Really REALLY like junk food



  • Peloton73
    Peloton73 Posts: 148 Member
    basically Looking for any advice. I don't want to be fat --- but I don't actually feel like putting in any effort this time ... which is ridiculous I know - but I'm being honest. I just don't have that push inside to do it. But I want to . I want to be motivated and determined and just throw everything into it. So how do I get that mojo back ?

    Do you want to die in your 40's? That should be motivation enough.

    You're young. You can make changes and live a long happy life. Or you can feel sorry for yourself and not put in any effort. I've been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and then burned it. I regret all the years I wasted looking for the easy way out.
  • rizzla00
    rizzla00 Posts: 7 Member
    hi all...

    may I say something on this subject please...
    some moths ago I saw myself and was ashamed to what I saw....
    so I joined this club MFP and started changing my outlook,i took note of my daily intake and found I was over all the time.....
    after a few day of working out what I could get away with as far as eating junk and healthy foods I started logging everything...
    now I eat smaller regular meals my diet has changed aswell as I look on site for healthy options and enjoyed eating them,makes a change for me......
    I still have the burger but it has to fit my calorie count as with so many things....,be honest and it does work....
    as far as fitness I just walk my dog but for longer as faster,i do plan to go swimming and the gym at some stage soon,just to help...
    I am amazed at my weight loss I did not think I could do this,i am on no special diet but just watch and how much I eat....
    in all over the past 3mths I have lost 23lbs approx.,I feel better for it....

    if I can do this weight loss thing just by watching what I eat but on a regular basis and regular smaller meals with healthy snacks,,,,,so not to feel to hungry,,,,i think anyone can....but be honest with yourself it really does work........
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you =) !! I am doing the shakes at the moment because I don't normally eat at all through the day ( I did have like ten cups of coffee though ) , then I stuff my face at night Lol !! I do agree with you though its not a forever thing and it is a bit of a " fad " . but for now im hoping It will get my body realizing to eat all day not just at night .
    Missing my coffee and soft drink but not as much as I thought I would =)
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    your right - and I do need to realize the fat people who die in their 40s could be me. Looking forward to watching your progress to ! You look like your new as well ?
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks Rizzala !! I am honestly surprised also that when I put my food in that diary how much I am actually eating in calories !!! The diary of excersise and water and food is really going to make a difference I think.
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    I have never thougth about food like that - I also quit smoking 4 years ago because I realized how stupid it was to be paying so much money to possibly give myself cancer lol

    I didn't actually realize there was cancer causing foods / sugars --- that's a bit scary .
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    that sounds REALLy easy the way you put it lol !! I hope I can say I have lost 12 kilos in 13 weeks. you all are giving me motivation
  • jessicaflanders3
    jessicaflanders3 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks keelybird !! you are new also ?? It will be nice to check in on each others journey !! =)
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Frankly, your situation is a little different. PCOS calls for different rules. A lot of people with the syndrome try and try and can't lose weight with traditional calorie in/calorie out.

    I didn't lose a pound until I went low carb and started to actually eat more, quality food. I never skip a meal like I used to. There's tonnes of information out there.

    Once I went low carb, the pounds going away became my motivation. 5 months later, and I look forward to my exercise. Sometimes people come with, sometimes they don't, and I don't care either way.

    I still sometimes throw in a couple slices rye bread, cause I like it, but it's not an everyday thing, and it's not 4 pieces covered in nutella and peanut butter. I'll still eat a banana, but again, not every day, and only if I have room in my carb allowance.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I rarely eat salad. I find the texture of lettuce is bothersome on my tongue. Instead, I eat a lot of raw crunchy veggies, like carrots, celery, cauliflower, and broccoli...

    I, too, prefer a crunchier texture. I like to use shredded cabbage or broccoli slaw instead of lettuce in my salads.
  • Daphnerose86
    Daphnerose86 Posts: 77 Member
    No matter what anyone tells you losing weight is hard. You can quit things like smoking or drugs or drinking alcohol and NEVER have to do them again. You can't quit food. So when your addiction is also something you need for survival, it gets complicated.

    My advice. Stop whatever diet you are on. It is clearly making you miserable and your heart is not in it. You are just going to trudge along until something really tiny throws you off the wagon because you are halfway out already. And that's okay. Don't think in terms of how much you have to lose or what foods you can't have that ever again. The Tony Ferguson diet doesn't seem like something you would be able to live with long term. Having a "shake and salad" every day would drive me insane. You can still eat food and lose weight. You don't even need to go on a diet plan of any kind. Try simply tracking your food in your diary for a several weeks. Give yourself a maintenance calorie amount and see where your food intake is relative to that. Then make small changes. You can eat junk food and stay within your caloric limit- just pair it with fruits and veggies.

