Really need help and encouragement

Hi All-

I haven't really been taking full advantage of the MFP community and I'd really like to start. I've been recording my food and exercise here with little success. I wasn't losing anything and still have not. I pretty much gave up logging things out of complete failure. Now I'm back in college full time and I have three children. I really struggle to care for myself. However, I work out at least 4 days a week and I truly and honestly keep to my calories. Two years ago I weighed 145 lbs. and now I'm up to 188! I worked so hard to get to that weight. My husband was in a terrible car accident and I dropped everything and took care of him. Soon after I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor and was experiencing weird side effect (lactating, acne, etc.). Then I was told that the tumor was non-producing which meant I should not have been experiencing side effects. Long story a little shorter. I need to buckle down completely and find a group to be accountable to and share encouraging words and insights! I have a couple of questions to begin with...

1. Am I supposed to eat my exercise calories back? And will I lose weight if I do? I find that I tend to and I haven't been losing. (did I just answer my own question?)

2. Who else finds that when they exercise they don't lose weight? When I initially lost my 60 lbs. I did the first 30 with Paleo alone. After that I began to work out and I had success with that coupled with Paleo.

3. I did well with Paleo, but I don't intend to live my life without any carbs or even processed food. It was when I added back in bread and sugars that I began to really gain. I would like to eat all things in moderation. Has anyone had any success losing well while inclusively eating all foods. If so, what has worked for you all?

I apologize for all of the questions. I'm new to the forums and would really love to find more support!



  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    I know personally when I start to workout and diet, I end up STARVING. and eat the calories back. Buuuuuuuuuut sometimes you should and sometimes you shouldn't. if it helps maybe give up counting calories for a while. and See what your body is telling you. If you are already eatting healthy it shouldnt be a problem. I've been off the bandwagon for a year and gained double what I lost and right now my body is saying "hey you didn't eat ALL your dinner" so I am ignoring it :) Do what worked for you last time cause everyone is different and if you found something that works you should stick with it!
  • theduchessdubai
    Hi and welcome! I'm new to the community too and I'm not an expert but I'll try to answer from my personal experience so far.
    Yes, if you exercise you can eat back the calories you burn. When you record your cardio on the mfp app it increases your calorie food allowance. I often find after a heavy workout, you need to eat more. I'm always starving when I come out the gym.

    I've been having a similar problem with not seeing any results on the scales. Try to record your progress with measuring tape and progress pics. The scale is not always accurate. It could also be muscle weighing down the scale.

    Another point is try to work out daily. Even if you can't make it to the gym every day, try to stay active like walking instead of driving places. Also do some squats and sit ups at home when you have a spare moment. Small things like this will keep your metabolism going when you can't go to the gym.

    I noticed you mentioned that you have a medical condition. Maybe your medication may have side effects that could have an impact on your weight? Check with your Dr. I have a thyroid condition that plays havoc with my weight. My medication contributes to my weight issue too.

    Hope this helps. Try to stay positive and don't rely on just the scales!!
  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    You've been through a lot and welcome here! I have two kids so I couldn't imagine three!

    I am curious what are the calories you are eating - in other words - if they are healthy foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables, or a lot of processed foods?

    Working out 4 days a week is great and sounds like you are headed in the right direction. Also what do you do when you work out? Is it pushing you enough? If you are not losing weight perhaps you are getting stronger? How does exercise make you feel?

    These are just thoughts from a fellow (albeit new) parent who does a crazy amount of juggling.

    Good luck and feel free to add me.
  • robeff
    robeff Posts: 15 Member
    If you have set up realistic goals on MFP you should definitely eat back the calories, unless you're really not hungry. It's important to find something longterm sustainable for you, it's different for everyone. Especially with so many other people depending on you, it's got to be really hard to find the time and energy to exercise and food prep. Making it in the gym 4 times a week is a big accomplishment.

    I rotate in a lot of different stuff but avoid the cheats for the most part. I find I get in the most trouble when I've been having cheat meals; its really hard for me to eat healthy after I had burgers and fries the day before. Right now I'm coming off a leg injury (torn quadricep, not related to any workout routines) and just getting back into cardio after a lot of rehab.

    I don't go very carb crazy and I don't really eat bread regularly anymore but I've found a sustainable eating plan. I have the luxury of being able to really control my diet and exercise times though. Don't know if it's any help but my normal day is something like;

    - french press and kind bar (nut delight variety)
    - 2ish hours later, usually 1 serving oatmeal with double chocolate protein powder (sometimes a sliced banana) and a 110 cal spicy chicken sausage
    - 2ish hours later, nonfat greek yogurt (with fruit, peach variety usually, so some natural sugar)
    - workout (about an hour, i rotate cardio with strength every other day, then flip that every week)
    - skim milk + protein powder after workout
    - dinner, this one rotates a lot. Some examples;

    - 6oz ground turkey with black beans, garlic, onions & taco sauce on 3 60cal corn tortillas
    - crock pot shredded salsa chicken breasts on 3 corn tortillas
    - chicken breast and veggies (bleh)
    - big volume stir fries (soy sauce sauteed veggies instead of any oil, with chicken breast or a couple sliced chicken sausages)

