A little overwhelmed...

boysmomma Posts: 9 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Im sitting here thinking, (that's where most of my troubles come from lol), and i am just a lilttle overwhelmed at the weight i have to lose. I am 5,4 weighin 220pounds. The most i have ever weighed is 225. My first goal would to get to under 200. NExt i want to get back to my pre pregnancy weight of 188(my baby will be one next week). Lastly, i would like to get to my high school weight of 160. And if even possible, get to 140. It just seems soo out of reach to me. Any words of wisdom or advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    you can do it! I recommend checking out the success stories. They are highly inspirational and there are many people on here who started where you are starting. Work the food and the excercise together. You can accomplish so much more if you do both. Start slow, don't deprive yourself so much in the way of calories or kill yourself on excercise right from the start, you'll burn out. Build into it and you'll feel better and stronger every step of the way and it will also feel less overwhelming.

    Good luck!!!
  • Having a great deal of weight I have to lose myself to make it to a healthy goal weight( I've got to lose about 273lbs to do so) I can feel your pain with it being daunting! However, if you really put the effort into it and believe in yourself...anything is possible! Don't accept no for an answer and you'll make just fine!
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    You just have to take it one day at a time. I was at my highest 239 over a year ago. In the last year I lost 7 lbs. Since this year started I have lost 3 already. I think this year is going to be better then last year for weight loss. I have been here now just a week and lost 1.5 since starting here.

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  • noraht
    noraht Posts: 21
    Don't focus on the total # of pounds you want to lose......just focus on the first 10 pounds, once that is gone focus on the next 10#'s. it won't seem so overwhelming then. At least that is what i am doing. I am on my third set of 10 pounds since october and find it easy to stay focused doing it this way. Not nearly so overwhelming as saying to myself that I have 50 more pounds to go! :)
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Don't look at your goal weight and see it as the end and all the weeks between here and there. Look at right now, today making the best choices you can for better health. And then do that again tomorrow. The thing is once you reach your goal weight it is not the end, you have to choose to be healthy the rest of your life so there is no "end" to be so far away really. Every time you choose to eat well, or exercise you are already succeeding

    Appreciate the little changes you will see day by day - from the thrill of clothes fitting better to the realisation that you don't puff so much walking up stairs, or that you actually don't want that chocolate - these are the best things for me.

    Find some inspirations - why do you want to loose the weight? write them down and look at them every day.

    Plan, plan plan - know what you are eating each day, what exercise you are doing, make sure you have the right shoes, the ingredients etc etc - most of my mess ups come from being starving with no food and a mac donalds in sight!

    Set mini goals and rewards (I love massages :)) to keep yourself moving on and look at NSV (non scale victories) too!

    Get educated - there are some amazing people on here with wealth of nutrition and fitness knowledge, learn about what is in your food and how that affects your body. It's much easier to eat well when you know the facts.

    You can do this - check out the success stories thread, there are so many amazing transformations on this site

    Good Luck! x
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I have a lot more to lose than you do, but I am determined to see it through. I'm worth it. My kids are worth it. The first step is always the hardest. You have to stick with it. Set mini goals for yourself if that helps. Give yourself rewards when you reach them. You will have days when you feel like giving up. Don't do it. You know what I do? In the beginning, I made a video of myself. My past self talking to my future self. I have made several of them. They are just mine, on my cell phone, for my eyes only. I tell myself to don't look back, hang in there, stay away from that drive through, and most of all how proud I am of me. Give yourself some love and never surrender. You are stronger than junk food, you are stronger than stress, you are stronger than negativity. You get the idea. Stay strong. Keep plugging away. :flowerforyou:
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    You can do it!!! I am 5'2, I was 262 lbs at my heaviest and now I am 158..............................took me a while to get it off but if you stick to it you can do it!!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    With a lot to lose, a lot of people find that shorter term, mini goals help to keep you focused and not feel intimidated. Like for every 10 lbs a small reward (not food related, IMO.) Breaking it up can help it seem a little more doable.

    Stay committed and strong - you can do it!
  • terim3006
    terim3006 Posts: 12 Member
    How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Little successes will string together to make a lovely necklace. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself. Watch the inner self talk. If you don't lose one week but you did increase your exercise then look at it as a plus. Strike a balance in life. Yes, the weight loss is important to your health and your future but don't forget that the inner person is just as important. It will come.
  • bmij
    bmij Posts: 2 Member
    It is possible. You have to stay motivated. I have lost 6 pounds in two weeks. It was difficult but now I'm in a routine.
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    I understand how you can be overwhelmed. I have 185 pounds to lose. Gosh, even typing that overwhelms me. That is a crapload of weight. But I set mini goals for myself to keep me motivated. For instance, my first mini goal is to get from 343 to 330 by February 1st. Guess what? I only have 2 pounds to go. You can do it. Take it one day at a time.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • im 5'3 and down to 228, 232 starting so i feel your pain. My first goal is 220, then 210, baby steps will get us to our idea weight :)
  • boysmomma
    boysmomma Posts: 9 Member
    WOW!!! Look at all the support here! I don't know what it is about someone else telling you and reassuring you that you can do it, it makes such a huge difference! I like the idea of working it 10 pounds at a time. Thanks for the inspiration and support. Im sure i will need more of it as time goes on!! Thanks again :)
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I haven't read all the replies but you have to stay consistent with logging your foods, good and bad days. You'd be surprised at how much of a picture it paints of your eating habits and where you can adjust.
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    You've made it past the first step - you're ready to make a change. Congratulations!

    Don't forget those NSV's - Non-scale victories - other accomplishments besides just the numbers on the scale (there's a great recent post on NSV's).
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