one step at a time

amyjthomas Posts: 35
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
One step at a time is my motto this year. I am 5'5 and 70lbs over weight. The weight didn't come on over night and it will not be gone over night. With the help of myfitnesspal and my walk/run class I know that I will be healthier and look healthier for the cruise my husband and I are taken for our 2 year anniversary in Sept.

I can do this!!


  • Billiek
    Billiek Posts: 8 Member
    you Go!!! :) You Can and Will do this!!! woo-hoo
  • You can do it! I have 80 pounds to lose and began on January 3, 2011. I told myself this time that I will do the weight loss with reduced calories, healthy eating and exercising and if it took longer than I would like to lose the weight that was fine. It is better to take months and months to lose the weight rather than get discouraged that it is not coming off quickly enough and then stop and stay the same weight, or worse, gain even more weight!!
  • yeah!!!! it will all come off in a good and healthy manner plus you will be eating better and working out your body , mind, and spirit will all be in tip top shape. small goals are best and i suggest you do not step on the scale everyday i said i would not and have been (bad me ) becasue i get mad if i do not see it going done.
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