I'm so disappointed!!!

The past 8/9 weeks I will admit I have not been motivated or anything to keep on track of things exercising and healthy eating I'm normally one to stick with it because I believe it's all to do with a lifestyle change ..... but I moved house, then there was a lot of families birthdays and get together and then my best friend came back from America and wanted to go out for dinner with me and so and so on .....

Now I weighed myself I think last week and I'd put on 4lbs which okay its only 4lbs but a gain is a gain and if I kind of went "Oh it's only 4lbs" I'd probably keep putting on. I haven't dared to look weigh myself again yet :(

I'm mind stuck now on losing the rest of my wobbly bits and fat bits by christmas as a new me kind of thing :)
And I could really do with some help and motivation :)

I need to know good low calorie meals and so on (I'm not a real veggie person but I will eat lettuce, sweetcorn, peas, carrots, parsnips, just NOT tomato's aha)
I'm really stuck on good breakfasts to have!

And if anyone wants to become friends that would be awesome too :)

thanks in advance x


  • I know how you feel my problem is that I quit smoking and started exercising too. I use electronic cigs to keep me off the real smoking and it works great. I try to eat right and exercise but I get lazy too. Its hard but is worth it Keep it up you will be soo happy you did
  • KCMission
    KCMission Posts: 43 Member
    4 lbs could be ANYTHING - did yo u have a high sodium meal? Water Retention? TOM? Don't fret about 4 lbs - I can weigh myself in the morning, and weigh 6 lbs more in the later afternoon depending on my water intake, my salt intake, the time of the month....

    Keep moving, eat clean, and the rest will take care of itself.
  • leeharrr
    leeharrr Posts: 9 Member
    I started excising and getting healthy when I stopped smoking too :) aha it really helped!

    Well I weighed myself in the mornings I don't bother in the afternoons because I know as you said the water in takes and so on can effect everything, I know I was eating A LOT of horrible foods, chocolates, big burgers, a lot of pizza, loads of greasy things and then I have been drinking a lot of alcohol due to parties :(

    I'm going to buy one of those step gadgets to see how many steps I'm taking,
    Fingers crossed the weight will start coming off soon :)
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    I started excising and getting healthy when I stopped smoking too :) aha it really helped!

    Well I weighed myself in the mornings I don't bother in the afternoons because I know as you said the water in takes and so on can effect everything, I know I was eating A LOT of horrible foods, chocolates, big burgers, a lot of pizza, loads of greasy things and then I have been drinking a lot of alcohol due to parties :(

    I'm going to buy one of those step gadgets to see how many steps I'm taking,
    Fingers crossed the weight will start coming off soon :)

    Try a Fitbit - there's a huge Fitbit community around here and there are games and apps you can do that'll help, too! You can get a more basic model for $50, or one of the nicer ones - a clip or a wristband one - for $99. Worth every penny. :)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I think what KCMission meant was that you could be retaining water over a longer period of time due to eating saltier foods - it can easily account for a 4 lb difference. For example, I took a week "off" around my birthday (just last week) and gained a little over 5 lbs in that week. In two days of eating healthier, drinking a lot of water, etc. I've gone back down 3.2 lb. Which means at least 3.2 lbs of that 5 were retained water and ... waste (over more than one night).

    However, I do think it's good to use it as motivation to get back on track with tracking! When you think about it - you didn't track for 2 months and you ONLY gained 4 lbs PLUS you're already back to keep it in check (koodos!). That's much better than a lot of people can say. So I know what you mean... you don't want to tell yourself "it's only four pounds" but it's also good not to stress over four pounds (find the middle ground - which I think is motivation, but of a happy kind... not in a "oh em gee my life is ruined by 4 pounds" kind of way but in a "If this is water weight it'd be cool to lose nearly 4 lbs in a week or so - haven't had that since I first started losing weight! Woohoo!" way).

    Typically, the rule of thumb is to get to your goal weight plus or minus 5 lbs in either direction - people recommend this because weight isn't stagnant because of things like water retention from salt or exercise, TOM, how regularly you defecate, etc.

    On that note (ha, defecate), good luck! Get trackin' ;)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yeah 4 pounds is probably mostly water weight. You don't have to eat 'rabbit food' to lose though... just log everything and eat at a deficit (you can just pick the 'lose 0.5 pound a week' setting). Then eat what you want within those calories.

    Breakfast doesn't have to be breakfast food either. I eat a lot of eggs, oatmeal, frozen waffles with ricotta filling, or just whatever I feel like having that day.
  • it takes great motivation to keep working on becoming successful if i was you find some supportive friends that will help you keep motivated on working out, i work out five times a day, preparing myself for the upcoming basketball season, keep working hard, learn how to dicipline yourself
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    Feel free to add me! We all have our ups and downs and the only thing keeping me motivated is seeing the pounds come off and all the friends I have made off of mfp cheering me on and encouraging me.
  • leeharrr
    leeharrr Posts: 9 Member
    It more than likely is just water weight I've just never known/seen it like just pop up like this lmao.
    I have a step tracker thing it's one you clip on very basic (I don't know if I trust it or not though) But I'm thinking wearing it and just seeing what comes of it :)

    My breakfasts use to be porridge with banana, or yogurt with fruit, or cereal with milk but I find it can all become a little samey as time passes aha I just need to think of some new things to mix it all up with.

    I have all MFP friends on here which help a lot but I just haven't logged on for a while but I do need to get back to tracking what I eat, I haven't really got much further to go till my goal weight it's just a little frustrating weather it be water weight or not that it's now another 4lbs to lose

    But thanks for all you're replies it's helped :)