How do I find the courage to start lifting?

So I've found a programme I like the sound of, I've researched everything and I feel I am now prepared to start my journey. But I feel like I'm too shy to go over to the weights section and just do it. I don't have a gym buddy or anything because I'm new to the area I live in now, so I ask you guys for any tips on how to make myself do it. Is it really just a, "For **** sake, man up and just do it!" thing?

Thank you! :D


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I started by meeting with a trainer a few times. I told him that I had an idea of what I wanted to do but wanted to be sure my form was good. He made a few changes to my program and showed me how to do each exercise. Then when I went back alone, I felt more like I knew what I was doing. Would something like that work for you?
  • StephenGammack
    You have the equal right to lift free weights as anyone else in the gym, and you will probably find that ppl will be more than willing to help you out if you need support.
  • amessam8
    amessam8 Posts: 58 Member
    Just do it. Research the exercise that you want to do for that day, put your earbuds in and then get to it. Don't look to the left or to the right, just focus on what you have to do.
  • shirleygirl1013
    shirleygirl1013 Posts: 55 Member
    When I first started lifting, I tried to get my male friends to come with me too. I couldnt get anyone. I did a lot of research and came equipped with a plan too. I did the Jamie Eason Live Trainer. i just went through her exercises and started out very conservatively. I would watch a youtube video and mimick the actions. I grew to love it, and now I dont want anyone coming with me. You will surprise yourself and love the results.
  • KaleDOG
    Remember the people doing their routine are listening to heavy music and really focused on themselves!

    Just focus on what needs to be done!

    You CAN do this!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Yeah, pretty much a 'just man up' thing.

    If you want to ease into it, pick an exercise that's hard to screw the form up too badly, like overhead press, and just start with that one day. Add in the rest of the lifts as you feel more comfortable. It shouldn't take more than a time or two to realize that no one is actually paying any real attention to you and relax.
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    How do any of us find the courage to do anything? Ask yourself that question. Doesn't have to be fitness related.

    You'll find the answer: because the thing we want is more important to us than the perceived obstacles in our path.

    I spent 15+ years playing guitar in my basement, but I was too nervous/shy/intimidated to try and join a band. But man oh man.. I really wanted to be in a band.

    One day, the desire to be in a band was stronger than all my reasons for not trying.

    You want to lift. You want the benefits of lifting. You want the muscles, you want to get in shape, you want to burn calories.

    Whatever your reasons for NOT doing it, those reasons are shadows compared to your desire to actually do it.

    So go do it.

    You already know you can.
  • IMissSports
    Thank you all for your replies! Tomorrow I'm just going to force myself to go over into that area and just do it I think. My back up plan is to get a trainer for the first couple of sessions if I wimp out though.

    I don't even know why I'm nervous, hahaha! Most people are weak and have no idea what they're doing when they start.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    I know it's intimidating when you first start off. But really--and I know it's easier said than done--you just have to do it. Pretend like you belong there and know what you're doing, and soon both will be true.

    Put music in and focus on just you. Watch youtube clips of the exercises you plan to do and mimic the movements so you'll have an idea. Start with low weights until you feel comfortable with your form.

    You've already met half of the challenge... having a plan. You can do it! You have as much of a right to a space in the weight room as any other member of your gym. After a few rounds, you will be wondering why you didn't start sooner!