
agoessli Posts: 81 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I had tendinitis in my knee back in October after working out regularly for the first time in years. Now I have started again and my knee is starting to get sore! What do I do? I really need to exercise to get healthy and meet my weight loss goals! Please help!


  • Jacpin
    Jacpin Posts: 17

    I have a similiar problem with my rt foot (tendon damage then broke) and knee.

    I have series problem with treadmills but the bike and for some reason some ellipticals dont bother it. You may also need to spend some time warming that knee up. Light stretches and bends.

    Sorry it hurts though, that pain really really sucks!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I would try iceing it a couple times a day. Unfortunately your going to have to rest up until it heals or your going to make it much worse and it will take that much longer for it to heal. I understand you want to exercise and you still can, just find exercises that are not joint bearing like swimming or upper body resistance. Try and be more dilligant about what your eating and not worry so much about the exercise until your better, you will still lose weight if your eating the correct amount of calories. I hope you feel better soon. Good luck and stay off the knee if possible!
  • am_last10lbs
    am_last10lbs Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! Also new to the site!

    I would try doing exercise that is low impact on your knees, such as swimming. As you lose weight, your knee should be able to take more impact.

    Hope that helps!

  • cathych
    cathych Posts: 19 Member
    I am a nurse, I also busted my knee in a car accident. Problems with your knees are no laughing matter. I agree that you need to find a good swimming acrobics class. They are everywhere now. You can also find classes that are easy on the knees, like pilates. I would stay away from weights and walking fast. They will only irritate. Use an ellipitical, it works wonders. If you are achy at the end of the day, sit in a very hot bath with epsom salts in it, and use a thema care heat wrap to sleep with.
  • Nelle914
    Nelle914 Posts: 13 Member
    Instead of working out so hard, why don't you try yoga? I have almost the same problem. I don't have a miniscus in one of my knees so my bones grind when I walk. Im doing yoga instead of work out dvds and walking or riding a bike.
  • RICE!! (rest, ice, compress, and elevate)!!! From my HS sporting days ha ha that is what I say..and make sure you are stretching and doing a good warm up... and doing some weights not heavy but strength training can have a very positive impact on tendon strength... having good shoes help too..I went to Lincoln Running and they watch how you walk and give you a perfect fit! They might be a bit pricier but it really does help I get no more shin splints!! And let’s see...maybe use a knee brace if you have one...that could help but I would not do heavy lifting or a vigorous work out either..Just take it easy for a couple days and always RICE!!
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