I have fat under my butt?

I know that cellulite is difficult to get rid of. It may never actually go away. But what about fat that sticks out? I'm probably always going to have a bigger butt than most girls, especially for my height, but I hate not having toned legs. I've seen an improvement in the past few of weeks with cellulite on the front of my legs. I hardly see any. I have just increase my water intake and I eat a lot of vegetables. I've also been rubbing coconut into my thighs. I might buy a body brush soon, too. It's just that the back of my legs are full of cellulite and underneath my butt is a ripple of fat. I'm too embarrassed to show a picture of myself but I traced over two pictures of myself. I'm just wondering if anyone else has this problem and if it's gone away or decreased since they started dieting? I recently added running to my workouts but I can't run a lot because I have knee problems. I usually go on two half hour (or longer) walks a day. I walk windy paths with hills. I also have included some fat burning work outs. I've noticed that my inner thighs have decrease in size but my hips are still huge. I look very wide still even though I've lost enough weight to have to buy new pants. I'm just not sure if the fat bubbles on the back of my thighs have anything to do with cellulite or something else.

Edit: I can't upload the picture at the moment.


  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Nearly every women (and many men) have cellulite somewhere.
    My biggest advice? Get over it; it's more noticeable to you than anyone else.

    You can't spot reduce fat, so without lowering your overall body fat, you won't see a change in the appearance of your legs.
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    I have this problem... It gets better with lots and lots of squats
  • I know that a lot of women have cellulite. But I don't know if what I have IS cellulite. I know that I do have cellulite but I'm talking about a chunk of fat that is under my butt. I'll try to upload a picture but my internet is going really slow at the moment. It's just a problem that I don't see a lot of women have. Yeah, there's cellulite but this is just two bumps of fat on my thighs. I'm just wondering if this is just the way my legs are shaped or if the bumps will go away once I lose more fat. I know that you can't spot reduce Which is why I've focused on work outs like walking, running and overall fat burning.
  • I don't know how to link pictures or upload them. I hope this link works: http://tinyurl.com/otas4o3

    It's just like right under my butt is a fat bump and then underneath that, it's pretty smooth. Does anyone else have that? Is it genetic and/or will it go away with diet and exercise?
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I think I know what you mean. You could try weight lifting like squats, deadlifts, lunges to help tighten up the area there and see if that helps. The fat will come off with diet and exercise.
  • EvaStrange
    EvaStrange Posts: 59 Member
    I have the same problem. I've never felt completely comfortable in a swimsuit and never will, because no matter how much weight I lose, those pouches of fat are going to stay. When my overall body fat percentage decreases, the pouches shrink too, but in proportion to my butt they stay more or less the same. There's nothing much I can do about them. :( However, even though they don't disappear, I'm far less unhappy with them when my legs and butt are smaller in general, so it's not completely hopeless, at least for me. :smile:
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I didn't realize I was as fat as I was until I started seeing where I lost fat in one spot and fat remained in another. I'm male, and I had fat on my inner thighs, butt, arms, chest, etc... It was everywhere. It eventually went away, (not 100% of course, but much better, now got lose skin, LOL) Anyways, want to get rid of it, diet down, it will eventually go, just don't expect it to come off when you want and certainly, don't expect it to come off evenly... (one arm/leg/cheek/etc. will be leaner than the other)