Breastfeeding Mamas

Hello everyone! I am currently exclusively breastfeeding my 10 week old daughter. I'm ALSO trying to lose the last 10lbs...

Any other mamas in the same boat? I'd love to join up and lose the weight together! Feel free to send me a friend request!


  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    Yes! 10 week old here as well but have MUCH more than 10lbs to lose. I'm not one who loses while breastfeeding sadly and am struggling cutting calories/carbs because my supply drops - trying to find a good balance of diet/exercise without killing my supply. I'm at an uncomfortable weight and really want to get it down!
  • Tab122377
    Tab122377 Posts: 81 Member
    my first lost fast but my supply sucked. The last two boys I ate what i wanted and dint loose any so i'm doing it now.

    But knowing what i know now I would try to eat healtier and keep track. and don't stress if you dont loose it. your doing a great job BF it's not a easy task.

    I BF all 3 my boy. at least a year.
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    Hello! I'm breastfeeding my three week old daughter. So far, breastfeeding hasn't helped me drop much. Feeling so flubby right now. I gained 40 pounds total and have lost 18 so far. I'm hungry a lot, so it's been hard to look at calories. I hate my weight but this is my first baby, so it's all new. Looking for support and advice from other mommies to keep from accidentally gaining while breastfeeding.
  • pink_mint
    pink_mint Posts: 103 Member
    Same here. Breastfeeding does not help me lose weight at all. I'm currently nursing my 21 lb 5 month old baby who just started a tiny bit of solids. I feel like a cow. This is my 3rd baby and it's the same every time. Breastfeeding makes me fat, seriously. And if I restrict my eating enough to lose weight, bye-bye breastmilk supply. SO frustrating. I am up THIRTY pounds from where I was before I got pregnant with this one. I'd like to lose 40.
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my three month old and I'm almost down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 145. I'd like to lose another 10 after that. So far I haven't had any supply issues but if I'm hungry, I eat even if it means going over my goal for the day. The most important thing is that my little guy gets what he needs so I don't feel too guilty when I overeat. anyone here, feel free to add me
  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    My little girl is 11 wks and we are also bf. I have 10-15 lbs to prepregnancy weight and would love to lose 15-20 more after that. While i would love to lose it fast, I agree that getting lo what they need is the most important thing.
  • uzaida
    uzaida Posts: 3 Member
    I am also exclusively breastfeeding my daughter who is 11 weeks old. I have about 20 lbs to pre pregnancy weight but I dont want to compromise my milk supply as some of you ladies. Is there a way to add breastfeeding to your goal so it can calculate the amount of calories needed per day?
  • jenny24012014
    jenny24012014 Posts: 83 Member
    Breastfeeding can be added as a negative food - just search for breastfeeding in the food section.

    I'm breastfeeding my 17 month old, it's only in the evening and when she wakes up during the night so I only add 200 calories for it. To be honest I would happily stop but the lack of a decent nights sleep for the last year and a half makes the idea of fighting her over it too much to deal with at the moment.
  • Gingersnaps703
    Gingersnaps703 Posts: 8 Member
    My baby girl's 8 weeks number 3. I am exclusively breastfeeding and have the same problem. I was losing weight for the first 4 weeks. But somehow, within the last month I've gained albs. You'd think I'd be used to this....because it happened with my first two. It's SO depressing! I need to lose 35lbs until I'm where I was before this pregnancy and another 10 to be where I'd like to stay. I've adjusted my calorie intake as people told me I was eating to dice! I'm dying here!
  • 812sara
    812sara Posts: 72 Member
    I am in exact same boat! this is also my third but this is my first time EBF I lost my pregnancy weight very fast, but I still have 70 or so pounds I need to lose that i had before pregnancy. I am not sure what my calorie goal should be???? If anyone has suggestions please message me :)
  • Ok. I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one who doesn't lose weight while breastfeeding. I'm on baby number 3 (3mo), and I've always exclusively breastfed my kids. But I was starting to wonder if something was wrong with my body since EVERYONE would tell me 'oh don't worry! You're nursing, right? The weight will come right off', and obviously that NEVER happens. I think my biggest problem is the munchies I get after I nurse them. It's so frustrating. I try to keep fruits and nuts around to snack on, but end up gobbling them up in a couple of days. What else is there?
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    None of you ladies have to feel that you are the only ones not losing while breastfeeding. I have also been struggling with this for eight months now. Actually, the longer I nurse, the more weight I seem to gain. I contribute this to a few things; my age (I'm 44), my weight (191 lbs.), and my unhealthy eating habits (snacking and occasional fast food). I have been using MFP for fifty days now and have been trying to eat healthier and exercise. Although I haven't lost any weight yet, I do feel a lot better and can actually run farther than I have ever run before (I'm training for a 5K).

    I have talked to different people (those with previous experience and nursing experts, as well as a nutritionist) and they all agree that it's difficult to lose while exclusively nursing. My nutritionist said I was burning between 500-1000 calories a day feeding my baby. I agree that losing the weight comes second to providing milk for him so if I don't lose while breastfeeding, at least I will have practice logging my food and doing the right exercises. She also recommended (in addition to the 3-4 days a week that I run) to do strength training with weights a couple times a week. She said it would probably take at least eight weeks to see any results.

    I wish everyone the best of luck. I know it's not easy but the sacrifice you are making for your little ones is priceless. Keep up the good work, even if it takes a while. I know I don't plan to lose any significant amount until I stop nursing but I will keep trying to practice good eating habits along with regular exercise. If I can help anyone else, just let me know.
  • tlafrance
    tlafrance Posts: 105 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I am breastfeeding part-time. I am trying to get back after gaining 40 lbs!. Don't know how to start. Any tips?