Turbo Fire after Turbo Jam???

laciedurfee Posts: 8 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello everyone!!! I have been running as my exercise.
But I also want to tone! I've been looking at Turbo Fire but wonder if it is important to have a background of Turbo Jam as I have NEVER done Turbo Jam? Can I jump right into Turbo Fire or would it be best to start with Turbo Jam and work my way up!


  • I've done Turbo Jam since Oct. Just got Turbo Fire for Christmas.... it's much more fast paced and a lot of the moves are learned in the Turbo Jam videos. I say do Turbo Jam first. I personally love the Turbo Jam but I'm not sure the Turbo Fire was a good investment. It's like Charlene is way too fast paced.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I agree that it is helpful to have the moves down in TJ first. You can pick up even just a few of the DVDs on eBay or other places. TJ 5 Rockin' Workouts is one DVD that is good to start with. I also like Fat Blaster and Cardio Party 2. I just did TF over the weekend after a 4 month hiatus from TJ and found myself pretty overwhelmed. It is like TJ on crack! LOL. But I did order the TF set, I know I will catch on eventually.
  • ha ha ha! That is EXACTLY what I told my husband - Turbo Jam on crack. maybe I should give it another shot, but I love how Turbo Jam has a 5 minute warm up and cool off.
  • laciedurfee
    laciedurfee Posts: 8 Member
    thanks so much you guys. you gave me a lot to think about. I think I will go with the Turbo Jam first and work my way up!
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