Couch to 5K support

2 years ago I made an effort at Couch to 5k and after a few weeks of running in the wrong shoe (I supinate) I was the recipient of one heck of a bone bruise on my tibia (to be confirmed by a MRI). Worst pain EVER. Seriously. So now that I'm doing it again I am taking it extra slow and walking... I notice that the side of my left leg, at the knee and toward my inner thigh is very tender. No pain on impact just noticeable tenderness. So anytime I "run" I take an NSAID to help with the swelling and reduce the chance of any deep bone bruise happening again. I'm hoping that I can keep on the schedule because I enjoy it... no pain... just tenderness. Is it okay to continue on this path? I walk a few days a week.. and do C25K 3 days a week so I'm moving at least 4-5 days a week. Just need some thoughts from my runner/walker friends. I'm around 330 and have been doing this for about 3 weeks.


  • Hey!

    So the NSAIDs will definitely help with inflammation, although I'm not entirely sure that it will decrease the chances of a bone bruise (it probably does). However, make sure you are stretching after your exercises. I personally take 10 minutes in stretching -- I start off with touching my toes, then I sit down and do the one-leg-at-a-time reaches, the butterfly, lunges, etc.

    Does it feel similar to when you had the bone bruise? I would definitely assume the tenderness is due to not stretching right away. There are great yoga poses (yes, boys can do them too) that help me allot.

    However, my issues are my knees. I'm only 23 but they get so inflamed! I haven't been able to run for a week now, even though I love it (sad face). I would say pace yourself and always listen to your body! Worst case scenario, try the elliptical, cycling, or the pool!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I know you're not doing much distance now, but taking an NSAID every time you run could be doing you more damage than good.
    It won't decrease the chance of injury.

    I think you need to find a good sports physio, have a chat when them and probably get a gait analysis done. They will be able to help pin point the cause and hopefully offer some stretches or exercises that will help out.