    Lately I've been getting into shirataki tofu noodles. They're only 40cal a packet, there are some recipes online. It's a pretty high volume meal, lately I'll make;

    - 1 package shiritaki tofu noodles (fettuccine), 2-3 wedges laughing cow light, mushrooms, peas and a chicken breast (or sometimes just more veggies)
    - 1 package noodles (spaghetti style), with soy sauce + mushrooms + sriracha + chicken or whatever

    Tonight I had those noodles with the filling for turkey wraps and a 35cal wedge of cheese. It's pretty filling. I hate being hungry. A lot of it for me is spacing out my eating so I never get too hungry.

    For snacks I do stuff like, 1 cup blueberries with a serving of almonds, a 'sad pizza' (brown rice cake with a melted mozzarella and taco sauce, sometimes with sauteed mushrooms). I also eat those double chocolate sugar free 60cal puddings (though they're really not good for you)

    Some days its a real struggle. If I get really hungry (which is usually if I've been cheating for a while) then I'll do like, pickle platters with spicy mustard (high sodium but like no calories), a cup of miso soup with sauteed vegges (pretty filling, like 50 cal) or sometimes put a fried egg in the miso. Those shiritaki nooodles are good for low calorie high volume snacks. Some people hate them, I find you just have to rinse them well and be sure to have strong flavors in whatever you make with them.

    Just remember - it's a race not a sprint. Try to not get discouraged if progress is slow; it takes a long time for your body to adjust to new weights. I've heard something like 6-8 months per 10lb (though it seems to vary per person) - in the meantime your body is trying to eat its way back to the old weight.

    Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day, feeling bad just makes it harder to get back on track. If you find a sustainable diet I think you'd be way better off than with stuff like paleo. Eventually your body will adjust and it will be easier to stay closer to your goals.

    Social groups definitely help you stay on track too.

    Good luck!
  • april32many
    Thanks so much to each of your for taking the time to write out such thoughtful and encouraging replies. I had some time to think today, as well as watch how I function around food with friends and in certain situations. I have a will of steel most days but there are a lot of other determinant factors that have held me back. First, I function better in chaos. What I mean by that is when life is really horrible, I tend to lose weight (a few years ago when I was 145 my husband and I were separated and fighting to make it work). When things are good, I'm a jovial, thoughtful and HUNGRY gal! Luckily I LOVE healthy food but that doesn't change that I will follow it up with a brownie sundae or make EVERY day of a two week vacation a chance to eat as much as I'd like. So, while I admit that I did give this a go a REALLY stuck to it and had no success with loss. I can also admit to giving up in less than two months and binging off and on in a defeated manner.

    Robeff, Thanks for really laying it out there. Your menus seem a lot like what I'd do on my good days, except I add stevia to my greek yogurt. I especially liked your suggestions about filling in the gaps where you think you might be starving when you're coming off of some "cheat" days. I can totally relate from when I was Paleo. I could NOT eat sugar without a severe headache and carbs would jump start cravings.

    irejuvenateme: Juggling school, kids, appointments and life is WILD! Somedays I think I was absolutely not meant to do this. I pretty much traded in every hope and dream for dirty diapers and laundry piles! It's slowly getting to the point where there is time for me to be creative, active, and inspired by things outside of my children. For me, my biggest issue is maintaining consistency in both eating and activity. There are times where each of my kids get sick back to back and before I know it I've missed two weeks of working out! It's really crazy. As for getting stronger....Nope, I'm definitely getting fatter. I think hormones are A LOT to blame as I have crazy swings. Luckily I'm blessed with an amazing family and a husband who participates, with awareness, in helping us all get through each month:) Either way, I've got to wrestle back control!

    theduchessdub: I keep good charts. What I don't do is measure my food most days and I KNOW that must be some of this too. I go through weeks of measuring well only to tell myself "yeah, girl, you got this. Just eye it!" I'm betting a half cup easily becomes a cup. Winter usually slows things down enough for me to really focus on my body and just stay at home more. The more social I am, the less likely I am to eat well. Sounds horrible but I just haven't figured out how to say no because my friends all like dinner and drinks! As for the medical condition, I don't take anything for the tumor or the PMDD. My doc has tried to put me on the pill and I refuse. I'm against taking toxins in daily only to resolve one thing but become problematic in other ways. I'm sensitive to any and all hormones and so I try and use exercise and awareness to level things out. I'm pretty holistic in my approach to life, but I definitely respect other people's attempts to take care of themselves in any manner they need to:)

    Alligatorrawr: Wise words indeed! I worked with a personal trainer for three months at one point and I was SO diligent in my journaling, food prep and measuring and daily exercise. I didn't lose any weight in all that time and we were all puzzled! I now know that my body doesn't like sugar and processed carbs and, yet, I still will eat them. I think until I buckle down and make those minimally a part of my diet, it's not going to happen!

    THanks Again everyone!