Tummy aches w/ workouts???

Jess0218 Posts: 138
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, sorry to sound like a wuss:ohwell: but im really interested to know if anyone at all gets upset stomachs after intense cardio workouts? I drink tons of water before and after and wonder if that could be doing it or if in fact as my husband jokingly says "im allergic to excercise"? :laugh: anyways, maybe it's cuz I wasnt hittin it hard core up until here recently and my body is not used to it? IDK? but any tips anyone uses to help w/ this, would love to know. :smile: thanks.


  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    yes everyday,thats why i dont eat before i workout ,helps alot.:bigsmile:
  • Are you eating too close to the time of your workout??

    If I eat ANYTHING before working out, I will be completely sick to my stomach. It's not so bad when I'm doing a strength workout, but I cannot do cardio. I used to workout in the evenings after work around 5:30 and I had to stop eating by 3pm at the latest or I would be sick. Now that I work closer to home, I workout in the morning on an empty stomach and I don't have that problem.

    If you are one of those people that has to eat before working out, make sure it's nothing more than a banana or something and avoid any kind of high fiber energy bar. Otherwise, try not eating at least 2 hours before your workout.

    Edited: I also just read that you drink lots of water BEFORE your workout.. that would definitely make me sick during an intense cardio session. I cannot eat or drink ANYTHING before or during my workout. Just make sure you're adding that water back in throughout the rest of the day!
  • I only do when I have pushed a little bit passed my limit. Everyone has a limit to how much their body can do. Maybe tone it down a little bit, either not go as hard, or not go as long, and see if it helps any. Your body needs to adjust the right way so your not hurting yourself more than helping.
    But working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach helps alot with that to. If you have to have something to give you that little bit of energy drink some water/green tea and eat something small like a banana or an apple.
    Good Luck!!!!
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Thank you ladies....i usually dont eat anything but I def drink water before workouts...and maybe I will just not push so hard til my stamina is built back up and stuff? But thanks so much for your tips :)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Empty stomach works best for me and not much water either. I hydrate up to an hour before because I generally don't do hard cardio in the morning. Also, if i'm push my heart rate until I hit my what I call my "puke point", (usually up around 183 or so) which doesn't happen too often, I can get queasy. I just wait a minute and it usually feels better. Hubby feels queasy sometimes and I recommend he keep an apple close by. When he starts to feel yuck he takes a minute, takes a bite and then he feels better and he can keep going. You aren't a wuss! You just have to figure out what works best for you! When I started everyone told me, "peanut butter toast! banana!" Those are the two things sure to make me sick.

    If it's your stamina, just keep taking breaks. 1 or 2 minute breaks to let your heart rate come down and then you can keep going.
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Empty stomach works best for me and not much water either. I hydrate up to an hour before because I generally don't do hard cardio in the morning. Also, if i'm push my heart rate until I hit my what I call my "puke point", (usually up around 183 or so) which doesn't happen too often, I can get queasy. I just wait a minute and it usually feels better. Hubby feels queasy sometimes and I recommend he keep an apple close by. When he starts to feel yuck he takes a minute, takes a bite and then he feels better and he can keep going. You aren't a wuss! You just have to figure out what works best for you! When I started everyone told me, "peanut butter toast! banana!" Those are the two things sure to make me sick.

    If it's your stamina, just keep taking breaks. 1 or 2 minute breaks to let your heart rate come down and then you can keep going.

    Thanks girl! I def have been pushin and my HR is about 187 to 190. It's been over an hour now and im just able to nibble on saltines. I dont really eat anything before either, just drinking water and stuff so maybe it's just pushin to hard? I will be sure to cut up some apples and try that tip you shared w/ your hubby. :)
  • jas001
    jas001 Posts: 10 Member
    I found that water mixed with a tiny bit of gatorade helped with the whole feeling cruddy part. Protein bars also helped when ate 30-60 minutes before workout.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Completely agree about hydration. Spread out what you are drinking a bit more before and after your work out.

    Take it easy on eating. You can still have a banana or something light though...the potassium might help if cramping is an issue. Eating too much too close to exercise is the most common cause of side stitches.

    I occasionally feel shaky after a good workout, but I have only felt sick twice. Both times it was at the end of races where I set PR's. Nothing wrong with pushing yourself, just be careful.
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Completely agree about hydration. Spread out what you are drinking a bit more before and after your work out.

    Take it easy on eating. You can still have a banana or something light though...the potassium might help if cramping is an issue. Eating too much too close to exercise is the most common cause of side stitches.

    I occasionally feel shaky after a good workout, but I have only felt sick twice. Both times it was at the end of races where I set PR's. Nothing wrong with pushing yourself, just be careful.

    Thank you :smile:
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I get tummy aches with cardio just about all the time and its due to well you know the issues I have my GI doctor put me on bentyl and they are heavenly. They are prescribed for people with IBS like me :) and I have not found a better thing. What I am thinking of is a different kind of tummy ache though mine more of cramping to where I would need to stop to go the bathroom TMI, sorry I know.

    Other than that I was told if your body is too full it can cause an upset stomach or gas.
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    I get tummy aches with cardio just about all the time and its due to well you know the issues I have my GI doctor put me on bentyl and they are heavenly. They are prescribed for people with IBS like me :) and I have not found a better thing. What I am thinking of is a different kind of tummy ache though mine more of cramping to where I would need to stop to go the bathroom TMI, sorry I know.

    Other than that I was told if your body is too full it can cause an upset stomach or gas.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh...thanks for sharing your TMI:laugh: seriously!! It's so nice to know Im not the only one out there, I thought I was goin nuts for a minute! hehe I def deal w/ IBS and I know EXACTLY what your dealing with. Hence the reason I also have a VERY hard time eating all my calories cuz when you have a "flare up" food is the LAST thing on your mind. right? Thank you for your tips and honesty. and ps. Im gonna talk to my dr. about that "bentyl" myself :)
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Haha yep!! Its terrible when it happens and I happen to be one of those people who has to eat before a workout and sometimes its hours before but still kills me. Also, good luck with the doctor I hope it works well for you as it does for me. Also they are really cheap for me could be the insurance but I get the generic and its $8 for 30!! Cheap and worth it.
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