adipex...success stories??



  • allyguns
    allyguns Posts: 1
    I only do Adipex as a kick start to my diet. Once you are off adipex you have to keep up with your caloric intake and exercise 3 times per week <---very very important. The weight will pack back on and more if you don't. I speak from experience! Today is day 1- i'm currently at 174 (5'7" medium frame 29yr). I'm eating 5 times per day. I eat breakfast about 30 mins after i wake up. I take the first half of the pill at 9AM then have a snack at 10AM. I normally eat lunch around noon. I take my second half at 2PM then a snack at 3PM. I workout 5:30-6:30 then eat before 7. Make sure you eat at least 2 hours or more before bedtime. I will do this for the first 7 days once my body gets use to the effects. The first 4-7 days adipex stays with you longer about 6-7 hours. After the first week, your body is getting use to the effects so it only stays with you about 3.5-4 hours. So i will keep everything the same except the time i take the halves. Take 1/2 at 10AM then other half at 3PM. I take my first half so late (10AM) because i tend to want to consume more calories after noon. I'm not a morning snacker, in other words. By taking it at 10 that will last me till about 2:30ish then take at 3 last till 8ish. I will try to update once a week. Wish me luck!
    Start- 174
    Goal- 150
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    The only side effect that i have is dry mouth. I am very happy on this pill until someone makes me upset and then i get really angry and its hard for me to get back to being happy. I have alot more energy and patience.
    I go to the doctor in 2 weeks and im pretty sure i will go back for a refill.
    It makes you get and stay really angry?? And you're okay with this?? I'm sure your child will be affected by this:(
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    This thread...

    It does not sound like a recipe for changing core habits that created the need in the first place. If you've taken it more that once, you are not a success story.
  • PrettyBella89
    I have been taking Adipex (Phentermine 37.5mg) for 3 days now and I've lost 14lbs!!! I'm 5'8 and I weighed 252lbs! THE BIGGEST I'VE EVER BEEN!!! Before I got pregnant with my daughter, I was 170lbs. I wasnt skinny or fat......but I was comfortable with my size. When I got to my 9th month in my pregnancy, I was 240lbs! After I gave birth, I weighed 220lbs and lost another 20lbs on my own. After 5 years of taking diet pills, buying gym memberships, starving myself, I almost gave up. I just turned 25 a couple of weeks ago and I made goals before I turn 30. My main was to have another baby. But I want to be healthy weight in order to conceive.

    So my co-worker told me about Adipex, and she told me that I will lose a lot of weight in a short period of time. She got hers online, and I didnt feel comfortable purchasing meds online. So I went to my doctor and I asked her if she could prescribe it to me. She prescribed a month supply of Phentermine 37.5mg. I take it every morning as soon as I wake up. Then 30mins later i'll take a Vitamin B12. Its gives me a BURST OF ENERGY!!! My doctor did tell me that this med does suppress your appetite to the point you will forget to eat. I always told myself not to eat unless your hungry. These past few days, Ive only eaten a bowl of cereal, handful of grapes or nothing at all. I know thats not healthy but Its hard when you dont have an appetite. The only side effects I been experiencing is dry mouth, headaches and constipation.

    But other than that..... Im now at 238lbs. I've lost 14lbs! Im only going to take this med until I reach my goal. I only recommend this medication to people who are at least 30lbs or more overweight because you will lose a lot of weight!!! Also remember this medication is an narcotic. So when you decide to take this specific take a med, get a doctor's order first!
  • zoesmom514
    zoesmom514 Posts: 4 Member
    I have just started adipex on monday an the lipo injections.. just curious if you have or are doing the same thing an your weight loss success?
  • Grettles
    Grettles Posts: 18 Member
    I just started it myself on Saturday. So far, so good.
  • sktwirler
    Are you guys scared to work out? I am scared to push myself because the medication already speeds up your heart. This is my 2nd day
  • Alexisvarner
    I see a lot of post that say once your off adipex you gain it all back and I believe what they mean to say is you can gain it all back the medication is to help you change your current life style I was prescribed adipex in april of 2012 I was on it for three months in that time I lost 55lbs I won't lie I did gain some back mainly because I slipped back into my old habits out of 55 lbs I gained back 20lbs. Thats why they say over and over its not a miracle drug once your off its on you. Im still proud of my results and would do it all over again if needed.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    You won't gain the weight back once you're off it if you learn healthy eating habits. So that's just something to remember while you're on it. I was only on it for a few weeks because it raised my BP dramatically, lost 21 lbs and kept it off by eating in a deficit after I was no longer taking the pills.

