Really REALLY like junk food

Started tony ferguson diet this week ---- and I realized how much I actually HATE salad , and how much I like icecream...
I am severely overweight-- 40 kilos over. I know I need to loose weight - which is why I started the tony ferguson . But I actually have no motivation - and I have broken the diet tonight.

How can I get the motivation to loose weight ? And want to loose it , and make it through not eating loads of junk food lol. !
Secondly --- I have done so many diets before where I put my whole self into it, and barely lost anything I have polysistic ovarian syndrome and it just makes it that bit harder to loose, and I get easily disappointed by my loss and how long it takes and give up .

I have had gym buddies before - I have zero motivation but when im doing it with someone I really get going , but they always quit or back out or something comes up - and then I loose my motivation .

basically Looking for any advice. I don't want to be fat --- but I don't actually feel like putting in any effort this time ... which is ridiculous I know - but I'm being honest. I just don't have that push inside to do it. But I want to . I want to be motivated and determined and just throw everything into it. So how do I get that mojo back ?


  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey! Welcome to MFP, I'm relatively new here too, I have pcos too and I am totally with you on the lack Of motivation thing. It sucks, I hate 'diet' food, I hate eating new foods, I miss mayo, I miss being able to eat what I want, when I want. I haven't even had a kebab in over 6 weeks!! This, is shocking to me.
    Anyway, I'll send you a friend request and maybe we can help to motivate each other?
    Look for some groups too, they have lots available, I've joined some for ladies who suffer with PCOS, it's fab, ad some friends and start chatting with people, talk foods, recipies and exercises. You might find it motivates you :) hope to see you on my news feed soon :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You can still eat all the foods you love. Just fit them into your calorie goal. It's called moderation.

    I still eat pizza, ice cream, cupcakes, chips, fast food, etc. I just make sure it fits into my goal.

    Don't start labeling foods as good or bad. They're all just food. Eat them... just less of it. Cutting them out will just make you crave them more and make you feel deprived, and then you may end up binging.
  • kimballard1966
    kimballard1966 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi and welcome. I still eat my favorite junk foods as well. I just fit them into my goals and add extra exercise. Please feel free to add this junk food lover to your friends.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    1. Know yourself and understand why you want to lose the weight at some stage you will want to get on with losing weight more than you want the ice cream. Perhaps you need to get your mind right first and make sure its not just emotional eating, self esteem or any other issues?
    2. Learn about obesity, nutrition and the dangers as well as the benefits of eating more healthily and exercising. If you understand its likely to make more sense rather than salad v ice cream.
    3. Learn from MFP about how to create a claorie deficit, logging your food accyrately and making small changes including exercising and earning extra calories to eat back. Youll soon realise it takes a lot of exercise to earn a tub of ice cream.
    4. Find a way of dieting that includes having soem friends so you can get support.
    5. Find a way of doing some exercise that you enjoy. Might be swimming or walking are good starts.
    6. Learn what to eat and get some new recipes. It doesnt have to be all about salads. You just eat less.

    At some stage you have to decide that you are doing it for yourself and write down all the reasons or are you going to stick at being over weight because you can have ice cream in unlimited quantities?

    Any diet is really a sustainable lifestyle change, You just eat less than you burn. Your eating habit has just been out of kilter. You cna still eat your favourite foods.
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you so much !! That would be amazing , Pos SUCKS!! Thanks for the friend request looking forward to chatting =)
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    I rarely eat salad. I find the texture of lettuce is bothersome on my tongue. Instead, I eat a lot of raw crunchy veggies, like carrots, celery, cauliflower, and broccoli.

    As for "junk" food, it's all still just food. The key is to track everything you eat so you can see how you are doing on calories as well as on macronutrients. If you have, say, too many carbs and not enough protein in your day, look at what you eat and see if you can substitute a little less of one thing and a little more of another to get your macros right.

    That means that you can still eat the junk food you like as long as it fits your macros. By logging and reviewing, you can make small choices that can yield good results.
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    I think the mcflurry I had , and the chocolate , and the smore ... Are a testament to what you just said Lol. I totally binged cause I was feeling deprived lol!!!
    Thanks ! And I think I do need to fit in treats here and there into this ( and just not tell the ladies at the terry white chemist lol )
    So I don't loose my mind .
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    =) l Lol
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,214 Member
    Honestly, I think motivation is highly overrated. You don't need to be motivated to lose weight. But you do need to make a decision and commitment to yourself to make it happen and stick with that commitment. Only you can make you a healthier and fitter person and you have to decide whether that's important enough to you or not. Losing weight and then maintaining that weight-loss does have a lot of obstacles and you have to be willing to do the hard work and work through those obstacles.

    This is my favorite blog post on the subject:

    Best wishes!
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you ! That is some good advice! I am definitely going to do that and sit and write down what it is I want , why I want to loose weight ect. I have never done that before.
    I eat because I sit for work all day , at home. I get bored. Ever since I quit smoking 4 years. I still just put something in my mouth ,,, just not a cigarette anymore lol.
    I just checked out the food diary , and its amazing. They tell you exactly what calories are in everything . And actually sitting and looking at what I ate today . Really was a shock. Im still eating WAY to much for the little amount of excersise I am doing.
    I think this site is really going to open my eyes up to what I am doing that is really keeping this weight on.
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    I am seeing that tonight actually - I checked out the food diary , and I was astounded at how much I actually ate, and how little I do lol!! I am definitely shoveling far more in my mouth than I am burning off.

