Semi new...but needing friends :)


My name is Shannon and I joined myfitnesspal a few weeks ago, I joined it with a couple of people I know and we were all sticking to it, now I see on my dailt feeds "so and so has no logged in for 3 days...a week...etc" Im feeling somewhat lonely, and Im always more motivated when surrounded by motivated people!

A year and a half ago I was able to loose 27 pounds, so so close to my target goal of 40. I lose the support so I lost the determination, gained just about every pound pack. So here I am back at square one with a new approach, I love this website and all it has to offer, as well as the iphone app, it saves me just about everytime. Its easy to look up calories and I love being able to enter my exercise and food for the day and see when Im under my goal.

Im 5 pounds down as of the 4th, 35 more to go...seems like a stretch. Im more focused on my goal of 20 pounds by the time I take my trip to the sierras....snow boarding time baby!!.... 15 more pounds to go. Will you guys help me get there?!

:) .....Looking forward to meeting people in the same boat as me.


  • lisa_lotte
    Hello and welcome to MFP :-)

    I only joined this site about a wekk ago but am completely addicted and spend more time on here than facebook these days, lol!! I have found it soo helpful as there is loadse of help and support.

    I am 28lb down so far with another 20lbish to go...

    Feel free to add me as a friend :-)

  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    Well, hello Shannon! We are on the same plane. I lost about 20 pounds last year and got too busy and selfish - I gained every pound back. Welcome! Add me if you want. :)

    We can do it - again - girl!
  • chicka78
    Shannon, Feel free to add me as a friend, I am on here everyday. 2011 is a new year and I am planning on getting to my goal this year! . Good Luck!

  • jshordon
    Welcome, I'm sure with the help and support from fellow members of MFP you will get your goals!
  • amyj78
    amyj78 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm signed up a couple of months ago, but haven't been diligent about tracking. I am also looking for some friends to keep me accountable. Feel free to add me to your list!
  • peachez650
    orrgarde - im guilty of spending about the same amount of time!! Especially since both are apps on my phone, but I love it, cant get enough! Congratz on the 28 pounds that absolutely amazing!!

    sandmart2009 - girl we can do it! It just takes a little effort everyday, Im glad Ive found someone in the same boat, not glad that we backtracked but all that matters is that we are trying to take care of things now!

    Chicka78 - me as well, 2011 will be my year! I have a trip in March, a wedding in June and Vegas in September, I should be vegas ready well before then! Im determined, you can be too!!

    Shordan - Thank you so much!!

    Amyj78 - I am on here everyday and can be your support buddy!! :)

    ....Looking forward to continuing this journey we are all taking
  • MissEmDizzle
    MissEmDizzle Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Shannon,

    I lost 20lbs last year and gained about 10 back, im new as well actually joined yestarday!!!

    I want to loose 35 but i would be happy with 15......

    you can add me if you want!!!

    dieting can be a scary thing especially if your like me and LOVE CHEESE AND CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!
  • SpydaChick
    Hey :) I've been meaning to start reading forums. I joined prob about a week ago. I've been a working out fool and not seeing progress on the scale yet (have in my body though) and I'm not letting it get to me YET but I'm sure the more I surround myself with others the better :) My main goal is to lose my weight by Oct 2012 (very do-able) that's when I plan to take my kids to Disney World (all of our first time) I of course also have a mini goal for 4th of July.

    I usually only last a week or so but I'm bound and determined to actually change my life. I've quit smoking.. it's been about a month since I quit and I dont even have cravings anymore. And since I started working out I LOVE TO BREATHE! Hardest part for me is I live with a tiny husband that can eat anything he wants and has never been a pound overweight before so sometimes I feel like I'm climbing uphill alone. I also moved to a new state with no family and friends around. So its awesome to have support on here :) The more the merrier!