Back pain relief

Anyone here ever dealt with back pain?

For the last couple of months, I've been in pain from sleeping but am fine the rest of the day for the most part, including for my workouts. Recently, the pain has been so bad that it wakes me in the middle of the night, sometimes in just as little as two hours of sleep. I know the problem is likely that I need a new mattress, but until I can clean up my room and get one, I just have to keep hoping the pain will subside at some point. (Although, for what it's worth, my mattress does have a crater-type space near the bottom, which indicates it's starting to sag.)

I have lost 20 pounds so far, even though my ticker only says six, but I got a new MFP account and reset the ticker. So I want to keep losing weight and getting stronger in case that is something of a cause. I do yoga once a week and am considering adding in an extra day of that or some Pilates for stretching. I'm also wondering if I should stick to something lower impact, like walking or swimming, as opposed to something like TurboFire where I'm jumping all over the place.

What do you guys do to keep your backs strong and (relatively) pain-free?


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    The best thing I ever did for my back was lose weight. I have a back that's been abused from a mixture of Rugby scrums and working in a Hospital environment moving patients. My best investment was a memory foam mattress along with a contoured pillow. As a person who used to always sleep with multiple pillows getting used to sleeping flatter was pretty weird but I noticed an immediate improvement in back pain. The main thing is just basic things making sure you sit and lift correctly as I said though the biggest thing for me was weightloss which you are already making progress with. Good Luck
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    If you sleep on your side, keep a pillow between your knees. If you sleep on your back, put it under your knees.
    If you can't flip the mattress, rotate it around, or sleep the other way.
    Oh and clean your room!
  • ME0172
    ME0172 Posts: 200
    I have chronic back pain. I had to deal with a bad mattress for a bit until I could afford a new good one.

    Back sleeping: put a pillow under your knees.
    Side sleeping: put a pillow between your knees.
    Don't sleep on your stomach if you're not on a firm mattress because it causes your back to arch too much.

    Take a "PM" pain reliever too because they have a slight sleep aid in them that will also help you sleep.

    I'm sorry you're having pain. I hope it gets better.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    If you sleep on your side, keep a pillow between your knees. If you sleep on your back, put it under your knees.
    If you can't flip the mattress, rotate it around, or sleep the other way.
    Oh and clean your room!

    My back pain pretty much vanished when I started sleeping with a body pillow (I'm a side sleeper). It helps to have something to rest my top knee and arm on.

    Also, if you can't get a new mattress, try a memory foam mattress topper -- they will add some life and comfort to an old mattress.
  • natecooper75
    natecooper75 Posts: 72 Member
    I have recently started trying to do some yoga moves that help target the lower back. It seems to help some but I haven't been doing it long enough or regularly enough to give you a definitive answer. I would suggest giving it a try. As long as you don't try to do any moves that are too advanced (you will be able to tell very easily if they are too advanced), you shouldn't cause yourself any additional problems.
  • Kontxesi
    Kontxesi Posts: 86 Member
    I've been dealing with back pain since I was in middle school, and each time I get rear-ended (I seem to have a target on my bumper) it gets worse.

    My chiropractor wants me to do strength-building that focuses on the core muscles. One that he specifically recommended is what folks seem to call "superman" - while on all fours, extend left arm and right leg, then switch. The other one was prop yourself up on your side with your elbow while keeping your body straight (sorry if that doesn't make sense).

    Anyway. A new mattress can help, but strengthening the muscles around your spine helps keep the vertebrae from becoming misaligned.
  • naechai40416
    naechai40416 Posts: 12 Member
    Stretching hamstrings can bring relief to lower back pain in some cases.

    There are standing stretches that can be done, as well as laying/sitting.

    Of course, that is not a catch-all.