Which exercises with barbell and dumbbells at home.

I want to get into lifting but most routines that I see online have cable exercises. I want to know which exercises are good to do at home with my barbell and dumbbells.

All advice about lifting is welcome!


  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You are probably going to get several responses saying to try Stronglifts 5x5 so you might start there.

    I don't do SL. I do the following, with dumbbells and an exercise ball:

    Workout A (Monday/Thursday)
    Glute bridges
    Squats (dumbbells on shoulders)
    Romanian deadlifts
    Jackknife on ball (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djViuyPeaik)
    Glute bridge/leg curl on ball (http://www.coreperformance.com/knowledge/movements/glute-bridge-physioball-leg-curl.html)
    Depending on how I feel, I might do a few planks.

    Workout B (Tuesday/Friday)
    Rows (chest supported or bent over one armed depending on how I feel)
    Bench press
    One leg rows
    Overhead press
    Lying tricep extension
    Dumbbell curls
    I'm adding push ups back into Workout B and considering removing the one leg rows and overhead press so I'll also add either pull ups or lat pulldowns (the latter if I'm at a gym where there's a machine.)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    double post
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Do this.

  • Char231023
    Char231023 Posts: 700 Member
    When I work out at home I usually do:

    Squats sumo or regular
    Shoulder Press
    Bent over rows
    Push ups
    Bicep curls
    Donkey Kicks
    Dead Lifts
    Scull Crushers (great for the tricep area)

    It also depends on what body part you want to get toned.
  • natecooper75
    natecooper75 Posts: 72 Member
    All though I like the idea of deadlifting like Pete Rubish, I think very few people on this planet can match his intensity.

    But to your question, do you only have a barbell and dumbbells at home? Do you have a bench or power rack to go with that? Those two pieces of equipment open up more options for your exercise needs. Also, it would be helpful to know what you are trying to gain from lifting.

    Based on the information given, I would suggest goblet squats, dumbbell or barbell rows, dumbbell overhead press, dumbbell or barbell curls. You could also do deadlifts with your barbell. Pushup will also be a good addition.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    I do Stronglifts 5x5 but if you want some dumbbell exercises check this site out: http://dumbbell-exercises.com/
    I used it to get started then moved on to 5x5's
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    Yes the gym is not an option for me. That is why I asked which exercises are the best with the equipment that I got.

    I will start looking into stronglifts.

    I want the whole body to get stronger.
    I also run but I'm afraid I will lose the muscle I got and I need it for polefitness.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    What type of barbell is it?

    I started out with Stronglifts because it's really, really simple and then eventually moved onto 5/3/1 before getting myself a proper coach who does all my programming for me (I may think he's the mutt's nuts).

    No cables required. Not much other than a barbell and plates, really.
  • The way you train is dictated by your goals. If you want fat loss, you opt for circuit and or high rep workouts. If you're more leaning towards muscle hypertrophy; stay within a range of 6-10 reps. If you want to go all strength and power do low reps, 2-5 with some plyometrics in the mix. But regardless of what style you adopt, you'll get stronger as long as you progressively overload the muscles. Such as adding more weight/resistance each week.

    And the best exercises are the tried and true:
    Flat dumbbell press. Or barbell press.
    Incline dumbbell press. Or barbell press.
    Chest dumbbell flies.
    Goblet Squats.
    Straight leg deadlifts.
    Step ups.
    Split squats.
    Plie Squats.
    Dumbell rows.
    Barbell Rows.
    Pull overs.
    Pull ups.
    And most of all, ETC...

    There is no best exercise. There are ones more suited to certain styles of training, as long as you're using proper form And stress your muscles adequately, then you'll get to your goal. And about losing muscle... Carb up, make sure you don't run on an empty stomach. Why? because when we sleep, or Carb deplete our body drains it's glycogen stores. And lots of people think "That means my body will burn fat for energy!" Yes and no. It will use the nutrients from the bod fat cells to use as energy and also turn catabolic and eat your muscles. So make sure you eat enough complex carbohydrates before your cardio. And your muscles will be fine! and you can also to http://bodybuilding.com to see their VAST library of training programs, workouts and exercises.
  • jfeakins
    jfeakins Posts: 30 Member
    For a home workout, I'd get a video like Jillian Michael's 30 day shred or Insanity.

    Also- Kayla Itness Bikini Body Guide is great! All you need are some weights, a mat, and a chair! You can download it from her website- I think it's about $60.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Stick with the main compound moves 3 times a week to start:

    Bentover row
    Shoulder press
    Chest press

    You can google All Pro's routine on bodybuilding.com, use fitnessblender, or youtube full body dumbbell workouts.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Can't go wrong with starting strength or Stronglifts.

    Strong curves is worth a look to (all about the booty).
  • natecooper75
    natecooper75 Posts: 72 Member
    Stick with the main compound moves 3 times a week to start:

    Bentover row
    Shoulder press
    Chest press

    You can google All Pro's routine on bodybuilding.com, use fitnessblender, or youtube full body dumbbell workouts.

    I already posted once, but I would agree with Kyla as long as you have the additional equipment necessary to perform all the compound movements. This is why I asked if you had a power rack or a bench at home. It isn't the best option to squat without a power rack or bench without some sort of bench. In order to do shoulder press as well as squats, you would have to be able to clean the weight from the ground in order to get into proper position. Stick to exercise that you have the correct equipment to perform.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    Stick with the main compound moves 3 times a week to start:

    Bentover row
    Shoulder press
    Chest press

    You can google All Pro's routine on bodybuilding.com, use fitnessblender, or youtube full body dumbbell workouts.

    ^ I like this. As others have suggested, look into Stronglifts. It incorporates those 5 main lifts into a program that you can follow. It's great for beginners and you seem to have all the equipment for it. Good luck :)


    ETA: Make sure you know proper forms and techniques before putting on too much weight. You don't want to injure yourself!
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    For a home workout, I'd get a video like Jillian Michael's 30 day shred or Insanity.

    Also- Kayla Itness Bikini Body Guide is great! All you need are some weights, a mat, and a chair! You can download it from her website- I think it's about $60.

    Barbell/dumbbells > 30 DS
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    I have a bench that has a little power rack attached to it.
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    Thnx everyone for the advice! I will look into it.
  • ehuschka
    ehuschka Posts: 47 Member
    Chalean Extreme is a BeachBody workout that does 3 days of lifts with dumbbells and 2 days of cardio/lifts.
    I'm only in the 3rd week, but I like it so far for home lifting. (We found a torrent online...)