Cheat day & struggles

Hey all! This is my first post. I don't have many people in my life who know what I'm goin through in terms off weightloss journey. But I've lost around 60 pounds & I'm working on 80 more as a hole! I have a personal trainer now (as of 3 weeks ago) and I'm building muscle and burning fat, losing inches not so much pounds. That's what's killing me. Last night I had my cheat night, enjoyed a few beers with friends & I woke up beating myself up over it. I've been heavy my entire life, so in my mind I just took 20 steps backwards. Crazy right? I just can't help but think that. Anyone else have these feelings?


  • cutenikki07
    cutenikki07 Posts: 120 Member
    Its a HUGE struggle with cheat days but I tell myself that it is OKAY to indulge in moderation. So as long as you stick to the 80/20 rule and your 20% does NOT outdo your 80% then you should be good! :) Congrats on losing 60lbs already!!! Thats a HUGE accomplishment!!!
  • hisvoice143
    Thank you! I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling bad, ill def keep the 80/20 ratio in mind!!
  • l_s_85
    Congratulations thats a huge achievement. 1 cheat day is not the end f the world - a small reward for all the hard work is not so bad :)
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I don't beat myself up. This journey we are on is made up of changes that must stay with us for a lifetime. In the long run going out with friends is not going to derail your efforts.

    I don't think of these as cheat meals. These are my way of allowing myself the things I love in moderation.

    Think of it this way....are you going to give these things up for the rest of your life?

    Relax, stay to your plan and live your life.
  • Jayma375
    Jayma375 Posts: 60 Member
    I agree with the others, you're doing great. Don't beat yourself up about one evening. Did you have fun with your friends is one question you have to ask yourself. However, also don't let this bump in your journey screw your larger plan. This is life and you don't want to pass up an occasional fun night with friends, just figure out how to work it out and keep going in the right direction. If you stay too strict it will make it harder to keep it up the rest of your life.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    I think it is so easy to tell some one it is okay, it is not the end of your plan and there is always tomorrow. BUT, when you have a day where you feel like you are being watched as you put the numbers in for each morsel you shoved in your pie hole, not as easy. Yes, it is only one day, and I am sure it does not mean you will just give up. But damn, it is hard to shake the feeling of mistake when you already downed it and had to count it.

    Only cheat day I had since I started 141 days ago. Goodies were scrumptious but, feeling embarrassed.

    Cheats don't come often enough to be concerned about. I am also not struggling. My plan is great.