try to go further distances. It's okay if you run that .5 at a 13 minute pace. The more you do it, the faster you will be. A month ago I was running 12.5 minute miles, and now I am running 11's. It takes time to work up to that. I'm shooting for 10's by the end of October. Right now I'm trying to increase speed, not distance.

    If you decide to run outside (which I prefer), try using an app like Runkeeper. It really helps you gauge your pace and distance :)

    Good luck to you and I love your enthusiasm for running! :flowerforyou:
  • When I warm up, I do 3.5/m and when I begin jogging I do 4.2, it seems fine to me, is that to fast?

  • If you decide to run outside (which I prefer), try using an app like Runkeeper. It really helps you gauge your pace and distance :)

    Good luck to you and I love your enthusiasm for running! :flowerforyou:

    My goal is to definitely run outdoors but I want to at least be able to do 2 miles on the treadmill before I hit the pavement. Lol, my confidence is not there yet for running outside. But can't wait until I can, and who knew work out clothes are so cute. I'm in love with running gear. I found a new hobby, scratch that, a new way of life. SUPER EXCITED!
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