Binge eating at nights?



  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    I had the same problem. So I am using two strategies.
    1) Don't buy junk. (And if you do, buy one very small portion and put it on a high shelf where you'd need a ladder to get it.)
    2) Leave about 300 cals for after 7 pm (that's when my munchies hit.) Just plan in some extra stuff after dinner.
  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    Like everyone else has already said, tea and/or healthy, pre-portioned snacks are usually my go-to. I often find that it's not even the actual food but more the process of eating that is a habit for me, so I've started trying to find other things to do while watching tv to occupy my hands. Sounds rather childish, but I have a few abstract designs printed out that I colour mindlessly while watching a show/movie and it really helps distract me from a craving. Knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, crafting in general - anything that your hands can do while leaving your mind free to focus on the show!
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Make sure you eat enough during the day
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    This has always been an issue for me. Some weeks I'm good, some not so much. I'm trying to go to bed early and stay there instead of coming down to the kitchen.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I wonder... if you really think about it, isn't TV boring? We want to have something pleasurable to do at the end of the day to reward ourselves, and sometimes TV can be a pleasure, but it's not truly gratifying. I get really restless watching TV, and in the past, I've eaten junk food to calm myself down. It's understandable that you're looking for something to relieve the boredom.

    Think about what activity could get you really fired up, and see if you can start doing that sometimes instead of TV. Maybe something artistic like learning an instrument, or painting, sculpting, woodworking or writing. Maybe you could find a group on Meetup that you would have fun joining. Reading a good magazine, book, or researching something of interest on the web are options, too.

    When I do watch TV, I tend to play Candy Crush at the same time. It keeps me busy. Or I get up during the commercials to do a quick household chore. Whatever it takes!