
Has anyone done the Whole30 before? I'm starting today! All through September I'll be eating basically paleo!

Recipes are welcome!



  • mbfowler87
    mbfowler87 Posts: 22 Member
    I am trying this as well. It is very intimidating! But counting calories hasn't been working for me.
  • Sirrunsalot75
    Sirrunsalot75 Posts: 370 Member
    This is day 30 of the whole 30 for me. It wasn't that bad if you are used to cooking a lot, but I do feel better, sleep better, and have more energy. I need to read a little more to see what I do next as far as reintroducing all of those things I have been missing like pizza and beer, but I am pretty happy with the results. There are a lot of recipes out there that make it pretty easy to stick to. Just be prepared for all of the prep work and dishes that it involves. Also, plan ahead, cook extra at meals to eat for lunches, and get creative with eggs.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I did it a while back, and like Sir Runs-a-Lot said, definitely plan ahead and cook ahead and cook extra.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I did it 2 years ago and my life has been forever changed. We don't eat 100% strict paleo in our household, but very close! We eat a ton more veggies now than we ever have, cook way more of our own food and have improved health markers (both the Huz & I). It will totally change your relationship with food. It won't be easy, but nothing that is worth doing ever is. The first 2 weeks are the hardest, but the way you'll feel in weeks 3 & 4 are totally worth it! Have fun!

    I started a fb group a couple years ago that has been pretty active off & on for Whole30ers (past, present & future). Feel free to join for support, recipes, story-telling...etc.

  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I did it a while back, and like Sir Runs-a-Lot said, definitely plan ahead and cook ahead and cook extra.

    Yes, this. I started doing weekly "cook-ups" on Sundays and it's been the best thing ever. We (almost) always have good, healthy tasty food available with little to no work required before eating.
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    I'm starting the official Whole 30 after a short trip I'm taking mid month in September (I read that you can't cheat AT ALL or you have to start back at the beginning?). So for the first two weeks hubby and I are just trying out the recipes and getting used to the diet with a few small cheats (milk in my tea- I'm not giving that up before I have to!). This weekend we spent a bunch of time making up sauces and spreads and such since I think its going to keep the food from getting too boring. So now, armed with whole 30 compliant pesto, marinara sauce, hot sauce (that we are using on everything already), mayo, 'sweet and sour' sauce, and a sauce made from plums thats stangely like bbq sauce a-la HP sauce, I feel actually excited to get going!

    We splurged and bought one of those vegetable spirilizers and LOVE it. Hubby thinks zucchini noodles might even be better than pasta (which is a pretty big win since he's such a carb lover). I highly suggest one - here's a link: http://www.amazon.com/Gogogu-Vegetable-Spiral-Slicer-Spiralizer/dp/B00K8LHA3G/ref=sr_1_5?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1409690752&sr=1-5&keywords=vegetable+spiralizer

    Only thing I'm not clear on is what crosses the line between just great tasty receipes, and 'creating junk food from legal food' like the program warns against. Like, I'm not trying to make fake muffins and pizza but not sure if veggie noodles is too pasta like?

    All the best on the program!
  • sarahtsabo
    sarahtsabo Posts: 28 Member
    I actually started today! I have the week's meals pretty well planned, and will be going to the store to stock up this afternoon. I'm not doing it specifically to lose any weight, but to determine if some of the foods I'm eating are causing me GI distress. :) Good luck to you!!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Only thing I'm not clear on is what crosses the line between just great tasty receipes, and 'creating junk food from legal food' like the program warns against. Like, I'm not trying to make fake muffins and pizza but not sure if veggie noodles is too pasta like?
    The goal is breaking those psychological connections we have to sub-optimal food, so the answer is "it depends". If you're making the veggie noodles to satisfy a pasta craving, then no it's probably not allowed under official Whole30. But if you're making the noodles as a way to create layers of meat and tomatoes because it makes a good meal and you can bake it and it's easy to make portioned leftovers to take to work, and it freezes well, etc etc etc, then ya I think it'd be A-OK.
  • erikarobles
    erikarobles Posts: 205 Member
    Hi I am Erika and I started Whole30 yesterday!!! I have been doing a low carb diet and have seen great results. I just feel like I needed a boost. I prepped the whole 3 day weekend and just decided to eat lots more veggies and fruit. I made lots of hard boiled eggs that are always on hand. I also made salsa, almond butter, tahini dressing, and mayo. I also bought my meat and cooked it so I always have some on hand. If you like cauliflower steam it and then steam it again, then roast some garlic and smash it with the cauliflower and it is so awesome.....I just put some coconut oil and salt on it and YUMMY!!!! Feel free to add me and look at my diary.....Good luck!!!! You will do GREAT!!!!
  • sabaraba
    Thinking about doing it too! Just afraid I'll gain the weight back after reintroducing wheat and stuff back again to my nutrition..experiences anyone? :)

