Anyone in their 20s-30s?



  • MC_JC
    MC_JC Posts: 91 Member
    Almost both of them added together, Active and supportive. Add me
  • DeterminedBex
    DeterminedBex Posts: 97 Member
    26 yo aussie here.
  • dressage320
    dressage320 Posts: 8 Member
    23 :)
  • nzchikky
    nzchikky Posts: 304 Member
    34 New Zealand anyone feel free to add :)
  • 22 and just rejoined MFP :) Anyone can add me!
  • joe_hikeny
    joe_hikeny Posts: 58 Member
    33. Motivated and looking for friends who log daily and will share their journey. I'm on day 28 of my lifestyle change. I've lost some weight but more importantly i feel great that i'm so active again and i've been improving everyday.

  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 423 Member
    30. I'm on here daily and welcome new like minded people!
  • chickwithpencil
    chickwithpencil Posts: 26 Member
    34 here! :)
  • 26, on here all the time. Lets be pals
  • Hey there, 23 and very new to MFP! After crash dieting and fasting my way down 60 pounds 2 years ago, I've gained every pound back and in march I began changing my diet and adding exercise and I've lost 25 pounds so far. Now I'm trying to stay motivated, build a healthy relationship with exercise and get excited about fitness and this time I'm tryna get strong not skinny! Add me and I'll add ya too :)
  • 28 here, feel free to add me and I will return the favor. ;)
  • 26 here, just started back on MFP. It's been awhile, and it's always nice to have support. Feel free too add me
  • LexytheNerd
    LexytheNerd Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 23. Always can use new MFP friends
  • prestonam
    prestonam Posts: 24 Member
    28 log daily - :-) feel free to add me
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    36 here. Started 115 days ago... :)
  • jkterrell
    jkterrell Posts: 10 Member
    34 here! Just got going again (like today...haha) and would love some more MFPals to motivate and inspire me and vice versa :-) I have also never posted on the message boards before right now!
  • I'm 20. I'm trying to lose at least 55 pounds by spring break and that seems like a challenge so I need some motivation lol
  • Hi I'm 27 and in France. I got out of shape after a knee injury and now i'l getting back into it with 15 pounds to go. I kickbox for sport. If anyone wants to add me so we can encourage eachother it could be fun.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I'm 21. I just got back into it this month. Anyone can add me. :)
  • marcd90
    marcd90 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm 23 from So Cal. Feel free to add!