Eating dilemma, need advice.

Ok, so, the weekend is here and I barely eat. I don't feel hungry and I don't feel the need to eat. I don't even crave... yet, Monday through Friday, while at work, all I think about is food. Yes my job is boring and stressful but there has to be another way for me to deal with it other than eat!

I have a desk job and I try to eat only when I'm hungry but yet I have to get up and grab something to snack on. There are tons of snack foods where I work and the healthiest one I can find is dark chocolate covered pomegranate (yum). So I choose them but 1/4 of a cup is approx 200 calories which adds up so quickly.

I can't eat fresh fruit or veggies because of my condition so I need other snack ideas (low in fiber and no gluten) or just learn to not snack at all!! I don't snack on Saturday and Sundays, ever.

Anyone else have this problem?


  • Try sunflower seeds in the shell. They take longer to eat and have a lower glycemic impact which helps with hunger.
  • Try sunflower seeds in the shell. They take longer to eat and have a lower glycemic impact which helps with hunger.

    Sounds doable, I'm going shopping today so I put it on my list. I eat pistachios in shells also, that helps too. Thank you :smile:
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I sometimes eat less on the weekends, since I'm not as active as I am at work/class during the week. Sometimes my intake is significantly lower than during the weekday, but that's fine.

    For snacks, you can always try to make your own versions; with the dark chocolate pomegranate, you can try to make those at home. Or, make your own granola/protein bars. You may have to get creative with your snacks, based on what your body can digest and tolerate, but it can open up some new horizons for you!
  • kalimay2
    kalimay2 Posts: 14 Member
    Nuts, yogurt, protein bars, protein shakes. Try to eat a meal or snack every 3 hours, that will help with cravings and keep your metabolism steady.
  • Casey7860
    Casey7860 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there,
    What about adding chia seeds to your water? It's a way to make you feel full without all those sugar calories. If you're drawn to sugar things I found it was (for me, anyway) was that I wasn't eating enough proteins and eating carbs like crazy. Upping my protein (and decreasing my stress levels) made me crave less sugary things. Now I don't even eat that much chocolate!

    Another option, and something I've been doing, is switching over to Stevia, as it is very low on the GI. The non bitter stevia is the one I enjoy. However, you seem to want to have a physical thing in front to snack on tho... homemade food as others have mentioned is your best bet to decrease the caloric intake of what you're eating during the week, and you know what's in it.

    Potentially, making something with Quinoa,( like muffins?) would be a healthy snack alternative as long as your not eating too much protein already.

    Another suggestion, if you're stressed out at work is to try some relaxation techniques. I haven't looked but I'm sure there are some relaxation apps out there that could help. Or yoga. I love yoga!

    Please note: I'm not a doctor or anything like that. Just offering what's worked for me, take it with a grain of salt and consult your doctor or naturopath or cmd for proper information.
  • Thank you everyone for your advice. I like the idea of relaxation techniques and I do have an app on my phone for meditation, they have them from 2 minutes to 20 minutes but I can just see my boss coming in while my eyes are closed and my meditation app is playing :smile: Or God forbid a coworker!

    Maybe instead of eating I can just come on here and vent! :wink:
  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    I feel similar, during the day at work I want to eat ALL the food, at the weekends I'm not really that bothered.
    I have just worked out what snacks to take with me during the week so I eat ok things rather than snacking on junk.
    I don't tend to snack much at the weekends.. I don't seem to need as much food at the weekends, which is surprising given I do a lot of exersise at the weekends.

    I think eating at work is boredom or a distraction technique!!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Low fiber snacks include cheese and hardboiled eggs. Bring in cheese sticks or some cottage cheese.
  • Hi!

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand something. Please, explain to me what kind of condition is that when you can't have fresh vegetables and/or fruit?
    Also, about those snacks. I won't even get close to it, won't walk that way at all.

    I have Lymphocytic Colitis.... I need to be very careful when eating high fiber foods. I juice, which gets rid of some of the fiber so I am still able to get some of the nutrients in. I do cheat and eat strawberries (when in season), watermelon and red grapes but I end up paying for it.

    What snacks are you referring to?
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    How about some cottage cheese? I am not versed in low gluten foods, so I don't know if that would fit into your dietary constraints.
  • darkhorse43
    darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
    I have ulcerative colitis so I totally understand. I usually take applesauce cups, hummus and rice crackers, and individual packs of snack olives (they are called oloves and I buy them on amazon). If you can handle nut butters you can buy little single serving packs of peanut or almond butter. Also along those lines are larabars. A little high in calories but pretty filling.
  • suzy0317
    suzy0317 Posts: 67 Member
    I too have a very boring job and have found that getting up and walking for 3-5 minutes an hour really helps with the cravings. I get a few laps in when I go to the bathroom and it has helped. I also have Chron's Disease and found if I steam the veggies they are manageable. Banana's are my go to fruit since they don't have the skin.