    ( and well, no, I don't want to eat my whole life like that..I love my pasta and my bread :)..just want a challenge :). )
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    Thanks! I was hoping that was the answer. I'm not a pasta nut but there's just only so many ways you can combine veggies and meat and have it feel like you're eating something new. Plus I love LOVE my noodle spirilizer!
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    I started the vegetarian version of whole 30 (I'm a veg already) and was just trying it to see if it helped clear my hormonal acne and dropped 5 pounds in my first week (eating more calories than I usually do.) I am loving Whole30.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Thinking about doing it too! Just afraid I'll gain the weight back after reintroducing wheat and stuff back again to my nutrition..experiences anyone? :)

    ( and well, no, I don't want to eat my whole life like that..I love my pasta and my bread :)..just want a challenge :). )

    You may find that you enjoy your meals more without those things. You'll be surprised what you'll learn in those 30 days :)
  • TDelandelles
    TDelandelles Posts: 1 Member
    I started the Whole30 on September 1, so this is day 6 for me. I'm already sleeping better, my skin looks better and I can fit into pants that I couldn't do up before! I know that I am not meant to weigh myself, but I did this morning and I've lost almost 1kg in the 5 days. I eat when I'm hungry and eat until I'm satisfied. I'm still logging calories on MFP, and have noticed that my calorie intake is around the same as when I was calorie counting (maybe only 100 calories a day more). I've the 30 day paleo challenge before, so I didn't have bad detox symptoms. Tonight I'm trying Chocolate Chilli -- http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2009/02/22/my-favorite-chili-recipe/
  • Triplestep
    Triplestep Posts: 239 Member
    I'm going to give this a shot. I had been trying for a while to really re-focus on my weight and health at this point (my daughter just left for college; we are now empty-nesters) and I think for me, this is the way to get started. Baby steps have not worked. Counting calories has not worked (although eventually, I'd like to think it will - I just need to stop eating for the wrong reasons and get my cravings under control first.)

    I have typically done very poorly with highly restricted eating, but what I like about this is that a.) it's only 30 days, and b.) there is no middle ground or wiggle room. It's "Eat this" and "Don't eat that." I think I can do that for 30 days!

    The other thing I like about it is that the authors - besides giving away the whole plan for free on their website - are very matter of fact. This is not the first plan I've seen that seeks to address one's relationship with food, but it does it in a way that resonates with me. I have always had misgivings about the substitute treats and "mock" versions of foods that are triggers for me. (Not that the misgivings have stopped me from eating them!) These authors confront those things head on right in the plan.

    Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I'm going to give this a shot. I had been trying for a while to really re-focus on my weight and health at this point (my daughter just left for college; we are now empty-nesters) and I think for me, this is the way to get started. Baby steps have not worked. Counting calories has not worked (although eventually, I'd like to think it will - I just need to stop eating for the wrong reasons and get my cravings under control first.)

    I have typically done very poorly with highly restricted eating, but what I like about this is that a.) it's only 30 days, and b.) there is no middle ground or wiggle room. It's "Eat this" and "Don't eat that." I think I can do that for 30 days!

    The other thing I like about it is that the authors - besides giving away the whole plan for free on their website - are very matter of fact. This is not the first plan I've seen that seeks to address one's relationship with food, but it does it in a way that resonates with me. I have always had misgivings about the substitute treats and "mock" versions of foods that are triggers for me. (Not that the misgivings have stopped me from eating them!) These authors confront those things head on right in the plan.

    Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you!

    Good luck on your whole30! Be sure to come back here and share your success :)
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I'm starting a Whole30 on the 28th! Woooooo!
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I did the Whole30 to see if Paleo was for me. I really liked the recipes and still use some of them, but did not enjoy the lifestyle. Good way to see if it works for you or not. I found it to restrictive for me, I enjoy going out for a burger and brew with my friends once in a while and holiday meals with family. So I quit it. If it helps you reach that calorie deficit, that's good. I encourage people to try it for the experience. I also found it pretty expensive and I really did not have the time to prepare things in advance. I cook, but what I cook is very quick.

    The recipe for salmon cakes in the book is my favorite!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I did the Whole30 to see if Paleo was for me. I really liked the recipes and still use some of them, but did not enjoy the lifestyle. Good way to see if it works for you or not. I found it to restrictive for me, I enjoy going out for a burger and brew with my friends once in a while and holiday meals with family. So I quit it. If it helps you reach that calorie deficit, that's good. I encourage people to try it for the experience. I also found it pretty expensive and I really did not have the time to prepare things in advance. I cook, but what I cook is very quick.

    The recipe for salmon cakes in the book is my favorite!

    The Whole30 is a much stricter version of paleo and even the program developers don't recommend staying that strict forever. Glad you found recipes that you enjoy!