Hello from Florida.

I'm Debbie. I just started the keto diet and am looking forward my journey to a better life.


  • DeterminedbyGod
    DeterminedbyGod Posts: 130 Member
    I am from northern florida. Good luck with your weight loss :smile:
  • corki21957
    Thanks! Good luck to you as well!
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    Hey, I'm in Sarasota. I don't really diet, I just make sure I'm at a little deficit. I've got liver disease so I have to take it slow. Every time I've ever dieted I gained it all back with extra. Wow it's still really hot huh, we got half the rain we were supposed to this year, and are just getting summer pattern rains now in the fall?? It's like we've turned into Miami. How are ya'll? :glasses:
  • corki21957
    Hi Ret, Yeah, it's hot as blazes here too. I am so looking forward to fall this year. I have hypothyroidism and type 2 diabetes, so I have been hitting and missing with my daily requirements. I think I have finally figured out my requirements. I am not in a hurry either. I am, however, finally determined to get this weigh off. On eof the things that has hindered me was that we always went out to dinner on Friday eves. I always left the house thinking I was going to have a nice healthy low carb meal, but always ended up eating exactly the opposite. Unfortunatley, my husband is stuck in bed with a back injury and will be having back surgery next month. So, no more eating out for now. It's unfortunate that he is having back problems, but fortunate for me that I can stick to my meal plan without temptation. Hopefully by the time he is up and about, I will have lost enough weight to have that be an incentive to stear clear of the foods I shouldn't be eating.

    Nice meeting you!