Carbs or Protein before/after a workout?

I need some guideance on what to be eating within an hour of my workout. I'm trying to cut out as many of my carbs as possible and have still been eating between 50 and 80 carbs a day. I go the gym after work every day and do whatever class is available at that time. Usually, a cardio/strength training/aerobics class. Should I be eating carbs before? after? not at all? I haven't got a clue. Please enlighten me.....thanks!


  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    According to Oxygen magazine (which I love) you shoud eat an easy to digest carb and protein. They suggest fruit for the carb. Fruit and yogurt would good or add some fruit to a protein shake.
  • jhann16
    jhann16 Posts: 62
    Are you following a food program? 50 - 80 carbs a day is pretty low. My doc has me on "low-carb" and I aim for 140 a day. Anywho, to answer your question....I eat protein after a workout. I like almonds. A whey protein drink is also yummy. Also if I feel my blood sugar dip I'll grab a banana...but that has quite a few carbs in it.

    The way my doc explained it: eating a few carbs before a workout fuels it and eating protein with a few carbs after a workout promotes muscle health.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I like a protein drink after I am done- EAS Carb Advantage is my go to shake, because its an easy grab and go. If I feel like I really need more, I'll add a banana.
  • Paralegalpebbles
    Paralegalpebbles Posts: 15 Member
    I read the article in Reader's Digest that said a low carb diet consists of less than 20 carbs per day, and I find that near impossible! It said if you can't do that, then to try to keep them below 70. I just want to lose this weight before my 50th birthday in August, and I'm trying really hard, and I'm never hungry because I'm constantly "grazing" but mostly on protein. I'm using the diet diary here in MFP, but if I go over the calories (only allowed 1200) or the fat a little, I don't mind if I've stayed low on the carbs. I exercise for 1 hour at least 4 times a week. Weekends are a little harder because I'm home with hubby who doesn't need or understand dieting. He just wants me to be happy no matter what my size.
  • maggieschuck
    I've worked with a trainer in the past and I was told to have protein before a workout. You need some thing in your stomach to support you during your work out. Feed your body. If you are feeling dizzy, nauseous, or cramping during your work out then you aren't getting enough. Get a few protein bars to keep with you so you can eat on your way there.

    Complex carbs are good for you but protein is better for work out days.
  • Skye76
    Skye76 Posts: 28
    I read the article in Reader's Digest that said a low carb diet consists of less than 20 carbs per day

    A low-carb diet is generally considered to be less than 100g per day. I think the RD article got their number from the Atkins diet, which starts people at <20g a day, and then you add on 5g a week until you get to a maintenance level (usually between 80 and 120 depending on body size, if I remember correctly). Basic guideline for low carb is that it shouldn't be more than 20-25% of your intake.