New to my fitness pal

I am an older, diabetic female. When I was younger, I never had a weight problem. For the last ten years I have been really struggling with my weight. If I lose forty pounds It will help me so much. Unfortunately, nothing has been working. I like the idea of posting what I eat every day. I hope I have finally found a solution.

I am looking for people that have had good results from this program and some one to chat with to keep me on track. I want to keep this fun. I know this will be a life long change opposed to a "diet". Happy::


  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I just got to my 40 pound loss on Friday. I love this site. It has made all the difference for me. It takes all the guesswork out of it, and I don't have to do any math!

    You are welcome to add me as a friend, my diary is open if you want to get some ideas.
  • Petzwv
    Petzwv Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I know exactly what your saying :-) Same reason I joined.... just a few days ago. I also never worried about my weight when I was younger.
    Fun is important to me too.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    First question, type 1 or 2.? 1 means you didn't do this to yourself, 2 means you did. If it's 2, then you have to ask yourself exactly "how tough are you,". Are you tough enough to go through the inevitable hunger pangs, are you tough enough to stay within your MFP calorie goal, are you tough enough to start moving more, are you tough enough to finish this, and finally, are you tough enough to stay with it for the rest of your life?

    Something only YOU can answer.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Friend request sent from one 60 year old female to another. You can sooo do this! Look at me. 63 pounds gone in 53 weeks. No more BP meds. :bigsmile:
  • Trying one more time to find some way to stop hating myself. I need to lose about 40 lbs and I'm so miserable in my own body that I almost don't want to leave the house any more. I've tried to get going so many times. I am so tired of failing.
  • RyPope14
    RyPope14 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! I've just started using the site a week ago and it's already working for me. Definitely takes all of the guess work out of everything. Just make sure you log everything you eat/drink and burn the recommend amount of calories for the week and you'll be fine:)
  • Hello, my name is Tameka. I will be 27 next month and needing to lose 100lbs. I've been overweight all of my life, but now is the perfect time to change. My Dad died at the age of 29 leaving behind 5 small children. His weight led to all type of health problems which ultimately led to his death. I'm blessed to not have any health problems, but I know that if I don't change my lifestyle that would more than likely change. II've done many different diets before, but often quit after 3 days. I'm determined more now than ever before to get rid of the excessive weight. I'm tired of just being the "girl with the pretty face". Wish me luck on my new journey!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    The girl with the pretty face will soon be the girl with the curves. I see it in your face how bad you want it.

    See you lighter.