Why I gave up coffee and diet pop........who wants to join m

At the end of 2010, I really began to delve deeper into my personal nutrition.
it dawned on me how the caffiene in both coffee and pop reallly masked how poor my diet was in important fields.
Now complex carbs are my caffiene. (I do excercise about six times a week. Recently trained and completed a half marathon and currently doing P90X for the winter months)
I used to tell everybody I was hooked on coffee as I went to Dunkin Doughnuts for an extra large coffee every single day. $2.26 for hot in the winter. $2.56 in the summer for ice coffee. Down a bunch of diet Mountain Dew for fixes in between.
Now I have had nothing but water for first 25 days of the year. (No alcohol either)
I am unsure how long I will continue but it does feel good. I can still manage to wake at 4am a few days a week to get some P90X session in before work due to improved overall nutrition. I get a boost from whole wheat bagel and natural peanut buttter.
Green peas and whole wheat pasta is also an amazing complex carb boost great before workouts.
Feel free to friend me if your interested.


  • xxxwings
    I've been off coffee and soda entirely for a couple years and I feel really good about it. Though for caffiene, I drink tea (usually green, brewed loose not bagged). Other than that, just juice!
    Good luck :)
  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    I wanted to start off the new year not drinking pop as well :) I don't really care much for it either, though I have had crazy dreams where I was drinking pop and I freaked out because I swore not to drink anymore. Believe me, I thought the whole thing really happened D:

    I was never a coffee person XD But I do drink green tea now, thanks to my mom! That and organic milk or almond milk :)
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Interesting. I've definitely cut way, way back on diet cokes. But coffee? I don't know. I'm gonna friend you so I can see how this goes & see how you feel. Interesting! :drinker:
  • SueLaboo
    I really never drank pop much at all until I started trying to lose weight. I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not, but I don't drink much other than water and the occasional glass of skim milk. I don't drink coffee or tea and I really dislike juice, so that doesn't leave much. Anyway, I started drinking Diet A&W Root Beer...it has 0 calories and no caffeine. I still don't drink lots...maybe a couple cans a week, but it's nice to have SOMETHING I can drink other than water! :)
  • cohollywood
    Good for you!

    I love me some Mtn Dew, but have been free since the end of November. I did share a Sierra Mist one time with my son, and have had a few sips of my hubby's sodas just when that's all thats available when I'm taking some pills, but other than that I'm clean and it feels great!!

    Water is pretty much the only thing I drink now.
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    I drink mostly green tea and an occassional cup of coffee. I rarely drink soda, diet or otherwise. I just don't really like it. Giving up coffee completely wouldn't bother me, but I am an iced tea fiend. I love it. Must be a South Texas thing. :)
  • cyndi101
    I feel your pain about the diet drinks, although, mine was worse than that...mine were full sugar cokes... and have only had one 12 oz can since Jan 9th. It was my down fall. I know that. It was never what I really ate but what I drank. Because I could literally drink a 6 pk a day or a 2 ltr...easily. It was what got me going in the a.m.'s and my choice of drink through out each day...that and sweet tea. So, I have quit. I still crave them from time to time but it is getting easier and have found that when a strong craving hits, I can have a few sips and actually don't want it anymore.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Im Soda free for a year now and I only drink tea and coffee on rare occasions. I literally have proabably only had cofee 3 times in the previous year and tea may 2-4 times.

    I drink water almost elusively and aside from the occasional juices 100% Vegetable or 100% whole fruit.

    Best decision I've ever made aside from quitting smoking 4 years ago!
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I am halfway. I have given up soda. I had already weaned myself to diet, but I entered a weight loss contest and decided that was the perfect time to completely give up the carbonated drinks. I had given them up during my last pregnancy (10 years ago!) but after my daughter was old enough and we were going to McDonald's, I had to have sodas again. I swear that when I drank the first few, I could literally feel my stomach expand as the carbonation filled it! That feeling, in and of itself, is why I am quitting the soda for good this time!
    As for coffee, I only have one about twice a week. During the contest, I am using fat-free creamer, because I just can't drink it black. I only drink it for variety though.
    The one drink addiction I do need to drop still is McDonald's sweet tea. Other than that, I drink water and flavored water. I will have occasional juice, such as OJ, but not often.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Good job!
    I just recently (about 1-2 weeks ago) gave up coffee...which is TOUGH for me, without it, I could literally lay in bed ALL day and sleep. I usually need it 1st thing in the morning & again by 3pm to keep myself going. First few days were VERY rough....still isn't easy, but it's getting better.

    I also gave up alcohol as of Jan. 1st, well...wine, really, since that's the only alcohol I drink. And I've never really been a soda person, so I giving that up completely wasn't hard. I am starting to feel a difference from cutting those things out of my diet...and it IS such an empowering feeling. Keep up the great work!!
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    I cut way back on soda and alcohol, but I won't give either up completely.
    I love my morning coffee, and I love my occasional glass of wine after dinner.

    Life is too short to deny yourself the simple pleasures.

    Good luck on your quest for a healthy life.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I can't drink diet soda due to aspartame causing a lot of my migraines. I don't drink regular soda either, except the odd San Pelligrino, now and then.

    As for caffeine? I only consume it as a treatment for my migraines. Because I don't consume it as a regular part of my diet, it does work medicinally to reduce migraine pain.

    Most days, anyway.

    I'm glad you're feeling so good, off of your regular routine, though. Well done!
  • orange_avocado
    I cut way back on soda and alcohol, but I won't give either up completely.
    I love my morning coffee, and I love my occasional glass of wine after dinner.

    Life is too short to deny yourself the simple pleasures.

    Good luck on your quest for a healthy life.

    Agreed! I can go a morning or two without coffee and have no withdrawal symptoms. So no, I don't need it. But I love the few mornings a week when I can wake up with a hot, milky cup of coffee and spend a few extra minutes with the boyfriend as we try to finish the carafe before we leave for work. Life's simple pleasures indeed. :)

    As for soda, even diet, I've been giving that up and can't really say I miss it.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    1 month tomorow for no soda at all, including Diet!

    Congrats to all, and keep up the great work!
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    good job! as for me, i drink a 12oz of diet coke in the morning which i could do without since i usually don't even finish it. but the coffee, i don't want to give up! i drink it as a treat, an indulgence because i only drink it if i have time to enjoy it:) i only drink one cup but i did switch to a lower calorie creamer. wtg!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I gave up smoking cold turkey in Feb 2010, then started drinking 6 ltrs of coke a week plus eating lollies to break the habit. As of november I haven't had one glass of coke or anything else. I only drink water and have 3 cups of tea a day. I feel so much better for it.