What's better: Fitbit Flex or Jawbone Up24?

I've been thinking about getting a fitness tracker for a while now to understand just how many calories I'm burning a day. I am hoping that it will help to motivate me to exercise more and just be more active throughout my day. I've been reading a lot of reviews about both the Fitbit Flex and the Jawbone Up24 and they're all beginning to run together. Does anyone have firsthand experience with either of these products? What is your opinion? Is there something that's even better on the market (that isn't too noticeable to wear 24/7)? Thanks!


  • FunFloridaLife
    I had a FitBit Flex that would not charge consistently after owning for a year. They kept telling me to clean the prongs with alcohol and it would work for a few days.

    So I researched ALL fitness bands. Ended up with a Garmin Vivofit and LOVE IT. Here's why:
    * one year battery (like a watch battery)
    * No charging every few days
    * Watch is built in to pedometer. I hated wearing a watch AND my fitbit.
    * It can get wet. I wear it in the shower and you can even swim with it.
    * Works with MyFitnessPal app.
    * Automatically syncs with your Android or iPad/iPhone with its own "Connect" app.
    * Puts you in walking competitions and awards badges for motivation.
    * If you've been inactive for an hour, a red line will appear which grows longer as more time goes by. You have to walk to make the line go away, thus making sure you are active throughout the day.
    * Tracks steps, sleep, and also heart rate with additional piece.
    * Price is comparable to all the fitness trackers. I think I paid $129 at Best Buy.

    Hope this helps!
  • tabauknight
    tabauknight Posts: 4 Member
    I have the fitbit, but I gave my wife the jawbone also since it was going to be a birthday present. Amparero I like it a lot! I have three colors and I rotate colors each week just because it makes me happy. I wear it all the time but only to track my calories that I burn. I don't track my sleep since I sleep very well most nights. As a person who works with computers and walks around the building all day it give me a very accurate information about how my calories I am burning. I have been using the fitbit since July 5 and I have been using the MyFitNessPall since Labor day. That is about about 110 or 111 days straight! I have also completed my running program couch to 5k also. In total I have lost 27lbs. and I feel awesome! (That also includes eating anything I wanted on 4th July, memorial day and labor day)

    I just learned about staying under my original calorie count daily. Since I burn a lot of calories if I stay under my 2500 calorie limit but burn more calories I can loose more weight. So I run every other day and or I take long 1 hour walks to help burn calories. I can track everything via my Fitbit and MyFitnessPal.com / app.

    Side note my Fitbit did stop working for some strange reason about three weeks ago. It lasted about two days. I emailed the company and they checked their system and could see it was malfunctioning so they replaced it. It just took two weeks. So I would recommend the Fitbit, but if you chose the Jawbone I am sure you would be just as happy.
  • tabauknight
    tabauknight Posts: 4 Member
    Wow I didn't know that brand existed. Sound like a good deal also.
  • amparero
    amparero Posts: 10 Member
    @tabauknight Wonderful! Would you say that the Fitbit is comfortable to wear and sleep in? That's my biggest concern. :)

    @FunFloridaLife I will definitely look into that one! It seems like it might be a great fit for me! Especially if it can track heart rate! Thank you!