very upset

lildee4567 Posts: 14
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
So today I went crazy and ate so wrong. I started off good, but for lunch I just went wrong and ordered out with my co-works. I get married in Aug and I need to lose my baby belly (6month old baby). Pls tell what you guys do when you have a day like this.

I had 4 nutty bars just now


  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Dust yourself off and get over it. It is one day.
  • get up and go to the gym, and get back on track asap!
  • Mjanegranger
    Mjanegranger Posts: 29 Member
    What ever you do do not give up. The past is past you already ate the food but the future what you are going to eat tomorrow you can control. Stay with it. No one is perfect and all of us have slip ups. Just keep your wedding as your focus and best of luck to you.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    It happens. Eating junk food is alright. Just so it's in moderation.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    I don't sweat it.

    OK, so you blew it today. I forgive you. Now, forgive yourself. We all have bad days.

    Log the Nutty bars. You will be over on the calories today. Stay on track the rest of the week and today will not matter.

    One thing though, figure out what went wrong. "I ate 4 Nuitty bars because..., but it did not help."

    Hang in there lildee. You will make it.

  • Schuky01
    Schuky01 Posts: 33 Member
    I have days like this, I simply go to the gym and get ready for a new day. It happens, one day is not going to hurt you, just get yourself pumped to take on the next day!
  • zbstngrl
    zbstngrl Posts: 52 Member
    If you can you could go for a walk tonight and start fresh tomorrow :-)
  • Don't beat yourself up and don't let it get you off track. We all have bad days. I ate chick fil a and cheetos today. It happens. Just keep on keepin' on. It's just one day.
  • What ever you do, do not try starve yourself because you made a mistake...the idea is to eat to live, not live to keep your body nourished by eating every 2-3 made a mistake, no big deal...if you quit or give up because you ate bad, you will never reach your goal!
    If I eat badly, I just try to put it out of my mind, and start again....if you are repeatly doing this-than you have a problem
  • If I haven't worked out for the day yet, I'll hit it even harder. Or do so the next day. But I don't dwell on it. I have had those days. But it is only ONE day in your LIFETIME journey.ONE day will not change your hard work. Today is done. It happened. Move on and focus on tomorrow.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member's how I deal with situations like this. I am the only female where I work and of course the guys eat whatever they want. Whenever they order pizza and I am feeling more like joining them than eating the healthy lunch I brought, I'll eat most of my lunch and then have only 1 piece of pizza (or whatever was ordered). Basically, I use my lunch as healthy "filler" for the not low cal lunch. And I don't feel so horrible *bonus*!
  • eat better tomorrow. One day a couple weeks ago while on a business trip I had over 3000 calories. Bad. Very bad, but I didn't really worry about it, I just "paid back" calories by reducing my calories over the next several days and finished the week on track. It's not a day to day thing. It's the overall budget of calories-in/calories burned.
  • CNParker
    CNParker Posts: 108 Member
    Everyone has a weak moment. Just make it up in exercise and future food choices. Maybe you can keep healthy sweet snacks on hand for occasions like these. Good Luck. Don't give up.
  • My day ws just like yours, work was going crazzy and I was craving something fatty. I ordered a bacon cheese burger...UGH But that was then and now I am going to go to the gym...
    Good Luck!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Things like that are gonna happen. Everyday isn't going to be a great day. They will happen often and then the longer you are at it the less they happen. Drink lots of water, hit the gym, brush yourself off and make the next meal a better meal. Don't let it be an excuse to continue making bad deicisions. I use to say "Well breakfast or lunch was terrible..might as well be bad the rest of the day"..that got me nowhere. It's a process! good luck!
  • I don't sweat it.

    OK, so you blew it today. I forgive you. Now, forgive yourself. We all have bad days.

    Log the Nutty bars. You will be over on the calories today. Stay on track the rest of the week and today will not matter.

    One thing though, figure out what went wrong. "I ate 4 Nuitty bars because..., but it did not help."

    Hang in there lildee. You will make it.


    I agree with everything written here. Write it down. Be accountable for it. Think about what went wrong and try to learn from it.

    You're human. We all are. Everyone has a day like this from time to time. The important thing is to be honest about it and you are.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I have days like this, I simply go to the gym and get ready for a new day. It happens, one day is not going to hurt you, just get yourself pumped to take on the next day!

    What she said:) Go for a walk, turn on some music and dance, DO SOMETHING to help burn some of those xtra calories off and start a new day tomorrow!! (sometimes a good cheat day ups the metabolism)
  • my coworkers are always eating out. I've decided that I just have to be strong and say no thank you. They get sugary coffees almost every day and often go get fast food for lunch, they say " we getting salad it's not that fat'in" and then they go get large Ceaser Salads with chicken. Will power I tell my self, and I always pack a lunch. If I want to eat out for lunch once a week I go to subway so I can make healthy choices. They say they are dieting too, but I'm doing this for me and can't worry about what they do. OMG see my coworker just brought me a business card for Candy Baskets, I looked at her and said, "what are you giving this to me for?" she looked at me and said "Fine I'll give it to someone else", I mean WTF. I think they like to test me and see if I'll cave.

    Be strong, you can do this, and sometimes it's okay to give in, but next time remember how you feel and say no!
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    we all have our ups and downs just start back up again!!!
  • Thank you all. I went and did a half hour of dance.
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