Looking for friends for support/motivation

Hi all. I started my weight loss/lifestyle change at the end of June.
I am doing okay most days for motivation, but there are days (sometimes weeks) where I just can't seem to get motivated. Sometimes I'll have a day where I feel very down on myself and that makes it more difficult to stay motivated and keep on the journey.

I started at 298 pounds. I'm currently at 266 in just over 2.5 months. I have a friend that I work out with who is sometimes good for helping to motivate me, but sometimes not as much.

I've been heavy my entire life, but I am at a place where I am ready to make these changes and am committed to being healthier and stronger. I just know that I cannot go this alone. I need support and I am hoping that some of you can relate and are willing to be supportive and allow me to support you too!


  • polargurl13
    polargurl13 Posts: 15 Member

    Add me I am looking for help, motivation, friends as well. I have struggled with my weight for years and find that the best way to get going and stay that way was to surround myself with as many like minded people as possible. It is a HUGE part of success... well it has been for me. Checking in regularly and just knowing someone or others are around working towards the same goal can make all the difference.