    Make sure you're being monitored by your doctor, get your blood pressure and heart rate etc checked regularly because it can affect it. Also realize that once you're no longer on the pill you will get hungry! So count your calories while you're on it and try to stick to something close to that if you want to continue to see results after you're done.

    People are right when they say there's no such thing as magic pills, but the weight doesn't just magically appear back on your body when you quit taking it either. Just eat right. That's all. :)
  • lrenner86
    I went to my doctor in desperation because I have REALLY bad plantar fasciitis in both of my feet. I had surgery on my right foot and it improved about 70% but now I'm developing tarsal tunnel in that ankle which is a complication from surgery. I am so miserable when I wake up in the mornings. Stretching, icing, etc helps but after 10 years it all seems like a lost hope.

    I love going to the gym, and when I tried to switch it up one day by doing day 1 of couch to 5k, I was crippled for days. I have done everything known to help my feet, and losing weight is the only thing left to do. I went to my doctor and he put me on adipex on 9/23 and I'm down 13 pounds as of today. So far I haven't experienced dry mouth, but I drink about 64-96 ounces of water a day at work. I do patient transportation at the hospital, so according to my pedometer, I walk about 4-7 miles a day. And I'm pushing huge beds that do have motors in them, but it still requires some muscle to push them around corners, maneuver them on elevators, etc, and also pushing patients in wheel chairs, and the average weight is around 220 pounds, with the most I've ever pushed was 460 pounds in a wheelchair.

    If I pay attention I can feel my heart sorta pound, but I move so much that I don't notice it. I take it as soon as I wake up (5:00am) and it has helped me control my appetite. I sometimes still feel a little hungry, but it's totally controllable. I also feel like my blood sugar is more stabilized, which is what I struggled with before. My blood pressure has always been in a normal range and it doesn't seem to be affected. I have noticed some headaches.

    I would advice to take it and avoid caffeine at all costs until you know how it will affect your body. I used to drink a double shot of my Advocare Spark every morning, and I quit when I started the medicine.... however I'll drink a single serving around noon-1pm to kick start my alertness again.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
  • Jeannie288
    Jeannie288 Posts: 1 Member
    This is a really popular adipex like supplement
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Spambot bumps a 4 year old thread. :| Is this unusual?
  • ewright1027
    ewright1027 Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    I've been on Adipex for almost a month now and i am still not sure about it. I have a major amont of weight to lose to make myself happy. I take one capsule in the morning before i get out of bed and wait as long as possible to eat breakfast. I can say it definitely suppressed my appetite. So much so that I pretty much quit eating all together for the first week or so and instead of losing weight I gained a few pounds. I downloaded this app so that I could have a reminder that I have to eat. I have lost a total of 25lbs and still have one week to go in my first month. I'm definitely not getting the miracle results I was promised. I do exercise lightly, due to a spinal fracture I can't do too much. I have also found that I sleep a lot less now and do have more energy. I can tell when it has worn off for the day because I usually end up feeling like I'm starving and throughout the night I wake up starving and dying of thirsting. I refuse to eat when I'm off this medication because I'm so scared of losing all my
    I am glad you posted this because I was starting to question my drs decision that this was a good idea. I am very happy to read all these replys. They are very helpful.
  • foodiemom
    foodiemom Posts: 1 Member
    My doctor prescribed it because my BMI is at 34. He said you can't get a prescription if you are below 30. He said to start with only 1/2 pill per day, which I take between breakfast and lunch. I have only been on it 4 days so far but I like that my appetite feels significantly reduced. I generally have no willpower and I am a food blogger. I get paid to cook for a living so when the food is around, I eat it! I have decided to log what I am eating in My Fitness Pal while I am on it because I want to use the medicine as a help to developing better habits. I will be on it 3 months, which will actually be 6 months if I stick with just 1/2 per day. If the doctor scale and my scale at home are correct, then so far I have lost 7 pounds. But I doubt that they are that "in sync". I have noticed dry mouth but I drink a lot of water anyway so it hasn't bothered me too much. The first two days I had trouble falling asleep but that seems to have worn off. Again, I am just 1/2 per day so far and I take it about 10:30 am
    My other "hurdle" is sticking to a fitness routine and actually making time for it!
  • klaudiagwozdz
    klaudiagwozdz Posts: 1 Member
    Look at this polish site All true about Adipex... don't use this s*it...
  • rjel78
    rjel78 Posts: 102 Member
    My doctor wants me to take Adipex but i am honestly scared to. The minor side effects do not scare me because they are minor but the one that really scares me is heart failure. I have it waiting to be filled but I am scared to fill it