No more excuses.

Hey, everyone!

I just thought I would introduce myself, as I have a LONG way to go to meet my weight loss goal and could always use some encouragement and positivity. My name is Trish - and I live in Muscatine, IA. I work full time in Customer Support, so I'm not usually on my feet a lot during the day - and am extremely guilty of just getting fast food for lunch.

I've done the weight loss thing before, but it didn't stick - so now I'm finally either going to lose weight or quit complaining about my weight. It's one or the other at this point, because I'm at the heaviest I've EVER been. My weight loss goal is 130 pounds. I think this would put me at a healthy weight - and I know that I would definitely be proud of myself and more confident as well.

I'm a very honest person. I don't think exercise is fun, and I hate being outdoors. (I would much rather be having a movie night or losing myself in Pinterest projects.) I also really like foods that aren't good for me. This is why I struggle so much with losing weight and keeping it off. It's so much easier to fall back into old habits. I'm hoping that I can make many positive changes in my life, starting with this.

Feel free to add me as a friend on here if you would like some motivation and positivity as well. :)


  • commkrista3
    commkrista3 Posts: 31 Member
    Sounds like we're in the same boat! I've got about 113 Lbs to lose. Trust me, I've done all the weight loss miracles in the past as well. I definitely know how you are feeling and where you're coming from.

    Stick with it. YOU"RE worth it! I'll add you :)
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Now or never! Let's do it!