Does weight training causes your clothes to get tight

This lady at work told me that her uniforms are getting tighter because she has been doing weight training and lifting heavy weights.She has cut down on cardio but heavy lifting. She also said the number on her scale is going up.Well I thought weight training reduces body fat so I am now afraid to do allot of weight training because I don't want to get bulky and heavier. I want to get lighter.what gives?Is she gaining fat and in denial?I thought weight training makes you look liner?


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    It also builds muscle. Making things bulk up. If you exchange useless fat for workable (and fat burning) muscles, then I certainly don't see a reason to fear that.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    If she's eating at a surplus, then maybe her clothes are getting tighter. But if she's eating at a deficit, then no. Your not going to be able to bulk up by lifting if eating at a deficit.
    Don't be afraid of lifting. It won't make you bulky. Do I look bulky?! No!
    Some people are just misinformed so spread bad info. Google nrolfw :-) it's a good program and I like it
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    After you workout your muscles are engorged with blood and water. This will cause a temporary increase in size. You also tips oh retain some water weight as water and glycogen is pumped into the muscle to help with the building process that takes place after you lift.

    If you are in a cal deficit the above is all that is happening. If you are in a cal surpluses you may also be adding actual muscle size and weight
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    Here's what I noticed yesterday... my chest or upper body was bigger, BUT my waist went down...according to my feelings after wearing a skirt and shirt that I haven't worn for a year.
    But yes, it is true that anyone can get bigger from weight training and eating at surplus. But if you do it right, you will have broader shoulders, and slimmer waist, a tighter compacted abs. My arms got bigger, and right now I'm during a slight bulk, so it may looked a little ugly with some fats, but after I lean out, it should work well.

    Also, agree with ThePHoenixisR, water retention and swellings also have huge roles. Some days I have BLOATED stomach, and some days I HAVE PERFECT flat stomach. Don't worry about getting bulky in the upper body! For me, I don't want bulky legs so I do weights that will MAINTAIN my muscle sizes.

    Remember, the heavier the weights, the more your muscles will grow larger as it repairs. If you want to maintain the same size, lift that weight until you feel tense and exhausted.
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    Sounds like she is making excuses for gaining weight. :) She's more "muscular". Which might be true...under the fat she gained.....

    I wonder if she cut cardio without cutting her calories to match.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    Sounds like she is making excuses for gaining weight. :) She's more "muscular". Which might be true...under the fat she gained.....

    I wonder if she cut cardio without cutting her calories to match.

    That's what I thought to since cardio burns more calories than weight training. Also when I gained 20 pounds last winter my clothes got tight and I coudnt fit into my skinny jeans anymore so that's why I thought fat is what makes your clothes tighter
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    It all depends. If she just started, then she's got inflammation and she's retaining water. It takes a lot of time to build muscle, and you can't do it overnight.

    I've been doing weight training primarily since April, and my clothes are actually looser, so I doubt your co-worker knows what she's talking about.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I can't respond with any science behind it, but speaking from personal experience any time I've started an exercise regimen I do bulk up fast and its frustrating. I build muscle easily and tend to retain water after exercise...for months before it starts to feel "normal" again. Its worse if I'm only weight lifting and dieting. I do better when I balance cardio and weights and diet more evenly.
  • y00b0y
    Unless you're injecting anabolic drugs and the likes, as a female, you will never be able to be very bulky, your body just can't produce the required hormones. So don't be afraid of lifting, as It will just make you prettier. Also, as for your friend, if she is noticing a rapid increase in weight then she is just getting fatter.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member

    That's what I thought to since cardio burns more calories than weight training.

    This is actually incorrect. Cardio only burns calories while you're doing them. Once you stop cardio, you cease to burn calories.

    When you weight train, the actual activity does indeed burn less, however, the more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will continue to burn even at rest.

    And the biggest problem with cardio: if you do too much of it you actually burn off muscle tissue. So you end up skinny fat, and the minute you stop any cardio you will immediately begin to put on weight.

