Looking for friends to help stay accountable



  • Hi - please feel free to add me as a friend also. I just started back as well. I am up 30 pounds from my goal. 172 lbs at the moment. I had lost 100 pounds eight years ago and then got fat and lazy for the past two years and gained back 30. I am now committed to getting this weight off. Great to hear from everyone on this post that is getting back to it or has had some success already. It's nice to be encouraged and hopefully be encouraging as well.
  • So what has everyone got planned for the weekend ? Worse time for most of us to stray and eat naughty things , so lets all stay strong and beat off those demons who tell us to eat chocolate , biscuits , crisps and alcohol:noway:
  • I'm also new to this web site and would love some support....started here 3 days ago, but started exercising about 2 weeks ago.
    Down 4.5 lbs......love reading everyone else's posts.
  • By the way...how do you post your weight tracker?
  • test
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    Hey, I am new here too :) First, good luck with your weight loss journey :) I want to lose up to 40 pound but would be happy with 30 pounds less as well ;) Add me if you like, I am planning to come here everyday :)
  • mwcontois
    mwcontois Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me...diary is open and I log on regularly. Never can have too much support. Warning...I like to bug people that don't log on asking them where they are hiding...
  • Hey everyone! Feel free to add me!

    Last year I lost 40 pounds and burnt myself out from exercising and hardly eating. I quit caring and ate whatever I wanted and gained 50 pounds! So far I have lost 14 pounds from my highest weight and can use all the encourage I can get!
  • tsigala219882
    tsigala219882 Posts: 6 Member
    IM an active 22 year old with a lot to lose and i'm very friendly. If you're positive and supportive feel free to add me!
  • Livingfreetoday
    Livingfreetoday Posts: 35 Member
    I'd love to go on this health journey together.
    Please friend me.
  • lmarieaa
    lmarieaa Posts: 3 Member
    Add me! Training for my third marathon, diary always open! :)
  • lillie22
    lillie22 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello!! My name is Serenity, I'm NEEDING some support and daily encouragement!!!! I have currently lost 42 pounds in the past 3 months and have close to 100 left to go!!! Please send me friend requests! :)
  • Well , I've been for a walk around our local reservoir today , only 4 miles but omg , I can hardly walk now . Like the fact I have burned off over 450 calories
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    If anyone needs an accountable, open friend, add me!
  • wyrdsister
    wyrdsister Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, day 4 at this and looking to see if anyone is in Australia?
  • Hope everyone is having a great week , weighed two days early and I've lost another 2lbs , so happy only another 2lbs and I've reached my 1 stone .

    Going away this weekend , so have to stay strong , it will be the food I'll have to watch as I only drink 2 units of alcohol if I go out , for health reasons.
  • Hi my name is Jessica and I'm looking for some support as well! I'm doing the Beachbody Challenge with P90x workouts and need to stay motivated :)
  • Well i went away for a long weekend and I think I was very good , stuck to my planned food , only naughty thing I had all weekend was a chocolate brownie cover in toffee sauce . Stuck to my two drinks , plus champagne on arrival at works event , so why was I naughty once I got home and ate a bar of chocolate .
    I feel like kicking myself up the bum and since then have found it hard to get back on it , I haven't eaten any more chocolate or naughty things thank god , but have lost the motivation to get back on it .
    Have written out my plan for food today , so hopefully start to a new week