20s-30s, female, vegans? italy???

Hey. I'm not new to myfitnesspal, I've been "using" it sporadically for years. To no success because I really wasn't committed.
This time is different.

My name is Nicole, age 27 (today)
Height: 5'10
SW: 249
CW: 238
GW1: 220
GW2: 199
GW: 150-170 depending on what looks and feels right.

I'm 5'10", large frame, hourglass build. I'm lucky that even at this really high weight, I carry it evenly and in a "flattering" way. (I've been told, I don't think theres anything flattering about it) I was tested by a fitness/nutrition specialist, and I have 115pounds of muscle. SO, great, I'm a toned fat girl. still 240 pounds!!

I am vegan and thats really important to me, though its hard where I live (Italy) and I am forced sometimes to eat cheese or dairy sometimes against my will, because Italians don't understand what vegan means, and don't tell me. I've literally said I'm vegan, nothing from animals. And they come with something covered in cheese, cooked with butter. And they say, cheese is not an animal! Ugh. OR they push it at me and say I have to otherwise grandma will cry, because she made it just for you, its tradition, its so special, come on.... It sucks. But hopefully success and confidence will let me stand up to them better and say back the eff off!

I also have ibs, soy and gluten sensitivities. So, basically I can't eat out at any restaurant here, ever.

Long term goals aside from weight loss is to quit smoking forever (I'm down to 2-3 american spirit rollies a day), get my body back to surfing form, more flexibility, return to yoga and dance, run a marathon, backpack more.

I've never reached out or "made friends" on here. I've always wanted to keep weightloss private because of how ashamed I was of my body. But doing it all alone obviously hasn't worked.

If you're in a similar situation or have had success in any of the above let me know.
Bonus if you're in Rome!



  • AJ_X1
    AJ_X1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Nicole,

    I agree with you, Italian food is full of animal products, and its in so many hidden forms, its next to impossible to avoid. It must be really tough being a vegan here.

    Good part is, you get a lot of fresh produce - fruits and vegetables. There are so many variety and seasonal things, it can be difficult to get bored.

    Keep it up and keep in touch
