Breast feeding and weight loss

Hi there. I'm a mom to a 14 month old (my 3rd) who is still nursing twice a day. I'm trying to wean him, but currently has a cold so we are on pause there. Anyway. I gained 20lbs while pregnant. I was small - 108 pp at 5'2". My first two babies I lost it all back down to 108 within 3 months. Then this one came along. I could only get down to 113 after a YEAR! So, I hired a trainer to help me get more fit and lose the last few pounds. Well. Let me tell you. I have GAINED ten pounds. TEN. I pretty much weigh what I did when I delivered. I can't lose weight for anything. I work out twice a week with my trainer and do her at home workouts 4 days - so I work out hard six days a week. My clothes officially do not fit. I can't button anything. I'm beyond frustrated because I haven't even lost inches - which might make me feel better about the ten pounds (the thought being maybe some of the weight is muscle). I'm so frustrated I could cry. Did anyone have to wait until they were done nursing to lose weight? Even just twice a day nursing? I just had my first period in almost 2 years last week, so maybe things will get better now...??? Ugh.


  • violetsrblue
    violetsrblue Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! Obviously every pregnancy is different and with each one you are older than the next! However it does seem unusual to struggle with weight loss while breastfeeding, especially if you are counting your calories, are you? Being that you are expressing milk(calories) for your little one 2 times per day, you should actually be losing more rapidly. I would have your hormones checked if you are indeed counting calories & have a reasonable calorie goal that you regularly stay within or under & are breastfeeding & are still having trouble. Good luck!
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm going to disagree with PP. It's not at all unusual to keep extra weight on while nursing.

    Here's a quick article on it:

    ^^^There's a lot wrong with that article, but I mostly wanted to point out that breastfeeding doesn't instantly equal easy weight loss for many women.

    I think especially us smaller women (108 lbs at 5'2" is about 19.8 bmi, so I'd call that small), tend to hold onto some extra body fat while nursing because it's necessary for lactation.

    My 6 month old just started solids, and I'm still holding on to about 5 to 8 extra pounds of body fat (compared to pre-pregnancy) as near as I can tell from differences in my body composition (BF%). I just kind of assumed that would hang around until she weans, whenever that is.
  • Cheekies_
    Cheekies_ Posts: 319 Member
    Yes, yes, yes! I held on to those extra pounds until after my babies weaned. Especially after the 3rd and 4th babies!

    It didn't really lose weight while nursing, even when they were over a year old and only 1 or 2 times a day. As soon as they were done, it all came together and the weight started falling off.

    You're doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks so much. I keep a food diary, wear a fitbit, work out (cardio and strength every day), and don't eat junk. I have a lot of food allergies (wheat, eggs, dairy), so no processed food either. Since I started with a trainer, I now have a ton of muscle under a layer of fat. I'm just...puffy. And thick. And squishy. I was a tiny girl, before. I don't want to rush him off the boob, but boy I am sick of nothing fitting. Ten pounds on someone 5'2" is like 20 on a regular person. It's TWO sizes. I will try to be patient and hope for the best! Thanks!