Meaty Question Here

Ok I said meaty because it's kind of a thick question on meats...

I am naturally a go to fish and chicken kind of gal. I can even just avoid meats all together. Let's just leave it as I've always been distant acquaintances with the protein department. My conundrum is that I live with a carnivoire. He cannot function and is super crabby if he doesn't get adequate intake of red meat (I rarely ever purchased it before he moved in!). His body craves it either daily or at least every other day before the moodiness sets in. How can I find the balance here? I just don't have a taste for red meats on a regular basis.


  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    Is he an adult? Why don't you guys just cook separate meals? My fiance and I cook separately most times, and only come together for things we both like: pizza, grilled items, mac and cheese, etc. I make a lot of ethnic food (Thai, Mexican) and he hates veggies and strong tastes.
  • anna_jewel
    anna_jewel Posts: 127 Member
    My guy is a eats lots of meat too. Sometimes he does a big steak for him, and a piece of chicken for me. Just make separate additions to your meals.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    My sister's standard "hamburger meal" is a beef burger for him and a turkey burger for her. Sadly, if he wants to live forever and be healthy he probably needs to be more limited in his consumption of red meat but you can slowly work him into it if he's game.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Make different entrees for dinner.
  • Amelia0471
    I have this issue too when it comes to certain things, i usually just make separate meats but keep the side dishes the same. Like if he wants steak, i make him steak and i have chicken, but both of us enjoy the same veggies and brown rice so we eat that. Making the same dish but separate meats isn't to hard its basically just one other dish to wash.
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    There is nothing wrong with eating red meat! There is also nothing wrong with not eating red meat! Ha! I recently read a little about the different blood types and how that can affect what we need in our bodies to be operating at the best level. I would agree with the other posters, just cook beef for him and chicken for you. I would suggest making the crockpot your best friend. You can cook either or both (in separate crocks or after it's been washed of course) and set yourself up for a few days to a week. Daily you just have to heat up the proteins and make your sides. Easy. Hope this helps!!!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Nothing wrong with red meat.

    If it's not your preference, cook separate meals. My husband's calorie level is twice what mine is, so sometimes make chicken breast so that I can meet my protein macro for less calories.

    I like to cook stuff & keep on hand for a couple of days so there's often both cooked & ready to go :drinker:
  • lemonlime006
    I refuse to make more than one meal, and I feel like if I'm cooking, it's going to be for us, not just for me and not just for him. So with that in mind, I make things we can agree on, and make adjustments as a compromise. I also slowly included more vegetables, and less red meat for my husband. I started by using ground turkey, with beef bouillon in it for some recipes. It's funny when he "catches" me doing things he doesn't expect, like sneaking extra vegetables in the pasta sauce. (If you cut them up really small and saute them a bit, it's much less noticeable). I also saute greens and add some real bacon in it. He's way more excited about kale and spinach that way! Good luck.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Make bulk meals and freeze them for him. Meatloaf, beef stew, beef chili, even roast sliced up and frozen in serving sizes.