Forcing myself to eat...

Hi guys! Im sorta in a catch 22 looking for some input or advice.
Now i know every body is different and wants different things. That being said, i am often shy of 1200 calories (Not by a whole lot sometimes less than 100 or so, but i also have my remaining exercise calories) and this worries me because the last thing i want is to NOT lose weight and put myself in starvation mode. But quite frankly, i'm just not hungry. I have no issues with my main meals, but when it comes to snacks, i force myself to eat them. So what do i do?


  • mdeguzman
    Look at your nutritioam cart for the last few weeks and see what nuritents you remissing, Fiber? protien? Vitamin C, B ,etc. Then find foods that are high in those nutrients to add to your meals. For me it was getting enough fiber. But my husband was low on potassium. He adds banana's to breakfast and salsa to dinner and lunch. It really is that easy.
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    Well, for starters, if you aren't hungry, don't force yourself to eat. That being said, if being that under, especially if you aren't eating back your exercise calories, that might be too low. I was having that problem, I was eating right at 1200 calories, then burning around 600 a day, leaving me with a net of around 600-700 which is far too low. I finally started eating foods that were higher in calories. Not more food, just higher calories. You may need to see where you can change foods up a bit. Like, I was eating light yogurt, I switched back to regular yogurt. Little things that add more calories. Almonds are a good snack.
  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    Well, for starters, if you aren't hungry, don't force yourself to eat. That being said, if being that under, especially if you aren't eating back your exercise calories, that might be too low. I was having that problem, I was eating right at 1200 calories, then burning around 600 a day, leaving me with a net of around 600-700 which is far too low. I finally started eating foods that were higher in calories. Not more food, just higher calories. You may need to see where you can change foods up a bit. Like, I was eating light yogurt, I switched back to regular yogurt. Little things that add more calories. Almonds are a good snack.

    Yeahhh that sounds about what im doing. Perhaps I'll start doing that. Its just my fear that higher calories means higher fat content. But thank you for the suggestion :)
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    not everybody is born with a huge apetite i have a aunt up to the day she died age 98 hardly ate much and was as healthy as a horse so everyone is different and jews starved we dont ill never figure where people get that from and at the end of the day most stuff in the health world is matter of theories and what nots that why their so many you find what works for you .get your blood check if the doctor says your fine and healhty move on. i don't eat that much anymore i don't eat sweets (and i havent died) i avoid process food (im still kicking it) , some can eat more carbs or fat some cant ect ect you get the point
  • kate72
    kate72 Posts: 11
    looking for the "nutritioam cart" cant find it.........whats it under? Im curious.......
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    Much like the above posters said, it may be ok for you to eat some higher cal foods. How about a slice of toast in the morning with peanut butter. Maybe add more cheese or bread with meals. As mdeguzman said though, choose the things that you are under target for the day on your food page. That might be fats, or carbs, etc.
  • Skye76
    Skye76 Posts: 28
    the last thing i want is to NOT lose weight and put myself in starvation mode

    This has been discussed in other forums, but it bears repeating:


    There is absolutely no scientific evidence, anywhere, at any time, which supports the myth of "starvation mode." Your body will NOT suddenly start attacking your muscles because you're not eating a certain number of calories. The danger of a restricted-calorie diet (which has been shown to greatly help with weight loss) is to make sure that you are getting all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs.
  • theatr3geek
    the last thing i want is to NOT lose weight and put myself in starvation mode

    This has been discussed in other forums, but it bears repeating:


    There is absolutely no scientific evidence, anywhere, at any time, which supports the myth of "starvation mode." Your body will NOT suddenly start attacking your muscles because you're not eating a certain number of calories. The danger of a restricted-calorie diet (which has been shown to greatly help with weight loss) is to make sure that you are getting all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs.

    Hmm, interesting. Thanks for this. :)
  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    thank you darren for you input. And Skye, thank you for that -- i never saw those posts but thank you.
  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    you guys are all awesome!! thanks!! :)
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    thanks skye 76 i agree!
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I just got done watching Biggest Loser, and the teams with the new trainers are eating ONLY sl. over 1000 calories/day! And that is after exercising 4-6 hrs/day! Outside of the fact that I too have read studies that have shown that the starvation mode really doesn't exist, this just furthers my belief that you can eat less than 1200 cal/day, exercise, and still be healthy (as long as you get all your nutrients).

    I also burn 300-600 cal/day with exercise, and eat much less than my 1200+/day. I could eat more calories, but why? I'm not hungry, I'm healthy, so why eat a candybar (or 5 apples) just b/c MFP says I need more calories. All of this info needs to be taken with a grain of salt, and ultimately, you have to know what is best for your body, and works best for you.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    If you're not hungry, don't eat.

    We have been programmed as a society to NOT listen to our bodies. It's really a shame. I mean, even the notion of only 3 medium sized meals a day is pretty ridiculous.

    Eat when you're hungry (good choices). Don't eat when you're not hungry.

    Reprogram yourself :) Good luck!
  • khodges15
    khodges15 Posts: 114
    as said previously thank you soo much. i feel a lot better hearing all these opinions!!! :)