Newbie to the gym cardio or strength? Both?

Hello and thanks for reading and possibly answering my question. I have currently lost a lot of weight by cutting back the excess sugar, carbs, bad foods and other unhealthy behaviors. But I know the next step is to start more physical activity.
Today I signed up with the local gym (of course with hesitation, but I knew I had to take the first step) and started my first official day to being healthier. Of course being a noob to the gym I was totally confused (and to be honest scared) with all the weights and machines and had no clue where to start. But after doing research for the past few weeks I felt it was the best to start out with something that I can be happy with, and make it into a pleasurable thing instead of a chore. So I opted out for the treadmill. I was amazed I was able to do a brisk walk with a 5% incline (for most of the time) for an hour.
Now since I have been home and doing more research there seems to be a lot of contradictions with starting to work out for someone who has never really set foot in a gym. I've read cardio is better because it deals with your heart, others have said strength training is better. Then there is some that have said both. What is your personal experience when you first started or got back into a work out routine. (I am still leaning towards doing cardio hard for the first few weeks then go from there)

Thanks again!


  • healthyhayles
    Hi! :)

    I'm relatively new to the gym scene too. For me, I first started doing just cardio workouts, and I noticed that my fitness levels really increased. However as I began to incorporate weights and resistance training, I noticed this is what helped me to tone up and eventually look even better! I also felt a lot better too (which in the end is better!), because I feel like my workouts have been more balanced and I have seen more results. I tend to try and so cardio one day, and resistance/weight training the next. :) Of course, there's probably some links when you search on Google that can give you some more information about exactly why incorporating both into your workouts is beneficial. :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I vote for BOTH! Personally, I think the two complement one another well. Cardio gives me the endurance to keep going with my weights when I feel like I just can't take another rep. Weights add strength and injury prevention during my cardio (running). In fact, I have had almost no running injuries since I started weight training. I used to get injured all the time. :flowerforyou:
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    hi. mgrouttc and welcome to the forums with your excellent first post!

    i too joined a gym for the first time in 52 years recently and opted for the treadmill.seems a sound start.
    it can be bewildering, but as part of your membership you should get a full induction and be able to approach staff/ instructors for advice.i do this often and find they are generally obliging.
    swimming is my main exercise that i enjoy the most.have you considered swimming too?
    it seems a combo of cardio and strength training is advised most on here. try a few things out to see what you feel comfortable with.

    final tip. put a shout out on here for friends of similar age/ interests and look at their exercise diaries to glean as much info as you can.

    ask as many specific questions here as you want, this forum is a hugely valuable resource with many knowledgeable and helpful peeps.
    g luck on the journey......
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Most gyms offer a free induction. They'll show you how to use all the equipment, so then it will feel less scary. I do weight training, with cardio maybe once a week, not even that!! You'll be surprised how high your heart rate can get up when lifting heavy weights!! At the end of the day, you need to do what you enjoy, and I love weights!!! Makes me feel strong and powerful, especially when I can lift more than some guys :tongue:

    I would def get the induction if the gym offers it. Most will also write you a programme for you to follow to get you started.

    Good Luck!!! :smile:
  • ME0172
    ME0172 Posts: 200
    A good balance of both. Personally I do cardio 3 times a week and strength training 3 times a week. Sounds like you have time so if you don't go to the gym that many times you can do strength training the same day you do cardio. If you do, do strength training first so you have more energy and are stronger for lifting. Then do your cardio.

    Also ask someone that works at the gym for an equipment tour. Their job is to help you understand the machines. They can give you an orientation and help take away some of the intimidation factor.

    Good for you for starting!!! And good luck.
  • It really depends on your goals, if you want to start building muscles you need to start weight training yesterday .. weight training will keep you lean alone if your eating a moderately healthy diet. You really dont need much cardio just 10-15 minutes before your workout to get the blood pumping, but start weight training now the sooner the better. I remember the first time I stepped in a gym it can be kinda scary all these inshape people and here I come weak as hell, but you have to remember ever one of those people started off where you are right now, pick up some weights good luck!