    ( Today was a binge day , and totally broke my diet lol )
    Thank you for replying =)
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks =) I will check it out !! I need all the information I can get my hands on at the moment. Loving this forum already !!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I love junk food too. I fit things that I want in my day. Learn moderation and portion control (get a food scale) and then you can eat whatever you want, as long as you can make it fit.
    All these diets are basically fads. You don't need to be on any special diet to lose weight. Just eat at a responsible but reasonable deficit.
  • PhoebeGrey
    I don't know if this will help but you can try it. Years ago I struggled to quit smoking. Finally I got the idea to visualize what I was actually doing, INHALING SMOKE! Just the thought of sounded so strange to me. Why would I want to fill my lungs and body with smoke? After that, every time I had the urge to light up I would take a minute or two to think about what I was actually doing to myself.
    Perhaps the same could work with food. You say you really like JUNK food. What does the name itself tell you? You are actually putting junk into your body. Look at the labels. Would you find that stuff in your cupboards or pantry? Likely you wouldn't. Most of it is man made JUNK and nothing we would add to the food we cook. Now think about your body, the many different organs that need to be fed properly to work properly. What can you feed your body to make it run its best? Natural foods that are grown are best for us, filled with all the vitamins and nutrients we need to fuel our bodies. Too much sugar feeds cancers and can lead to other health related issues. Think about when you're 60 years old. Do you want to struggle to walk, ride around in a motorized scooter because of your inability to walk? Do you want to wake up every morning to a barrage of pills for all of the ailments you have self afflicted your body with? YOU CAN AVOID ALL THAT! If you just eat right. That doesn't mean salad for every meal. There are healthy pizza's especially if you learn to make them yourself. Get smart about what goes in your body. No more junk, your body is not a trash can anymore than mine was a smoke stack!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,214 Member
    Also, I might look at junkfood more critically. What's it doing for you, really? Isn't it a momentary pleasure that's then gone in a flash? Isn't it adding to your weight, detracting from your happiness, putting you on a path toward some real health problems?

    I certainly ate junk food when I was losing weight and I still do. Had M&Ms at the movies last night, in fact. But now, I have them only in small quantities and only on occasion. They are kept in their place. I will simply not go back to the point I was four years ago when I craved junk food and ate a lot of it. I don't want to crave and be addicted to anything. Eating too much junk food, especially at night, was the chief reason I was overweight. I came to realize that I was getting a raw deal. A lot of empty promises. Momentary pleasure that sticks around with a lot of baggage and negatives that I simply don't need. So I changed things. And I changed me.
  • PlumpKitten
    PlumpKitten Posts: 112 Member
    I've stopped following diets that have a list of allowed / not allowed foods. There is no way one diet can fit everyone's personal preferences.
    Most diets say to eat a good breakfast, cut carbs and cut night-time eating. That doesn't work for me personally. I love carbs and I prefer eating later in the day.

    So a doctor friend told me to just stick to simple calorie counting via MFP.
    It didn't matter if I skipped breakfast and ate a midnight snack. It didn't matter if I had rice and noodles every night. So long as my total numbers came in under a certain level, I lost weight. If I go over that number, I don't lose. (For me, that limit is about 1500 calories).

    Of course, I couldn't eat 100% of what I wanted. I can't have a muffin, a croissant sandwich and fried noodles in one day. But I did not have to cut any particular food.

    If you like junk food, give yourself a modest treat of junk food. If you hate salad, don't eat it. There's no rule that you must go 6 weeks without a kebab to lose weight. Have the odd kebab with a side of vegetables.

    As for going to the gym -- it's a nice thing to do with many other benefits, and might buy you leeway of a couple / several hundred extra calories a day. But, ultimately, losing weight is just about cutting total calories.
  • PlumpKitten
    PlumpKitten Posts: 112 Member
    A friend of mine -- who was NOT into dieting, NOT into changing habits and NOT depriving himself of food -- did one simple thing.
    He ate exactly what he used to -- only half the amount.
    His usual breakfast was cut down to one fried egg, one slice of bacon, one slice of bread.
    At restaurants, he'd have the waitress pack up exactly half the food to go.
    If he usually ate a bag of chips sitting on the sofa watching TV, he'd measure out exactly half a bag of chips and put the other half away.
    He said he was a little hungry in the beginning - but never had cravings.
    He made no changes to the types of food - only the volume.
    It worked. He lost a ton of weight.
  • keelybird57
    keelybird57 Posts: 63 Member
    I really like junk food too! And I don't really like veggies. AND I'm not fond of exercise. Here's what I'm doing: 1. I have a list of things that will change when I lose weight. I carry the list and read it every time I want to eat. 2. I log all my food and exercise here. I'm committed to that. Yes, I go over the daily allotment. But I log them. 3. I'm not weighing myself for at least 1 month, maybe not till Christmas. This is about new habits, not a diet. -- for me.

    Good luck to you! I know you can find a new way of eating! And be patient with yourself. New habits take time.
  • markbully
    markbully Posts: 2 Member
    I have been using the My Fitness Pal app for about 13 weeks now, and have lost 12.4 kg (92 kg down to 79.6 kg), I have stuck to the apps recommendation for calorie intake and use the treadmill 4/5 times a week for 30/45 minutes depending on how I feel, but I make sure I burn at least 1000 calories a week. I don't see myself on a diet, I just don't eat foods regularly that are to high in sugars or fat. I also eat in moderation, smaller serves. I am not on any other program, I just use My Fitness Pal to track my calorie intake each day, I do have the odd day that I go over my limit but I make sure the next few days I stay below it. The number one thing that makes you loose weight is you, you have to want too.