Have I done irreparable damage to my metabolism?

My whole life I've been skinny. Growing up I could eat an insane amount of food and still remain my normal skin and bones self. My mom would worry that I was underweight and give my twin sister and I extra meals to fatten us up (it never worked). Though we were skinny we were also really healthy (doctors would even says so), active, and never ate junk food thanks to our mom. I guess we just had incredibly fast metabolisms.

When I hit 18 I started to notice some belly fat. This was totally new for me and I guess I freaked out. I started to become more aware of what I was eating and I guess I started SLIGHTLY restricting for some months. Didn't count calories so i don't know by how much. I also didn't however lose the extra belly fat.

I only wanted to lose a pound or two to get rid of the extra chub and so I found my fitness pal. It told me to eat 1200 calories. I now realize how LITTLE that really was for my size: I'm 5'6'' and 110 pounds. I did this for a couple months and I actually GAINED 4-5 pounds. Even just looking at my identical twin sister you could see how my thighs had gotten bigger.

To add insult to the injury, afterwards I had a month long religious fast (Ramadan), which meant I couldn't eat during daylight hours. Though I didn't count calories I'm sure I averaged no more than 800 - 1000 calories daily.

In terms of exercise, I do hatha (low intensity) yoga twice a week and pilates twice a week. Otherwise I'm not too active.

I started to get tired easily, constantly cold, couldn't concentrate or sleep properly and was constipated. I also stopped getting my period and always thought about food. After doing some research I realized that I may have gone into starvation mode (I know this is an extremely controversial subject) and probably did some damage to my metabolism.

I'm now trying to get my metabolism back to where it was. I increased calories to around 1400 for a month but those 4 pounds still didn't come down and still no period. I've now upped calories to around 1700. Though it's only been 3 days, it feels like I'm gaining more fat. I feel bloated and more squishy. I also feel more hungry and gassy than usual and unusually warm. Are these signs that my metabolism is speeding up?

I just want to get back to where I was weight-wise as well. Can it happen?


  • BornxVillain
    BornxVillain Posts: 79 Member
    I just want to check something, did you say you're 6 foot 6 inches, and 110 pounds? Or was that a typo?
  • I'm sorry but you lost me at "I'm 6'6" and 110 lbs"....
  • izzyjune19
    izzyjune19 Posts: 5 Member
    sorry that was a typo omg
  • BornxVillain
    BornxVillain Posts: 79 Member
    THANK THE HEAVENS. I was so worried. Re-reading again!
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    If you are 5'6" and 114 pounds, and don't have a period, you don't need to worry about losing 4 pounds, but you do need to see a doctor. Your metabolism is what it is. As you get older, it will slow down. You cannot change that. Expecting to be able to do nothing, eat what you want, and stay skinny is unreasonable and unrealistic.

    If anything, you should be looking at putting on some pounds by building up muscle. Just being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy and if you're not active, you likely have very little muscle so are going to be squishy.
  • Hi there! Your nutrition (caloric intake) seems to be fine. What I think is happening, is that your body is getting used to the Yoga, and you are plateauing. What I suggest is increasing the intensity of your workout. This means keeping the heart rate up for at least 60 minutes at least 5 times per week. The daily active living amount for children is 60 minutes (heart rate up) every day. Therefore since we are adults, we should be doing that as well.

    As we know, metabolism as we get older slows down. This is due to different hormonal changes within the body. The declination of ones metabolic rate varies, and for you it looks like 18.

    I understand that your level of activity is low, but in order for change to happen, the intensity of your activities needs to increase. If you really want to get your metabolism back, I suggest gaining muscle as well. Muscles use up a lot of calories when they are active, and gaining some muscle is beneficial to increasing your metabolism. To ease into a new routine, I definitely suggest running for at least 15 minutes and giving that a shot. :)
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Go to APPS section and use the BMI tool for a quick idea of what is healthy weight for your height. 5' 6" and 110 lbs shouldn't be dieting. I agree with others - go see your doctor about no period and be open and honest about your dieting and feelings of being overweight.
  • BornxVillain
    BornxVillain Posts: 79 Member
    Okay, first of all.. Hiya! I can see how all of these things may worry you, and at 5'6 -110lbs, according to the BMI you are considered underweight. Those who are underweight typically suffer from Malnutrition, which includes all of your symptoms. You are not getting enough of your vitamins and macros in a day. It isn't about upping just your calories but incorporating foods that nourish the body. Treat your body like the beauty it is, we only get one of them. Stay strong on the 1,700 calories at LEAST, I am begging that of you. The extra weight you are seeing could very likely be your body depositing fat because it desperately needs something to hold onto. At your height I would reccommend about 1,850 calories a day to help nourish yourself again, go into your 'goals' tab and make sure you put it under maintenence, you should not be trying to lose right now. I was malnourished once and I paid the price, I got gallstones with pancreatitis and wound up in the hospital, undergoing emergency surgery. Please don't try to lose any more weight, I know it's scary but it's so refreshing to see you worried about yourself and not just the weight. Your health is the most important thing in the world, aim to feel your best.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Have you considered that it is unrealistic to expect to remain the same weight as a grown woman, as you did when a teen? Most people do not remain the same weight they were as a teenager, that is just the way it is. 110 at 5'6 was underweight anyway, so why would you wish to be that weight again? It is possible your gain had little to do with your diet, and everything to do with reaching maturity and leaving your teenaged years. You are far better just focusing on eating healthy, staying active, just as you did before this diet you put yourself on, and learning to be happy with where your body ends up at with a healthy lifestyle. You can always do some weight/strength training to shape your body how you would like it, and that will be far more effective for your belly than weight loss.
  • izzyjune19
    izzyjune19 Posts: 5 Member
    I totally agree with you. I think everything would be resolved if I started eating 1850+ and starting strength training. I'll continue to increase my calories and start to lift. It's just extremely intimidating. Imagining myself the skinny girl that I am at a gym attempting to lift heavy is slightly scary,
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member

    Instead of worrying about what you look like at the gym, please worry about getting your health back in order first.
  • Honestly, at 5'6 and only 114 lbs with no period and feeling cold and tired all the time you need to see a doctor and describe all of these symptoms. If you have a naturally fast metabolism, you need to be giving your body what it needs to function. I would up the calorie intake, but seeing a doctor would still be something to do before adding more of a workout routine, just to rule out anything else (lacking a menstrual cycle is a red flag.) Also, maybe think about finding a nutritionist that could help you better understand what sort of balance your body needs to get to a healthy place. Best of luck!
  • BornxVillain
    BornxVillain Posts: 79 Member
    I am so happy to hear that. Strength training changes your body in such a great way, I know you will feel so much better this way.

    I know it may be scary, but remember that we only live once and we have to be strong for ourselves and always nourish ourself fully!

    I hope that you feel much better soon and see the changes you desire.. without anymore weight loss I hope!

    Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • izzyjune19
    izzyjune19 Posts: 5 Member
    @socalkay: "http://www.livestrong.com/article/401465-does-dieting-affect-your-period/

    Instead of worrying about what you look like at the gym, please worry about getting your health back in order first."

    I never got to mention in my post that after upping calories I no longer feel tired all the time and cold. I sleep well now and have a lot of energy. I also got my period a month ago. I also HAVE gone to a doctor and gyno about the missed periods. My gyno checked my hormone levels and said I was fine. Said some people are just irregular.

    You seem a little cranky you alright?
  • izzyjune19
    izzyjune19 Posts: 5 Member
    Apparently I have PCOS and as long as I have three periods a year I'm fine.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Your period could ALSO have stopped due to too low intake in calories.

    Your responses here seem a little cranky, you alright?
