How often do you weigh in?



  • runeatrunlive
    runeatrunlive Posts: 79 Member
    I weigh myself every Friday morning before I shower. I don't really feel the need to stand on the scales anymore often than that as when I've tried it previously the little fluctuations started to annoy me!!

    In terms of measurements I don't own a tape measure but what I've done is the past is tried on a dress that I know is tigh fitting on me and check to see whether it has got any looser. It really helps with motivation when the scales aren't showing a loss!
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member

    great ideas! I kind of try to do that but I need to more. I picked wednesdays because it's the middle of the week so I can't blame it on dehydration from weekend activities (I don't drink that much but when I do it's usually when I am exploring and walking a lot haha) first thing in the am, in the same clothes. or before a shower or something. and I think I need to find a good outfit to measure by, ( I generally wear lose fitting clothes) maybe I will just draw marks on my belt :) Measuring myself isn't so bad right now because I need my neck, waist and butt and (always measure on the left side!) the tape kinda sits in all those spots. But I am definitely going to get help for my starting measurement! Thanks everyone!

    I would do measurements and weigh ins naked!

    I measure and weigh first thing in the morning after I pee..and naked.

  • xMaryEllenx
    xMaryEllenx Posts: 11 Member
    Ditto! Weekly weigh in, often with a cheat sneak peek. However, rather than feel discouraged when I do not see what I hope for, I use the information to drive a little harder. Measurements I do monthly as well.
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    I rarely weight myself, and I don't measure. My clothes are my scale! I've weighed myself recently in the past month twice simply because I went to the Dr. and they insist! :-/ I find the scale depressing if I don't weigh what my 'goal weight' is.

    my only problem with clothes is I don't have any clothes that fit perfect now, and lycra stretches clothes out, cotton shrinks, and things get messed up anyway. That's why I'm thinking marking my belt may help.

    So far what I have from this is, Weekly weigh in, after I wake up, pee and am naked, pre-shower. preferably mid-week. monthly tape, with help, and marking my belt :)
  • melissay28
    melissay28 Posts: 100 Member
    I measure around my belly button, hips and thigh. Those are the places I "care" about seeing a change the most. I know you can't spot lose but those areas I am most self conscious about.
  • jmculp
    every friday for me...if i let myself get to worked up i will step on the scale like 3 times a day so that not good.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I recommend daily weigh-ins, with a huge caveat: you need to do some math to find the difference between your actual weight loss and the daily fluctuations, which are much larger.

    Your weight fluctuates depending on water, salt, and fiber intake, and other factors having nothing to do with calories. Using an exponentially smoothed moving average can help you filter out the noise and focus on the trend, as John Walker explains in "The Hacker's Diet" ( The chapter on "The Rubber Bag" explains, briefly, the source of these fluctuations. The chapter on "Signal and Noise" explains how some simple math can filter them out. Walker explains how to do the math, but you can also set up a free account on his server to do it for you, or use a service like Beeminder or

    If you're going to be all "OMG! I'm bloated!" if you see the number go up by 2 lbs. from one day to the next, then daily weigh-ins aren't for you. Personally, I'm not bothered, because it's the trend that matters. Once I'm at maintenance, in a month or two, I'll continue, so I'll have an early warning system if my weight starts creeping up again.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I'm also an every day-er. But I don't get discouraged, it helps me to know that there are ups and downs. Also, it's helped me time my TOM. If I go up 5 pounds one day? I know it's time to be prepared!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    First forty pounds lost - no scale, didn't weigh in.

    Since I bought the scale - daily, sometimes more.

    I'm hooked on weighing now, but there is a LOT to be said for just losing without it. :)
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I weigh in almost daily. I like to keep track of my trends and fluctuations and make connections (oh that day I spiked because of this, so I need to watch out for that). It was hard but it really gives a nice graph to look at.
  • bethany_91
    Weigh in and tape measure once a month.
  • js8181
    js8181 Posts: 178 Member
    Every day. It's sort of a compulsion. Dunno if I'd recommend it.
  • BookofJarom
    BookofJarom Posts: 14 Member
    Morning, night, and sometimes during the day. It's fascinating to see the fluctuations based on what I've eaten, how much water I've had, etc. Sometimes I can even predict what I will weigh before I step on the scale.

    It's also fun to see how much my weight decreases during the night.

    I'm such a nerd. :glasses:
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    I measure around my belly button, hips and thigh. Those are the places I "care" about seeing a change the most. I know you can't spot lose but those areas I am most self conscious about.

    I measure my neck, waist, butt because that's how you determine body fat % but I also measure my gut and chest for comparison. I can't wait to not have a gut haha!
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    I weigh in on Sundays mostly.
  • TheGuyBro
    I weigh myself once a week. I found that weighing myself more than that is mentally draining, especially when you see a gain even though you know it's a daily fluctuation.
  • Triplestep
    Triplestep Posts: 239 Member
    I measure my neck, waist, butt because that's how you determine body fat % but I also measure my gut and chest for comparison. I can't wait to not have a gut haha!
    This is something I actually might try because I might be able to be consistent. But I gave up on measuring because I obsessed too much over whether or not I was actually hitting the same places on my arm, thigh, chest, etc, each time. I couldn't measure progress, or trust my results.

    This time around I'm not even weighing myself. I may start to at some point, but I also found that to be very discouraging, especially if I had what I thought was a good week and the scale did not agree. For now I'm just going by the way my clothes fit (including the ones I hope to fit into again!) my energy level and stamina. All NSVs. :)
  • happyapathy
    I weigh myself daily and write it on a paper in front of the scale, but only put it on MFP once a week. I also measure once a week, on the same day as my MFP weigh-in. I like having the information.

    At the end of the month, when my paper is filled in, I put it on a spreadsheet to see the overall trend.
  • ctraise
    Must admit daily. Just want to know if I have gone down. Keeps me motivated. If it moves the wrong way, I work harder that day
  • cynthiamm67
    cynthiamm67 Posts: 52 Member
    I weigh daily and measure periodically. I love having the data to look at, but my measurements are really inconsistent ( unless a body really does fluctuate by inches???). I have a machine for bMI and body fat, I do that about once a week.