    I hate salads. I never eat them unless they are mostly cheese. (which doesn't help!) I also don't have a lot of time at work for lunch so I never make it through a whole salad and end up really really hungry by the time I leave work. But there are many different ways to prepare vegetables that don't have to be in salads. Just look up recipes!

    I'm driving the vegetables thing home because the more I started eating less processed foods and more fruits and vegetables the less I was hungry. The less all the snack food my boyfriend keeps in the house looked appetizing. My body felt better, I didn't feel sluggish or drained because my body was getting the nutrients it needed.

    The more sugar you consume the more your body craves it. It's a vicious cycle.

    I've been slowly changing my eating habits for a month now. I'm slowly learning how to feed my body better and the tiny victories have helped me keep motivated. There were times when I was on a food binge over the last year that I was so disgusted I'd cry myself to sleep. If I had tried during that time to start dieting I would have failed miserably. Give yourself some time to get in the right mind set and start again. You are doing this for your health and your future. Every little bit of weight you lose is a victory! You know your medical limitations on how fast you will shed the weight. Don't let that be an excuse. Fight for it. Good luck!!
  • robeff
    robeff Posts: 15 Member
    My advice. Stop whatever diet you are on. It is clearly making you miserable and your heart is not in it. You are just going to trudge along until something really tiny throws you off the wagon because you are halfway out already.

    I think that's good advice. If you don't find something sustainable for you, long term it's not going to be effective. When you start and stop you just keep getting more and more discouraged.

    Maybe you can meet with a nutritionist? Diet is more important than exercise really - not dieting, but finding an eating plan that is going to work for you. Some fitness trainers have backgrounds in nutrition science as well.

    I don't really like salad or veggies all that much either. I tend to incorporate them into dishes where they are mostly disguised, to add volume, or overpower them with other strong flavors (like stir frys with soy sauce and sriracha).

    You'll have to sacrifice something though, to achieve your goals. Just the way it works. The more you sacrifice, the faster you reach them.

    There are some tricks you can do though - like tonight I had a low calorie meal that left me feeling 'heavy' like I had a cheat meal. I made;

    - 1 package tofu fettuccine style shiratki noodles (40 cal)
    - 2 wedges laughing cow light (70 cal)
    - 6oz diced chicken breast (180 cal)
    - half a package of sliced sauteed crimini mushrooms (like 20ish cal)

    High protein, high volume, almost no carbs and a cheesy/creamy texture like eating linguine for close to 300 calories.

    You're not going to find anything like icecream that is low cal, but you can do sugar free fudge bars for 40 calories each, or actual fudge / frozen yogurt bars for around 100, or sugar free double chocolate puddings for 60 cal

    I found I had to work on finding snack alternatives to fit cravings - like for salty, I'd do miso soup with some sauteed veggies and an egg (35 cal + 70cal), for pizza I make brown rice cake with melted mozzarella stick, sauteed mushrooms and taco sauce (most condiments are nearly calorie free, I use them liberally).. staying hydrated really helps too. If you feel hungry, drink some water first and wait 10-15 min. Sometimes being dehydrated manifests as hunger.

    An honest accounting for calories is really important, especially when you're trying to get started. It's not always pretty - early on I'd have days where I exceeded my calorie goal by like 2000 - but if you don't at least track it you can't really see where the biggest damage is being done.

    Anyway, good luck! Once can make the mental shift to really commit and get started, the weight will come flying off over the first several months.
  • markbully
    markbully Posts: 2 Member
    You need to eat during the day, it's a must. If you don't eat breakfast now, then you need to start eating a small bowl of weetbix or low fat/sugar content cereal, a piece of fruit , etc. If you don't eat in the morning you are putting your body into starvation mode and it will store more fat rather than burn it off. Eat small heathy snacks during the day if you don't get to eat a proper lunch. And most of all don't pig out at dinner time, just eat a normal size portion. And try to stay below the MFP recommended calories for you chosen daily weight lose. And not to forget be positive, patient and stay focused because MFP works if you let it.
  • CherryChan81
    CherryChan81 Posts: 264 Member
    me too... and i am craving for KFC all the time... :'(
  • marlenadew
    marlenadew Posts: 32 Member
    1st I would like to say I am no expert and still consider myself a newbie in my lifestyle change. With that being said for me I had to tackle one thing at a time since I had absolutely no discipline. For example I love pepsi and it just so happens there's a circle k right up the street! .79 cent 44 Oz drinks were happening all too frequently. So I started evaluating my diet and challenging myself one thing at a time. Believe it or not I saw a difference with every one thing I changed. My 1st 1 week challenge I dared myself to cut out soda and I lost 3 lbs that week. After seeing small success it motivated me to do more. For me looking at the big picture all at once just felt all too overwhelming but by the time I turned around 6 months had passed by and I successfully tackled some major dietary issues and now I'm down 42 lbs! You can do it. Just remember many of us cheat but it isn't a permanent fail. Just get back to where you started and keep on going.
    Be encouraged, Marlena.......