Cheat meal-does it work?

So, lately I have not been losing. Actually this past week, I gained two pounds, and had been following the same meal/exercise plan that I had been following the past couple months. I believe I have plateaued. I have been reading alot on cheat meals and how they can help boost your metabolism.
I'm debating on whether or not I should have one- nothing unhealthy, just eating slightly more than I normally would of a healthy dinner. Or, would that set me back even farther? Should I decrease my calories even more? There are a few areas where I could clean up my diet (I eat a portion of veggie chips everyday. While they are healthier than eating a serving of potato chips I'm sure they are by no means healthy, I also enjoy a glass of wine once a week)

So, what are your thoughts on cheat meals/days? Have they worked for you?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    How long have you not been losing? Can you open your diary? If you're not losing, you're probably not eating at a deficit.

    As for cheat meals, I've never felt the need for one. I eat what I want, in moderation, and within my calories (weighed and measured).
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    From watching the boards, many people suggest doing more exercise as opposed to eating less. Personally, I do not have cheat days, but I do have days (like today, I bought two double cheeseburgers) where I eat things that aren't great for me calorie-wise, and I bump up my exercise. Apparently I'm losing a pound a week just by out-exercising my calories. :)
  • mal13921
    mal13921 Posts: 11 Member
    How long have you not been losing? Can you open your diary? If you're not losing, you're probably not eating at a deficit.

    As for cheat meals, I've never felt the need for one. I eat what I want, in moderation, and within my calories (weighed and measured).

    It's only been one week, and I was on my period last week. However, that usually doesn't affect my weight loss. I just made my diary public.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Is your diary accurate? If so, may I ask why you think you need to eat 500 calories per day?!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. There will be weeks where you stay the same or go up. One week does not make a plateau.

    Also, I take it back...go for the cheat meal because 500 calories a day? No.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    Look up the "whoosh." It made no sense to me, but after eating at maintenance level for a day or two, I drop a pound or two once I return to my usual calorie deficit.
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    Never eat under 1200 calories a day.
  • mal13921
    mal13921 Posts: 11 Member
    Is your diary accurate? If so, may I ask why you think you need to eat 500 calories per day?!

    It's accurate. Long story short -I was put on prescription medication for migraines (topamax) and I totally lost my appetite for 4 months... Got used to eating about 500 calories a day because I literally could not eat more. Now I've adjusted to my doseage, appetite is somewhat back, but when I tried to up my calories to 1200/day, I gained like crazy, even while working out. And 1200 calories STILL feels like way too much for me, I know I need to eventually work my way up and increase my calories, I just don't know how.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Is your diary accurate? If so, may I ask why you think you need to eat 500 calories per day?!

    It's accurate. Long story short -I was put on prescription medication for migraines (topamax) and I totally lost my appetite for 4 months... Got used to eating about 500 calories a day because I literally could not eat more. Now I've adjusted to my doseage, appetite is somewhat back, but when I tried to up my calories to 1200/day, I gained like crazy, even while working out. And 1200 calories STILL feels like way too much for me, I know I need to eventually work my way up and increase my calories, I just don't know how.

    So that's something you NEED to talk to your doctor about. Not MFP. I'm on the same medication but for Epilepsy. I'm on 100mg twice a day. My neurologist asked if the weight loss is a concern and if it does become one to check back in. So if you don't know how to go about it, you need to talk to the person who prescribed it. 500 calories a day is not healthy and is not sustainable long term. They can put you on different migraine medications if this one isn't working out.
  • mal13921
    mal13921 Posts: 11 Member
    Is your diary accurate? If so, may I ask why you think you need to eat 500 calories per day?!

    It's accurate. Long story short -I was put on prescription medication for migraines (topamax) and I totally lost my appetite for 4 months... Got used to eating about 500 calories a day because I literally could not eat more. Now I've adjusted to my doseage, appetite is somewhat back, but when I tried to up my calories to 1200/day, I gained like crazy, even while working out. And 1200 calories STILL feels like way too much for me, I know I need to eventually work my way up and increase my calories, I just don't know how.
  • mal13921
    mal13921 Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry about the duplicate post- phone went crazy.
    I had one check up with my doctor, she was a little bit concerned over the appetite loss but was more happy that we had finally found something to help with my migraines. I haven't had a check up since and she just keeps refilling my script. So. There's that. Haha. But maybe I will schedule an appointment with her. I had just been trying to fix it myself in the meantime.
  • There's absolutely no evidence that a cheat day can boost your metabolism. Doesn't sound logical to give your body something bad to boost anyway! I think cheat days are only good because you can enjoy your favorite sugary snack or soda without overdoing it.

    However I think it is best to find a healthy substitute to whatever you love to eat. This way, you can have a 'cheat' day every single day! For example, you would make pancakes made of coconut flour, organic cane syrup, and raw milk for breakfast. For a chocolate shake, you could easily mix organic coconut powder, nuts, and coconut milk. I have been literally astounded with how much a healthy dessert can taste like my favorite non-healthy dessert.