    You have to maintain and build muscle. It's a balancing act.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    It all depends. If she just started, then she's got inflammation and she's retaining water. It takes a lot of time to build muscle, and you can't do it overnight.

    I've been doing weight training primarily since April, and my clothes are actually looser, so I doubt your co-worker knows what she's talking about.
    This!! I started lifting and dieting in May of 2013 and have dropped from a size US 14-5/6. It wasn't till I started bulking a month ago that the legs of my pants started getting tight. At this point it is only the increase of water and glycogen stores doing this, since I have gained maybe .5-1lb of muscle over my entire body.
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    If her change in routine only started a couple weeks ago it is doubtful weights are the reason her clothes are getting tighter. If she was someone who was on the scrawny side before and the uniform has narrow shoulders and sleeves her arms, shoulder and chest work might result in these areas becoming a bit tight (after a lot of hard work). However, this would probably be a good thing if she had narrow shoulders and skinny arms before (the V shape is very sexy!). However, if the "tight" areas are an expanding belly and muffin top, there is no way this is because of lifting!
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    She does look like put on few pounds though so thats why I was confused that weight lifting makes you heavier
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    This lady at work told me that her uniforms are getting tighter because she has been doing weight training and lifting heavy weights.She has cut down on cardio but heavy lifting. She also said the number on her scale is going up.Well I thought weight training reduces body fat so I am now afraid to do allot of weight training because I don't want to get bulky and heavier. I want to get lighter.what gives?Is she gaining fat and in denial?I thought weight training makes you look liner?

    If she cut down on cardio, but didn't reduce her cals then she might be eating too much.
  • Lord007
    Lord007 Posts: 338 Member
    This lady at work told me that her uniforms are getting tighter because she has been doing weight training and lifting heavy weights.She has cut down on cardio but heavy lifting. She also said the number on her scale is going up.Well I thought weight training reduces body fat so I am now afraid to do allot of weight training because I don't want to get bulky and heavier. I want to get lighter.what gives?Is she gaining fat and in denial?I thought weight training makes you look liner?

    Lots of information missing from this equation:

    How long since she started lifting?
    Is she lean to begin with? If so, then lifting will add muscle and cause her to get bigger and heavier (in a good and healthy way).
    If she isn't lean and getting bigger, then she may be over-estimating her calorie burn and therefore in a calorie surplus.

    It's much harder for women to "bulk up" than women. This is simply because they don't naturally produce as much testosterone. Weight lifting, with proper form and nutrition, will help you burn more calories all day, even when you aren't exercising.
    Don't over-think this. (I've been guilty of doing that too). Keep it simple. Exercise, watch your calorie intake so that you're in a deficit, and stick to it! The last part is often the hardest but it will pay off in spades!
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    Whenever I lift I get thinner and start to be able to eat whatever I want. Which is nice. Then I tear a rotator cuff or tear a tendon. Then, I can barely move at all. So this time I am trying to really build endurance, flexibility and stamina. I've put the summer into that. Now, I'm gonna start with a trainer for a couple of sessions which is all I can afford. Give it a try, just don't overdo. :happy:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    It's not that easy to build muscle, especially for women. More than likely she is retaining water in there which is making her appear bigger.
  • nothing_rhymes_with_orange
    if her goal is to bulk up, then thats what she is doing. She probably is on a special diet and thats why she cut out cardio. I've been attending a power class for 6 years now, alternating it with cardio workouts, and all I see is better muscle definition, no bulk. I use 15 lb weights on each side of a bar for my chest and arms and up to 50 lb for my legs when we do free weights, I hope this helps ;)
  • Hopefullysane
    Hopefullysane Posts: 27 Member
    Some of my jeans don't fit me anymore, especially skinny jeans.

    My legs are bigger and my waist is smaller.

    I weigh a couple pounds more since lifting but my body is firmer.
    I've gained inches in some places but lost in others.