Breakfast/Lunch Ideas

What do you guys usually eat for breakfast or lunch that you would recommend?


  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    I usually have two breakfasts. The first one is as soon as I wake up and is almost always cottage cheese with a tiny drizzle of maple syrup. It's a great protein hit and I've been waking up pretty hungry since starting to lose weight, and I find it's pretty filling too.

    Second breakfast is always coffee and either:

    2 ingredient pancakes (egg and banana)
    Little Big Bread (low cal, high fiber), toasted with peanut butter and banana
    Little Big Bread, toasted with light cream cheese, lox and capers
    Canadian bacon and side of fruit
    Scrambled eggs and side of fruit

    Protein and fat are usually my priorities in the morning and I find I need a good amount of both to feel satisfied.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Do you mean first breakfast or second breakfast? (I'm channeling my inner hobbit, but I totally do eat two breakfasts).

    The last few weeks I've been out of my element because I'm away for work, but typically:

    B1: Tea, small piece fruit, greek yogurt OR Tea, zucchini muffin (
    B2: Asparagus and cheese omelet w/ multrigrain toast or 2 eggs scrambled w/ hot sauce, steamed green beans and multigrain toast.

    Some days there are also first lunch and second lunch... I like my food.

    Some of my favourites are:
    Quinoa Burgers (usually with veggies as a side, sometimes fries when I've got the cals to spare)

    Baked sweet potato with shrimp scampi (I pour the leftover melted garlic butter right on that potato, mmm)

    Deli meat, cheese string, an apple and greek yogurt or nuts
  • MissLizzyGrace
    MissLizzyGrace Posts: 3 Member
    I usually have 3 egg whites cooked with butter-flavored pan spray, sprinkled with a dash of garlic powder and a tiny squirt of ketchup. The eggs are only about 40 calories and the spray doesn't have any, and the garlic gives it a bit more flavor. Ketchup is just a preference of mine! And I usually have a cup of coffee and a banana. Usually, you want to eat within an hour or two of waking up because it will jump-start your metabolism for the day for 200-300 calories.

    For lunch, I try to eat a bit heavier. I switch lunch and dinner. That way, I have something filling and heavy to stick with me and burn off throughout the day, as apposed to at night when people don't do many activities and go to sleep with a lot of food in their stomachs which isn't great for digestion. I'll usually have a 400-calorie lunch (baked spaghetti, chicken, etc) that's heavy in protein and carbs to fuel me for the day. Dinner is usually a grilled cheese sandwich made on a pan with the same butter flavored spray, which is so much healthier than butter! And, of course, whole grain or whole wheat bread. And sometimes I throw an egg white or two on top. That way it's enough to please my appetite, yet not super heavy since I won't be doing too much later in the evening.

    And always make sure to try to take in 8 cups of water every day! It helps flush the toxins from your body, which will help increase weight loss and reduce cellulite, as it's a buildup of toxins in fat stores. It'll help your skin retain elasticity, which will also prevent from the "flabby" stomach a lot of people get after loosing a lot of weight.

    All of this was suggested to me by a nutritionist during a course I took over the summer. Good luck. :)
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Apple slices with peanut butter.
    One egg. Scrambled, fried or poached. One slice of bacon.
    Fruit/cottage cheese.

    Hummus/a few chips. Or Philadelphia cream cheese....several flavors.
    1/2 homemade chicken sandwich.
    Tuna fish or egg salad on wasa crisp bread crackers.
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    lately i been on a diet plan... and my girlfriends is very similar 2 wholemeal bits of toast and a banana for breakky. 100g brown rice 100g of broccoli and 200g of chicken for lunch..

    this keeps me full and hits my macros perfectly.. in between them i will eat a hand full of almonds around 10... i poach the chicken then add different spices so it doesn't feel like im eating the same thing every day...
  • 2TonTussie
    2TonTussie Posts: 30 Member
    GR8 MENU :smile:
  • yasminroseee
    You guys are awesome. Thanks!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Usually, either

    - 1/2 cup homemade whole milk yogurt, tablespoon ground flaxseed, 2 tablespoons wheat bran, a bucket full of fruit, plus an egg on a bit of homemade bread (made with added milk powder, cottage cheese and seeds for extra protein)


    - steel cut oats with whole milk yogurt, flaxseed, bran, bucket full of fruit
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Breakfast 1: either oatmeal made with almond milk and cinnamon and raisins OR a cinnamon raisin english muffin with peanut/almond butter. And coffee of course.

    Breakfast 2: protein bar of choice. lately it's been Perfectly Simple (by Zone) and the oatmeal chocolate chip is amaze.

    Lunch: My usual is sliced bell peppers with hummus, one of those little packets of tuna salad or the ranch flavored tuna, a piece of fruit, and maybe some string cheese. Sometimes I'll bring leftovers, and I usually go out to lunch on Fridays with coworkers. Sometimes I'll bring a ham and cheese sandwich or I'll make some soup or lentils to bring for the week. I try to keep lunch around 400-500 cals.

    Afternoon snack: always fage greek yogurt, 2%!
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    I usually have one of the following for breakfast:
    - Breakfast Sandwich: Wheat Sandwich Thin, 1 Large Egg, 1 Egg White, 1oz Low Sodium Ham, 0.5 oz Cheese (Smoked Gouda)
    - Oatmeal: 1/2 cup Rolled Oats, 1 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 Banana, Sliced
    - Blueberry Pancakes for One:

    I've been checking out some of the other pancakes for one recipes on that site and I think I may be trying the Chocolate Chip Banana ones soon.

    My lunches are either leftovers or deli meat/cheese roll-ups with veggies and ranch dressing. My diary is open if you want to check it out. Feel free to message me for any of the recipes we have added to MFP.
  • crashster
    I prefer breakfast sandwiches similar to the Egg White Delight at McDonalds. It's only 250 calories with 18g of protein.

    My lunches usually consist of leftovers from the night before, otherwise I'll make a chicken salad with a side of fruit and nuts to take with me to work.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    I like to keep my breakfast really small and save the calories for later.
    I always have coffee. I sometimes eat a quarter to a half cup (depending on how hungry I am and what I plan to eat the rest of the day) of Cabot Creek Vanilla Bean yogurt mixed with a teaspoon or so of chia seeds. I sprinkle a little of either Bare Naked of Back to Nature chocolate granola on top.
    Lunch usually involves leftovers or I make a nibble plate with veggies (carrots, mini sweet peppers, celery, cucumber), cheese (string cheese, baby bell, or my favorite, Kerry gold Dubliner), crackers or pretzels and a little of some type of dip. Maybe hummus or spinach dip. Also possibly some type of fruit.