Gluten and Sugar Free.

elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Been trying this for a while, what a big diff it makes, more energy and not as hungry, I researched it a bit and I cannot believe what perservatives are in ouor food. the FDA passes Peanut Butter, (which I love), and there is rat dropping found in it, but passible 'cause it is a low percentage? WTH?? There goes that.

I am starting my own organic garden this year, I cannot wait. I am goinna try to hook up with some friends and MFP's for a seed exchange. Any takers?? Flowers welcome and plans too.


  • I am mostly gluten and sugar free, eating ketogenic low carb for almost a year and a half. It works very well foe me!
  • Started eating organic and cutting out the gluten and as low sugar as possible. Yes! It sure makes a difference. Been reading a book called "Primal Body, Primal Mind that is amazing. It gives you all the bio-chemistry reasons that sugar based metabolism, which is grains, processed foods, etc. doesn't work. Our bodies haven't caught up with our technology. I'm trying REALLY hard to give up Franken Foods. If you want to be scared straight, go check out the CBC website and search for "Food Inc" The program is online until the end of the month. It is scarey how much corn products are hidden in processed foods. Think about it. They feed corn to cows to fatten them up, what is the stuff doing to us?
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    I did so bad today, several excuses, now my head hurts, allergies kicked into high gear, so tomorrowm here goes, atkins, I'm back, gotta get this jump started..............
  • susanrsocal
    susanrsocal Posts: 6 Member
    I am 41 years old and I've NEVER had a food allergy in my life......or so I thought. About 6 months ago dappled in CrossFit and most the CF community promotes a Paleo (or Primal) diet.
    So I changed to 95% Paleo friendly diet, and then tried an experiment for 3 days I added gluten/sugar back into my diet (pastas, tortilla chips/salsa, etc).....I've never felt so sick, bloated, dizzy, headaches......thought I was going to vomit.

    It's amazing how sick we are with the crap/poison processed "stuff" the FDA allows to be labeled as food. I was so sick, unhealthy, overweight that all my symptoms were masked before.

    Funny how we accept these abnomal conditions (indigestion, bloat, gas) as the "norm". We'd rather take drugs or OTC meds to help the symptoms, rather than put real food in our bodies to prevent it all.

    My new motto is "Bacon is Rad....Gluten is Bad" . By the way, Hormel makes a Natural Uncured Bacon that is both nitrate and nitrite free! It's delish!!!!!!!!!

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