What keeps you motivated?



  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I get asked this alot and I can't say I have a particular thing that keeps me going. I like how active and fit I have become and I continue to use and enjoy the extra energy getting healthy has given me.

    You'll need to find the spark within yourself, my guess is that for that 2-3 weeks you're probably restricting yourself with your diet and maybe pushing yourself into exercise and then you start feeling like "is it worth it" or that you're just not seeing the numbers at the scale changing. My biggest advice is to ignore the scale focus on how you feel, get in regular movement/activity and eat foods that are not only good for you but taste good as well, you can't change overnight but you can wake up every day and make another slight adjustment that leads you to a healthier and happier you.
  • thuton
    I have a workout partner who pushes me and keeps me motivated when I want to quit or eat bad. Best thing I have done! I also read alot of fitness magazines and healthy food blogs and that keeps me motivated along with visualizing how my new body will look with lots of pictures.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    Af first one may simply want to change, to make a small transform. Lose 10 lbs say. Once you begin to see changes, you get excited, which makes you explore other paths to getting healthier, stronger, faster.

    Diet, supplements, training variety...group activities, music selections..as in ones that you can work out to. Before you know it, it turns into a life style. You begin surrounding yourself with like mind people. Instead of going out drinking on Friday nights, you meet people early on Saturday mornings to go run with.

    You book vacations that include swimming with sharks, jumping off waterfalls, black water rafting...why...simply because you can. Your body has now exceeded anyone you know and you can lift things or run father than you thought were possible for just about anyone..let alone you.

    You have now totally transformed, you have become more than what you ever dreamed possible...and to think its even possible that you'd wake from the dream and become simply "normal" again, scares the S&*T out of you.

    Ya..that's what motivates me
  • ell_23
    ell_23 Posts: 103
    To be totally honest, when I feel like I'm losing motivation, I look at the scales to see how little I weigh compared to before, remind myself of what I used to be and how I used to look, then look at Instagram fitness accounts of super hot slim women. To make it realistic, I have a couple acquaintance friends who I follow who are exactly my height at 5 foot 3 (so kinda short) and have amazing "model" bodies…so it gives me hope I could one day look like that myself.. or I could give it a good go.

    So… a little embarrassing but basically Instagram motivates me when I'm feeling down haha. (But originally my inspiration was an long standing desire to be slim like my friends…and to be considered the fit, toned, thin friend).
  • rknapp15217
    I'm a student interested learning more about the psychology of what motivates people during exercise. Please help my research by taking my survey and I'll post the results.

    I used Google docs to create a survey form. Below is the link:

  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member

    motivation is a farce.

    it's an empty promise- it's roses- that wither and die.

    Your mistake- which you are realizing is relying on motivbation to keep you going- you can't- it is not a question of IF it fails- but WHEN.

    Make it the thing you do- there are no exceptions- there are no emotions.
    Monday is gym day.
    So no matter how tired- how busy how anything I am- when I leave at 730 Am- my bag is in the car- and I WILL go to the gym at 5 PM.


    Just pack your back- make an "appointment" and go do it.

    Do you stay motivated to brush your teeth?
    pick your kids up?
    eat food?
    do the dishes?
    do the laundry?

    of course not- but you do them- because they need doing.

    Doing things- gets things done.

    I need to remember this!
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    WEAR CLOTHES FROM 10 YEARS AGO? Ummm.. I take it you aren't a fashionista are you? Maybe... check the size of those old clothes... then go out and buy ONE outfit in that size... and toss the Old clothes... if nothing else.. you'll have room for NEW clothes when you get where you are headed

    Nope, because jeans styles today are pure crap. Also, I like my Pound Puppies shirt, Thankyouverymuch. :tongue:
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member

    motivation is a farce.

    it's an empty promise- it's roses- that wither and die.

    Your mistake- which you are realizing is relying on motivbation to keep you going- you can't- it is not a question of IF it fails- but WHEN.

    Make it the thing you do- there are no exceptions- there are no emotions.
    Monday is gym day.
    So no matter how tired- how busy how anything I am- when I leave at 730 Am- my bag is in the car- and I WILL go to the gym at 5 PM.


    Just pack your back- make an "appointment" and go do it.

    Do you stay motivated to brush your teeth?
    pick your kids up?
    eat food?
    do the dishes?
    do the laundry?

    of course not- but you do them- because they need doing.

    Doing things- gets things done.

    Word! Seriously, some days you may just not feel "motivated" to do anything but you still have to get up off your butt and go do it. Otherwise, you will just keep making excuses of "oh, I don't feel like it" or "I don't feel motivated". Some days I don't but lately I've pushed myself to do something almost everyday this month! You can do it. You just need to apply yourself and get in the right mindset!
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Not really anything anymore. Just got tired of being fat. Knew my habits needed to change and now it's just part of my routine.
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    summer is around the corner. and heavy metal.. keeps me really motivated. :D
  • onandoff
    onandoff Posts: 122 Member

    motivation is a farce.

    it's an empty promise- it's roses- that wither and die.

    Your mistake- which you are realizing is relying on motivbation to keep you going- you can't- it is not a question of IF it fails- but WHEN.

    Make it the thing you do- there are no exceptions- there are no emotions.
    Monday is gym day.
    So no matter how tired- how busy how anything I am- when I leave at 730 Am- my bag is in the car- and I WILL go to the gym at 5 PM.


    Just pack your back- make an "appointment" and go do it.

    Do you stay motivated to brush your teeth?
    pick your kids up?
    eat food?
    do the dishes?
    do the laundry?

    of course not- but you do them- because they need doing.

    Doing things- gets things done.
    So, so true. In the end, it all comes to this.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 818 Member
    Motivation comes and goes. I try to take advantage of it when I have it, and make it easy to keep at it when I don'[t have it.

    Ie its easier to convince yourself to go the gym when you don't feel like it if you go every week and only have two ticks on your calendar - Oh I should go and if your gym stuff is all set up and ready to go!

    Its easier to eat healthy when the fridge is full of great foods and I've picked a reciepe or two I want to try this week