    That's not to say that you shouldn't eat any junk food period, but why not eat what taste like your usual "junk food" everyday and get healthier and thinner doing so! :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Just reinforce what was said above about going to see the person who put you on 500 kcal a day becayse thats seriously unhealthy. New meds, even 1200 I think is a bit low. Cheat meal is unlikely to help other than to make you eat more calories, which you will then need to lose again. In your unusual situation then it might be the only way to get you to eat at normal levels. Go see your Dr.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    So, lately I have not been losing. Actually this past week, I gained two pounds, and had been following the same meal/exercise plan that I had been following the past couple months. I believe I have plateaued.
    1 week is not really a plateau, esp. for a woman.
    500 cal per day is not healthy. Even 1200 isn't healthy unless you're very short (like 5' or less) or under a doctor's supervision for weight loss.
    Talk with your doctor.
    Cheat meals are really good for undoing all the hard work & self-control you've put in to lose weight.
    I don't cheat, I eat what I like in reasonable portions. If I want something less healthy, I know I'll be eating less overall that day &/or exercising more.
    You might be adding muscle & losing inches; have you been taking measurements?
    You only have 9 lb to lose, so even 0.5 lb per week is a big victory.
    Is your goal weight healthy for you? If not, your body is going to fight to stay at a healthy weight. Are you in the green range here?

    This calculator will tell you not only your BMI, but how many servings of various foods to eat to maintain that weight.
    If you enter your healthy goal weight from the table above, this will help you plan your food intake.

    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."
  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    Your body is trying to keep weight on to protect itself. You're eating such low amounts that its probably starving. (and i don't mean starvation mode) i mean, real literal starvation. As people starve their metabolism drops to try to conserve fat in order to survive longer.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Eat more real, nutritious food.

    Today: soup, cucumber, egg = 183 cal of 819. Everything else is ill-spent calories.
    Yesterday: nothing logged
    Friday: salad = 121 cal of 726 (+ junk food & 2 alcoholic drinks)
    Thursday: egg, cucumber (+ junk, junk, and junk... 90% of your calories this day are junk, and you totalled 254 cal)
    Wed.: egg, squash, butter (+ junk, for a total of 476 cal)
    Tues: egg, cucumber, grapes (+ junk, 245 cal total)
    Mon.: yogurt, egg = 167 of 623 total calories

    You are SEVERELY under-eating, and you are spending lots of your calories that you do eat on non-nutritious food.
    See. Your. Doctor.
    Call tomorrow.
    This is an emergency.
    Also try to get a referral to a counselor who deals with eating disorders.
  • mal13921
    mal13921 Posts: 11 Member
    Eat more real, nutritious food.

    Today: soup, cucumber, egg = 183 cal of 819. Everything else is ill-spent calories.
    Yesterday: nothing logged
    Friday: salad = 121 cal of 726 (+ junk food & 2 alcoholic drinks)
    Thursday: egg, cucumber (+ junk, junk, and junk... 90% of your calories this day are junk, and you totalled 254 cal)
    Wed.: egg, squash, butter (+ junk, for a total of 476 cal)
    Tues: egg, cucumber, grapes (+ junk, 245 cal total)
    Mon.: yogurt, egg = 167 of 623 total calories

    You are SEVERELY under-eating, and you are spending lots of your calories that you do eat on non-nutritious food.
    See. Your. Doctor.
    Call tomorrow.
    This is an emergency.
    Also try to get a referral to a counselor who deals with eating disorders.

    Yes, I agree, my diet could use some cleaning up, I had mentioned it above.
    I am also only 5'2" so 1200-1400 is about right for my height, or so my doctor had said before.

    Those 2 alcoholic drinks were a celebratory occasion- and I regretted them later that night :P -

    I don't have an eating disorder, I'm not starving myself on purpose. But thanks for your advice. I will be consulting my doctor about the side effects of my medication.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I don't have an eating disorder, I'm not starving myself on purpose. But thanks for your advice. I will be consulting my doctor about the side effects of my medication.

    Regardless of whether you're doing it on purpose or not (incidentally EDs aren't something you do "on purpose") you really need to visit a doctor asap. And eat more. Like triple at least what you're currently eating. Eat whether you're hungry or not. Just eat.
  • 21million
    21million Posts: 113 Member
    ED. A person without a disorder would recognize that the calories are too low and even if they weren't hungry they'd make a point to eat more calorie dense foods to make up for it til an appointment could be made with a doctor, if only to preserve their health. Instead, you eat egg whites, eat the egg. You eat fiber one bars, eat a normal brownie. Don't claim nothing is wrong as you eat 500 cals a day, acknowledge that its bad, and then eat a bunch of stereotypical diet food. I have had an ED in the past, it is addictive. Get help.
  • I have migraines, I also suffer from Endometriosis, so I know pain and I know pain management medications. Your doctor would verbally rip you a new one if they saw just how little you're eating. You have an eating disorder. You can argue with that if you'd like, but you're stuck inside, we're all out here viewing what's visible and all signs point to ED.

    People who've been in severe accidents, major surgeries or in comas eat FAR MORE calories daily than you do.

    I'd go to the ER now, they'll help and probably refer you to a social worker for a mental eval.

    I'll be forwarding your account info to Support.