Food diary-Help with calories petite+breastfeeding and stuck

I had my third kid (gained 25 kg=52 pounds) my weight went from 48 to 73kg
I am now at 50.7kg and am 10 months post partum. My daughter feeds about 7 times in 24 hours
She eats solids but does not have much and doesn't have a big appetite

I seem to be stuck at my current weight of 50.7, it moves from 50.3-51.3. Normally Mondays my weight is 50.3 Tuesdays it goes up to 51 (could this be from my weekend eating where I like to go out and eat?) and then throughout the week it will drop down a little bit

Could someone have a look at my food diary and tell me what I am doing wrong? I have been exercising for the past 2.5 weeks (2 week break) and was exercising for three weeks before that for 5 days a week then I got sick.
My weight seems stuck
I have an underactive thyroid which is controlled well by medication

I add in between 250-400 breastfeeding calories depending on how much she drank that day.
I eat about 1700 and net around 1200
What am I doing wrong?

I would hate to stay around 1200 as I have never been able to lose weight at that amount (even when not breastfeeding) and I feel very hungry not being able to eat more. I want to be able to sustain the weightloss and eat more
I am now 50.something and roughly 111 pounds I want to get to around 104 or atleast to like 107 while I'm still breastfeeding.
I am short and so I do still look flattish at this weight especially around my stomach (front and love handles), thighs, and butt

Technically if I don't add in my bf calories I am netting abt 1500 calories


  • Healthybaby03
    Healthybaby03 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm also breastfeeding. and petite. It sounds like your metabolism is off b/c of your thyroid and postpartum hormones. Make sure you are getting enough selenium/day (say 2-3 brazil nuts/day) and iodine. Also, how much water are you drinking per day? If you drink warm water, it will keep your belly full longer (think tea, soup, etc.) If you drink cold water, it hydrates you and don't burn much calories by body warming it up. In the morning, 30minutes after waking, drink 8-12 oz of hot/warm water w/ lemon. It will help to melt the fat and keep your belly full longer. Also before you eat anything, drink 8oz of water (preferably warm). When finished, set the timer for 2 minutes. Once the timer beeps and if you are still hungry, then eat. If not, move on. After you do this for a few weeks, and the timer beeps and you are still hungry then drink a second 8oz of water (warm is best) and when finished, set the timer for another 2 minutes. If still hungry, then eat up. If not, great job at hydrating and filling your belly! Please feel free to add me as a friend. It's great to have support, especially from BF moms. My screen name is Healthybaby03
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member

    I just found your topic and hope you don't mind if I reply. I am also petite and breastfeeding. I'm 5' 3", 191 lbs. I didn't gain that much at all with my son (who was born in January). I think my first doctor visit I weighed @194 lbs. I actually lost weight for a little while from being so sick but ended up @200 lbs. right before delivery. He was a healthy 7 lbs. 8 oz. I have had a lot of trouble figuring out how many calories I should consume in order to lose weight. I have been training for a 5K for 5 weeks now and haven't lost any weight or inches. My son is almost eight months old but won't eat other foods so I'm nursing all the time. I try to pump once a day, for reserves. If you have any advice for me, I would really appreciate it. Oh, and I'm over 40 so I thought my age had a lot to do with it but not sure. I can't blame my weight gain on my son because I was overweight before but I'm really trying to be healthy now and log everything I eat and all my exercise.
  • myztic
    myztic Posts: 37 Member
    At around 1500-1600 net calories I wasn't losing weight I was maintaining for those two weeks so I had seen a thread here where a few petite short girls like me said they had to go less than 1200 to lose weight so I tried that last week and gained a kilo...(2 pounds) I came in under 1200 for mom-fri but I thought my weekend eating of between 2000 and 2300 would even it out. Apparently not.
    I'm guessing my calories were too low.
    This week I'm gonna try netting about 1700 calories altho I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do
    I saw on scooby that my bmr is 1295
    Then I should add in like maybe 400 calories for breastfeeding so I'm at 1700 net for me and baby. So if I exercise I should just eat those calories back up? Would I lose weight this way?
    I dnt think I've ever truly lost weight eating at 1200

    I don't mind not losing these last few pounds if I could atleast see physical changes in my body. My middle section and thighs are not looking better. I've been doing 30 day shred and am on week 3 of couch to 5k
    I'm assuming I wasn't eating enough on those heavy workout days and that caused me weight gain and possibly starvation mode?
    I was better off with no exercise... And not counting calories. I was maintaining my weight but I do love the feeling after exercise