Fasting starting February

princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Every February my church does a fast. I usually don't do much of it (because I'm a baby :tongue: ), but this year I'm thinking of really pushing myself to do more. I just wanted opinions as to exercises. I think I can still get in all my calories, so maybe I won't have to cut down on exercise? The fast is four weeks:

Week 1- no sweets
Week 2- no sweets, no meat
Week 3- just liquids
Week 4- water only

Now I'm not going to be doing just water. I have prescriptions I need to take with food. I just want to get opinions as to whether a month of this fast will hurt me.


  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I do a detox fast ever 4-5 months, lasting 2 weeks. I had to stop though because I was losing too much muscle.

    IMO fasting is not worth it. Makes you sluggish and miserable. I would try the first two weeks rules and go all month like that
  • wow, week 3 and 4 look tough, but I'm sure you can do it. Good Luck! I don't know anything about it, but was interested so I thought I'd check your post out!
  • Amcantar
    Amcantar Posts: 43 Member
    I'm guessing that darn near no-one on this site is a doctor. Something like this should really be discussed with a professional, it could be very harmful to your body.
  • is it a 24/7 fast or do you have time to make up your calories later in the day?.... I've fasted for (the month of) Ramadan and its hard, but do-able (no food OR drink, even water, from sun-up to sunset, but ok to eat during the evening/night hours). Would love to hear more about your plans.
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Our church is doing the 21 day fast in Feb. too. I will do no sweets too, fruits/veggies and drink just water. I will still excercise but maybe not as hard? Either way, fasting is a time to allow the Lord and you to draw closer and he will help you in the eating and excercise :smile: Maybe if you have a treadmill just walking on each day would be good. I do a treadmill workout and insanity dvds and may just take it a little easier w/ the insanity for those days of fasting? Either way, you can do it :happy:
  • lgeren
    lgeren Posts: 45
    I think it's great. It's really hard to do. I've only fasted with our church a few times but I think it is def. worth it. It will give you that time to rely on the Lord & really have a much closer relationship with Him! Good luck & I'll be praying that although you will be cutting out a lot, that you will still be healthy!
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    I never have a problem with no sweets and no meat. I love soups so I'm sure I'd be fine with just liquids for two weeks. I think I'll just take it easy on the exercise. Also, just FYI, my whole church does this fast and everyone has been fine. It's spiritually important to me, so the question isn't whether or not I'm going to do it, just how much I will be doing. We'll see how strong I am when we get to the liquids! :wink:
  • I just started on this site, but I have fasted unto the Lord in the past. Going without "sweets" is really more healthy for everyone. If you are not going to eat meat How about substituting with other proteins like cottage cheese, peanut butter ect... That way you still get your much needed protein. Sounds like it will be a real blessing in February if the whole church is fasting.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
  • I believe when you are fasting to the Lord, He will bless you. Some things cannot be explained, for example Daniel and his friends fasting from the king's food in the bible. :) Go for it girl! God Bless
  • Net132
    Net132 Posts: 174 Member
    I believe when you are fasting to the Lord, He will bless you. Some things cannot be explained, for example Daniel and his friends fasting from the king's food in the bible. :) Go for it girl! God Bless

    Agree, God made this temple if you are honering him he will see you through to the end.
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Our church youth are doing a 30hr fast starting tomorrow. No food...just water. It's in conjunction with a concert/fundraiser for world hunger. I've never really fasted before and I'm a little nervous, but looking forward to it at the same time. The kids will have a lock-in and won't eat from 12 tonight till 6am Saturday.
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Let us know how your month of fasting went. I'm very curious. :)
  • aside from religious purposes, i think that fasts are greatly under appreciated. i was surprised that there weren't more nay sayers on this thread, considering the misinformed public on the subject of fasting. good for you fasting, don't be surprised if you experience some detox symptoms along the way (headaches, ache, ect). take it in good faith! your body is cleansing itself =) GOOD LUCK =)
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    I did it! Fifty years old and the first time ever that I've fasted. And really, it wasn't too bad. I had lots of stomach growling around lunchtime and dinner, but after that, I just kept drinking water and was fine. It wasn't easy, several youth gave in and ate. But aside from a headache after I woke up this afternoon, I feel fine. Well, after breakfast blasted through my system. lol.

    I lost two pounds. I'm not sure if that's real loss or not. But I'm proud of myself for sticking it out. I can't imagine how these other posters do this for a month....especially that last week of water only. I'm curious. Those of you who did the month long fast, was that a ramadan (sp) fast? No eating from sun up to sun down? Or was it a 24/7 fast? If so, wow. I know I couldn't do that.
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